ASUS Readies Itself for Industry 4.0 with Build Out of the Most Competitive Smart Factory




TAIPEI,Nov. 14,2022/PRNewswire=KYODO JBN/--


The six steps to becoming a truly smart production facility






This article is based on an interview undertaken by FusionMedium's  technology

online media, TechOrange, and published with permission:


With the arrival of Industry 4.0, factories need to be smart to keep up with

the times. Business owners require a significant amount of technical data to

effectively estimate changes in production capacity as well as monitor the

status of mechanized and automated operations.


ASUS has started a long and rigorous transformation process in the face of

increasingly fierce competition on a global scale. From the outset, ASUS

upgraded its own smart manufacturing and recast the brand. It then followed

with the launch of the intelligent cloud services platform Taiwan Web Service

Corporation (TWS), transitioning the firm into a fully cloud-native public

cloud services provider. Later, ASUS made the security around the cloud

information more robust and continued to focus on AI, 5G, and blockchain to

benefit from the synergies of technology and business.


ASUS invested in several new technologies and processes with an eye to

developing advanced manufacturing capabilities, and participated in the AI on

Chip Industrial Cooperation Strategic Alliance promoted by the Smart

Electronics Industry Product Promotion Office (SIPO) of the Industrial

Development Bureau, in a move to further its commitment to the development of

AI on Chip core areas and increasing the visibility and competitiveness of

Taiwan's related industries in the international arena.


6 processes + 2 phases designed to make the factory really smart


Winson Lu, director of AI Solution BU of AIoT BG at ASUS, noted that in the

first instance, the factory must become fully computerized and connected so as

to be in a position to collect all the information in connection with the

operation of all equipment.


The six important processes took place in two development phases. In the first

phase - Smart Factory 1.0, ASUS established a complete infrastructure,

collecting equipment information and building a new database, providing a

foundation for the data analysis in the next phase - Smart Factory 2.0.


ASUS incorporated the equipment control and the site management layers into the

central monitoring and management platform, unifying factory big data and

creating visualization models. Real-time data and information analysis, such as

production, quality, and labor indicators, as well as production expenditure

costs, can be monitored by the factory information center, allowing senior

managers to make operational and managerial decisions in real-time.


In addition to the central monitoring and management platform, AR glasses,

automated unmanned handling systems, and AI defect detection systems also

served as important tools to significantly enhance production efficiency.


New technologies alongside the central system drive up efficiency across the

whole of the factory


Winson Lu said that AR glasses can be quite useful in three scenarios: remote

collaboration, information data display, and material identification/shipment

confirmation. Once a worker puts on the AR glasses, not only is a plethora of

information about the factory displayed in front of the worker's line of vision

but he or she can collaborate remotely by transmitting information about the

situation on-site to remote personnel immediately.


As the pandemic ravaged the world, AR glasses could be described as the savior

of many large factories. During the extensive lockdown period, equipment

experts could not fly to Taiwan nor could they enter the factory to maintain



The AR glasses presented a solution. Even if the equipment expert is on the

other side of the globe, as long as the factory personnel donned the AR glasses

and turned on the camera function, they can let the remote expert see for

himself the status of any piece of equipment through the AR view feature and

then assist the field personnel to repair and maintain the equipment, so that

the factory could quickly return to normal operation.


In the solution developed by ASUS, as soon as the manufacturing execution

system assigns the work order, the smart storage system will start to prepare

the materials and notify the automated unmanned handling system to collect

them, achieving a fully automated process. This reduces manpower demand and

human error on site, improves the efficiency of material handling, and shortens

the time needed to switch processing jobs.


ASUS also developed an AI defect detection system. During the production

process, defective components can be detected to effectively reduce time lost

and scrap rates.


In the era of Industry 4.0, the smart factory equipped with a central

monitoring platform and various new technological devices has become a key part

of manufacturing. Yet even more advances are in the offing with digital twins,

machine learning, and a wide range of AI solutions, all of which will optimize

the existing solution and make the factory ever smarter.


Media Contact

Shine Chiu







