Sinopec Publishes Sustainability Insights Reports, Bringing Focus to Packaging Materials and Degradable plastics




BEIJING, Oct. 12, 2022 /PRNewswire-=KYODO JBN/--


China Petroleum & Chemical Corporation (HKG: 0386, "Sinopec") has published

three sustainability insights reports highlighting the current status of the

usage of packaging materials and degradable plastics in the country, in

relation to China's sustainable development goals.


The three reports – the "2021-2030 Research Report on the Carbon Emission

Reduction Potential in the Green Packaging of China's Express Delivery

Industry", "2021 Study on the Environmental Impact and Recycling of Plastic

Takeout Packaging in the Catering Industry", and "Research Report on

Environmental Impact Assessment and Policy Support of Degradable Plastics",

were conducted in collaboration with various leading research institutes in

China, including among others, Tongji University (the reports on green

packaging in the express delivery industry and plastic takeout packaging in the

catering industry) and the School of Environment, Tsinghua University (the

report on degradable plastics).  


The first two reports summarize the current status of packaging in the express

delivery industry and takeout packaging in the catering industry in China and

put forward practical suggestions for carbon reduction:


- Packaging in the express delivery industry: using recycled plastic packaging

will not only help to control the amount of plastic waste, but also reduce the

relevant carbon emissions.

- Takeout packaging in the catering industry: chemical recycling of plastics

can effectively reduce resource waste while cutting down the carbon emissions.

If all takeout plastics were chemically recycled from 2015 to 2020, the

cumulative carbon emissions produced during the disposal would have been only

58.56 percent of the original number, reducing the emissions by more than 40



Plastic products are the main materials used in takeout and express delivery

packaging, and while it is not feasible to replace plastics completely, the

research on degradable plastics lays out a clearer path for energy saving and

emission reduction.


The degradable plastics report suggests that based on China's actual processing

time for industrial composting and anaerobic fermentation procedures, the

assessment indicators on degradable materials should be adjusted to 30 days for

the degradation time of industrial composting, and 40 days for the limited

degradation time of anaerobic fermentation. It also advises that the

replacement of degradable plastics should be promoted initially in the places

where the recycling of plastic mulch is difficult or not available.


For more information, please visit Sinopec<>.






