AIRCUVE held Network Security Seminar on "Power of 2FA & WiFi authentication" in the Philippines in November




SEOUL, South Korea, Nov. 30, 2022 /PRNewswire=KYODO JBN/ --


AirCUVE, a global leading network security company with 20 years of experience,

unveiled a Smart two-factor Authentication Solution, V-FRONT v7, which is an

advanced Smart, and Easy Login solution. The long-lasting COVID-19 changed the

work environment to Work-From-Home and corporations need different network

security platform for protection. Government, enterprises and schools use a lot

of video conferencing and indirect meetings every day. So, most governments in

the US and EU announce Executive Orders to protect their networks with 2FA. The

2FA & Wifi security Authentication is no longer supplementary but has become a

mandatory platform for protection in a pandemic environment.


AirCUVE held Security Solution Day at Makati Diamond Hotel in the Philippines

in November. The theme covered "Securing company while working remotely - Power

of 2FA & WiFi".  Many key clients, from Banks, Government - Public, hospitals,

Telcos, BPO, enterprises, and schools, joined the seminar and AIRCUVE delivered

informative security industry trends and advanced AIRCUVE 2FA & Wifi

authentication benefits as well.


AirCUVE introduced upgraded "V-FRONT v7" providing a compact management UI and

smart login tokens, biometric fingerprint, Yubikey, QR, PUSH, SMS/email/mobile

OTP. It will guide to Passwordless authentication aiming at zero trust

security, which gives users a "Smart Login" and gives administrators "Easy

Manage" as well. "V-FRONT" will satisfy customer needs of "Secured

Work-From-Home with Smart & Easy 2FA login".


"AirCUVE is delighted to introduce Smart & Easy 2FA solution to dynamic

services, bank transactions, VPN, VDI, and customer web portals," said

Executive Vice President GS AHN of AirCUVE.  He also added, "AirCUVE is

expanding the business in Pan America, Japan, Southeast Asia, Middle East, and

Europe as well."


Furthermore, industries are rapidly shifting toward a wireless network that is

not so secure enough. AirCUVE, also, provides a consolidated WiFi access

authentication platform, "AirFRONT", which is a Smart & Easy security

management for WiFi security.  AirCUVE specializes in Network Authentication

with over 1,200 references across the world over 20 years. Nowadays in the

pandemic environment, strong demand for Smart and Easy 2FA and WiFi

authentication has increase, and AirCUVE is leading this authentication

industry worldwide.


For information, please visit to their website.

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Source: Aircuve


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   Caption: AIRCUVE held Network Security Seminar on "Power of 2FA & WiFi authentication"

in the Philippines, in November.






