Innovative Binjiang: How a cozy riverside district nurtures China's Silicon Valley

The Information Office of the People's Government of Hangzhou Binjiang District



HANGZHOU, China, Nov. 14, 2022 /Xinhua=KYODO JBN/--


The 2022 Silicon Valley elite salon and Silicon Valley talent week kicked off

in the Binjiang District, also the Hangzhou National High-tech Industrial

Development Zone in east China's Zhejiang Province on November 13, highlighting

the region's pursuit of a magnet for global talents.


In Zhejiang, Hangzhou, the provincial capital and home to digital economy giant

Alibaba, is known as the No.1 city in digital economy across the country. Among

Hangzhou's 13 county-level regions, Binjiang District is at the forefront in

the field.


Binjiang literally means "riverside", as it is located along the Qiantang

River, Zhejiang's largest river known for its awe-inspiring tidal bore, hence

the beautiful and leisurely name. However, its name only reveals one side of

Binjiang District.


The district is the integrated administrative area between the former Binjiang

and Hangzhou National High-tech Industrial Development Zone. In the riverside

area on the south bank of the lower reaches of Qiantang River, one can not only

enjoy the magnificent "largest tidal bore on earth", but also experience the

cutting-edge digital technology innovation trends.


In Binjiang District, in addition to convenient digital life services, digital

economy has moved from online to offline, especially in the traditional

manufacturing sector. Nowadays, Binjiang has built a landmark industrial

ecology featuring intelligent Internet of Things, smart manufacturing and

digital health services. It's now a highland of digital economy development and

smart manufacturing industry in the province, according to the Information

Office of the People's Government of Hangzhou Binjiang District.


Zhejiang Geely Holding Group, headquartered in Binjiang, is a veteran in

manufacturing. The private firm, which started making cars more than 20 years

ago, has made strides on the road of intelligent manufacturing in recent years.

It has risen to be the only carmaker in the world with satellite communication

and positioning, high-precision maps and navigation, automobile chips and

full-stack self-research of software and hardware.


Auto upstart Leapmotor, established in Binjiang in 2015, has independently

developed China's first car-scale AI intelligent driving chip with fully

independent intellectual property rights in just seven years. It debuted on the

Hong Kong stock market in September this year.


The acceleration of Geely and Leapmotor on the intelligent manufacturing track

is inseparable from many high-quality R&D talents in its headquarters. Binjiang

District has another name that sounds more modern: "Silicon Valley in Paradise".


Like Silicon Valley, the district attracts a large number of talents from all

over the country, even the world, to pursue their dreams here.


Fan Yuan, founder of DAS-Security, a cybersecurity star enterprise, is one of

them. After years in the U.S. Silicon Valley, Fan chose to return to China and

settled in Binjiang. He started from scratch with a team of 10 people and only

two small rooms. Now, the start-up has a 21-storey building in the company's



In just 15 years, DAS-Security has emerged from a nobody to a leading player

among the top 500 global cybersecurity companies. It went public on the

country's Science and Technology Innovation Board, also known as China's



At a critical juncture in the early stage of Fan's entrepreneurship, the

company was short of funds and denied bank loans due to lack of collateral. The

capital on the books then was only enough for about one month's business



Fortunately, Binjiang's talent office came to their aid by helping them ink the

start-up's first venture capital project, thus tiding him over.


Standing on the top floor of DAS-Security's high-rise building, one can

overlook the entire "Internet of Things Town" of Binjiang, where more than

1,400 high-tech enterprises gather in the town's core zone of 1.4 square km.

Among them, 16 are listed companies.


Like Fan Yuan, many talents in these firms are beneficiaries of a

talent-fostering program to support high-level professionals' innovation and

entrepreneurship in Binjiang. Initiated in 2010, the program was the first of

its kind in Zhejiang. By attracting talent inflows, the program seeks to

introduce high-level technologies, and turn them into projects that would later

grow into industries. In this way, Binjiang has gradually risen to be a booming

tech incubator like Silicon Valley.


For people like Fan Yuan who are working in Binjiang, it is not only a place

where they can make a mark in career development, but also a livable paradise.

The industrial development in Binjiang is fast-paced, but life is as

comfortable, healthy and natural as its district name suggests.


On the banks of the Qiantang River, several runways of different colors stretch

for more than ten kilometers. Looking down from the sky, the colorful runways

are laid out in order from west to east, like a dancing pentagram embedded in

the riverbank. In addition, large and small parks are scattered all over the

riverfront area, enabling locals easy access to the nature.


In addition to running tracks and parks, Binjiang deserves the "paradise"

reputation for sports fans. It is the location of the main venues of the 19th

Asian Games to be held in Hangzhou next year, including the Hangzhou Olympic

Sports Center Stadium, Tennis Center Finals Hall and Binjiang District Stadium.


The three Asian Games venues, famous for their unique designs, are open for

public use due to the postponement of the Games. Many sports and fitness venues

offer a wide range of choices for people who want to get fit after work.


Home to a high-tech incubator and a livable environment, Binjiang is a unique

place both suitable for rapid industrial development and a leisurely lifestyle

as well.


Source: The Information Office of the People's Government of Hangzhou Binjiang



Image Attachments Links:




   Caption: (U) Binjiang-based Hangzhou Olympic Sports Center Stadium and the Tennis Center

Finals Hall and (D) A bird's-eye view of Hangzhou National High-tech Industrial

Development Zone (Binjiang District)






