CGTN: Peng Liyuan: Music connects people of China and Thailand, deepens friendship




BEIJING, Nov. 21, 2022 /PRNewswire=KYODO JBN/ --


Chinese and Thai people, though speaking different languages, can communicate

with each other through music, as music knows no borders, said Peng Liyuan,

wife of Chinese President Xi Jinping.


Peng made the remarks during a visit to Princess Galyani Vadhana Institute of

Music in Thailand on Saturday morning, accompanied by Naraporn Chan-o-cha, wife

of Thai Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha.


Upon her arrival, Peng was warmly welcomed by Naraporn, Thailand's Minister of

Higher Education, Science, Research and Innovation Anek Laothamatas, Chairman

of Princess Galyani Vadhana Institute of Music Board of Council Piyasakol

Sakolsatayadorn, and President of the institute Choowit Yurayong, among others.


Thanks to the efforts of Peng and Naraporn, the music institute signed an

academic memorandum of understanding with China's Nanjing University of the

Arts in March 2019. Since then, the two schools have been deepening cooperation

through personnel exchanges, joint research and training in the field of music.


Peng and Naraporn visited the showroom of the institute, listened carefully to

its development history and international cooperation, and showed appreciation

for the establishment and development of the institute's cooperation with

Nanjing University of the Arts.


They took photos together and watched a music performance jointly given by

Chinese and Thai students from the two schools online and offline.


Peng applauded the lovely show by the students, who performed the classic songs

of the two countries.


She said through the performance, she felt the deep friendship between the two

countries, which is "as close as one family."


Peng spoke highly of Princess Galyani's initiative of establishing this arts

institute to cultivate high-level professional music talents in Thailand, and

lauded Naraporn's efforts to promote the cooperation between the institute and

Chinese colleges and universities.


Upon departure, Peng presented Chinese Guzheng (plucked zithers) and books and

audio-visual products about Chinese culture and music as gifts to Princess

Galyani Vadhana Institute of Music. She also expressed hope that more

youngsters in Thailand would learn about Chinese musical instruments and

promote the cultural exchanges between the two countries.







