Jiangsu Traditional Chinese Medicine International Exchange Conference kicked off in Nanjing

The Organizing Committee of Jiangsu Traditional Chinese Medicine International



NANJING, China, Nov. 23, 2022 /Xinhua=KYODO JBN/--


On November 21st, the "Jiangsu Traditional Chinese Medicine International

Exchange Conference" jointly sponsored by the Foreign Affairs Office of Jiangsu

Provincial People's Government and Jiangsu Health Commission kicked off in

Nanjing. The theme of the conference is "Let the World Know Jiangsu Traditional

Chinese Medicine", according to the organizing committee.


Hu Gang, Vice-Chairman of the Jiangsu Provincial Committee of the CPPCC and

President of Nanjing University of Chinese Medicine (NJUCM), said in his speech

that Chinese medicine is the treasure of ancient Chinese science and the key to

the treasure house of Chinese civilization. Jiangsu TCM International Exchange

Conference is a powerful measure to link domestic and international markets and

resources, and expand the international influence of Jiangsu Traditional

Chinese Medicine, which provides new thinking and direction for Chinese

medicine to serve the global health cause.


Dr. Mary Faria, President & CEO of AOMA Graduate School of Integrative

Medicine, said in a video speech that AOMA Graduate School of Integrative

Medicine has established a good cooperative partnership with the Foreign

Affairs Office of Jiangsu Provincial People's Government, Jiangsu Province

Hospital of Chinese Medicine and NJUCM. Through joint efforts to build Jiangsu

Overseas Qihuang Talent Training Project, international talents of traditional

Chinese medicine have been trained, sincere humanities exchanges have been

promoted, the spread of traditional Chinese medicine around the world has been

promoted, and deep friendship has been established. It is hoped that all sides

will work together to build a platform for international exchanges and

cooperation of traditional Chinese medicine and promote deeper exchanges and

cooperation between China and the United States in the field of health care.


During the opening ceremony, the icon of Jiangsu TCM, the little Shennong, was

launched. The world premiere ceremony of the first Chinese and English version

of Chinese medicine comic book Little Shennong's Herbal Adventure in China was

held; the collection of overseas book donation activities of Little Shennong's

Herbal Adventure was broadcast; the awarding ceremony of the Feeling the Pulse

of TCM with Z Generation English short video contest for exploring Chinese

medicine was held; NJUCM and Mae Fah Luang University, Sunsuria Group of

Malaysia and Instituto Piaget held the signing ceremony of TCM "going global"



NJUCM, the national "Double First-class" discipline construction university, as

the core strength in Jiangsu Provincial Chinese Medicine development, has been

in the forefront of facilitating the internationalization of Chinese medicine.


Over the last sixty plus years, NJUCM with its affiliated hospitals has trained

more than 30,000 international students. NJUCM world-renowned alumni include

"The Father of European Chinese Medicine" Giovanni Maciocia, "The Father of

Australian Chinese Medicine Legalization" Lin Tzi-Chiang, etc.


NJUCM has established two Confucius Institutes for Traditional Chinese Medicine

and eight overseas Chinese Medicine Centers. It has been designated as WHO

Collaborating Center for Traditional Chinese Medicine for ten terms

consecutively. The university has been selected as the first batch of National

Base of Chinese Medicine Service Trade, and has established "Belt and Road"

Chinese Medicine International Collaboration Base. It has the Chinese medicine

clinics that have been the first to get the ISO 9001 certification. NJUCM has

contributed greatly in facilitating Chinese medicine into the mainstream

medical education system in Europe, and has dedicated to bringing health and

well-being to people all over the world by using the advantages of traditional

Chinese medicine.


Source: The Organizing Committee of Jiangsu Traditional Chinese Medicine

International Exchange Conference




