AV-Comparatives takes a deep dive into LSASS Security – not all is well




INNSBRUCK, Austria, October 24, 2022, /PRNewswire=KYODO JBN/--


Windows' Local Security Authority Subsystem Service (LSASS) is one of

cybercriminals' targets when launching targeted attacks on an organisation's

network. In this blogpost, we discuss the significance of this process to

targeted attacks.


From the perspective of an attacker, the LSASS process on a Windows machine is

often key to getting useful credentials from domain users, and using them to

move laterally within the targeted network. There are several different

methods, including custom-designed malware, that can be used by attackers and

red teams to extract credentials from

the LSASS [https://redcanary.com/threat-detection-report/techniques/lsass-memory

/] process.


Protection against LSASS credential dumping Depending on the installed security

product and applicable policy, it could be easier or harder for an attacker to

get hold of Windows user credentials by dumping

[https://s3cur3th1ssh1t.github.io/Reflective-Dump-Tools/] the address memory of



Some security products include specific hardening measures to protect the LSASS

process and prevent credential dumping. However, it may not always be possible

to use these more restrictive policies in some organisations' environments, as

they might cause problems with some legacy apps or apps that are not well

programmed. Hence, it is advisable for IT administrators to test a product's

hardening settings, to see if they have any unwanted side-effects.


Furthermore, blue teams should still assume that determined attackers will find

a way to dump the LSASS process, even if the installed security products use

specific code to harden the LSASS process against attacks. That is to say, they

may still be able to extract user credentials from the LSASS process. In

addition to the specific LSASS-hardening measures, security products may

prevent credential dumping by means of e.g. the antivirus module; this may

detect the malware used, or other files created by the malware, or use

behavioural detection to block the malicious actions. In some cases, the

security product may not block the attack, but will at least produce an alert,

thus warning the system administrator that the malicious actions should be



Some business security products have their LSASS hardening measures activated

by default. Examples are Avast Ultimate Business Security, Bitdefender

GravityZone Business Security Enterprise, and Kaspersky Endpoint Detection and

Response Expert. Microsoft also provides two features specifically used to

protect the LSASS process, namely PPL


-and-management/configuring-additional-lsa-protection] (Protected Process


and ASR [https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoft-365/security/defender-endpoi


-stealing-from-the-windows-local-security-authority-subsystem] (attack surface

reduction) rules. PPL is enabled by default on Windows 11, but currently not on

Windows 10; it is included in the Professional, Enterprise and Education

variants of Windows 10/11. The ASR rules can be used in organisations' networks

in conjunction with Microsoft Defender,

and currently [https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/microsoft/microsoft-defende

r-will-soon-block-windows-password-theft/] need to be proactively configured on

either OS.


Test of credential-dumping protection in security products


Given the importance of preventing LSASS credential dumping, in May 2022

AV-Comparatives tried out some business security products to determine how well

their hardening measures protected against attacks on LSASS.


Below we list some examples of products (made by Avast, Bitdefender, Kaspersky

and Microsoft) that showed effective protection against the 15 attacks used in

our test, with their respective LSASS hardening measures enabled.


The table above includes results for the following products (with LSASS

protection settings enabled): Avast Ultimate Business Security, Bitdefender

GravityZone Business Security Enterprise, Kaspersky Endpoint Detection and

Response Expert and Microsoft Defender for Endpoint.


Microsoft asked us to publish the results of an additional test of Microsoft

Defender for Endpoint that we ran without their LSASS protection features (PPL

and ASR) enabled. This was done to determine if the attacks listed above would

be detected by other Microsoft security features. For each test case,

AV-Comparatives checked to see if the attack was correctly attributed to the

MITRE ATT&CK tactics and techniques with regard to LSASS in the case of

detections or active alerts by the security product. In cases where the attack

was prevented by the security product, the lab checked to see which information

about the threat was provided in the admin console. The methodology and other

details of this test can be found in this PDF


.pdf]. For additional information, please read also this blog entry

from Microsoft




E-mail: media@av-comparatives.org

Phone: +43 720115542

Contact: Peter Stelzhammer


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Logo - https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1867361/AVC_Logo.jpg


Source: AV-Comparatives




