Global alliance of heart patient organizations unveils Global Cholesterol Action Plan to prioritize unhealthy cholesterol as main public health issue

Global Heart Hub  



Global alliance of heart patient organizations unveils new Global Cholesterol Action Plan to prioritize unhealthy cholesterol as a main public health issue


GALWAY, Ireland, Nov. 30, 2022 /PRNewswire=KYODO JBN/--


The Global Heart Hub has today launched its Global Cholesterol Action

Plan[] to reduce the impact of

unhealthy cholesterol levels . Presented at their annual UNITE Summit , the

Action Plan follows and builds upon the World Heart Federation's Cholesterol

Roadmap released in October.


Atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease (ASCVD) accounts for 85% of all

cardiovascular-related deaths  and is the leading cause of mortality worldwide,

responsible for more than 15 million deaths each year. A  main risk factor of

ASCVD is low-density lipoprotein (LDL-C) – also known as 'bad cholesterol'.


While 80% of premature cardiovascular events related to ASCVD are preventable,

many people with elevated LDL-C levels go undiagnosed until they experience a

major cardiovascular event such as a heart attack or a stroke. Smoking,

physical activity and diet are contributory factors to developing

cardiovascular disease, however almost 40% of the adult population is at risk

of elevated LDL-C levels due to an inherited genetic condition.


Until now, local action on ASCVD has been limited despite the publication of

international prevention guidelines.  The Global Heart Hub aims to implement

change in the way unhealthy cholesterol levels are prevented and managed at

local levels to reduce ASCVD .


The new Action Plan outlines four clear goals to ensure unhealthy cholesterol

levels are addressed as a public health priority: build alliances, raise public

awareness, activate alliances, and improve high cholesterol detection and



Dr. Shaun Goodman, Associate Head of Cardiology at St. Michael's Hospital in

Toronto, Canada said: "Improving public understanding of the serious risks of

unhealthy cholesterol levels related to the development of ASCVD is critical.

What's also needed to change the trajectory of this growing problem is a

multi-stakeholder approach that includes governments and policy makers in order

to implement strategies to improve high cholesterol detection and to support

the work being done by healthcare professionals."


Neil Johnson, Executive Director of the Global Heart Hub said: " While we've

advanced with science and treatment, ASCVD remains the world's number one

killer, with cholesterol as the main culprit. The unveiling of our Global

Cholesterol Action Plan is the patient communities' collective call for

governments to optimize policies that target unhealthy cholesterol management

and prevention to help reduce the tremendous burden of atherosclerotic

cardiovascular disease on individuals, society, and the healthcare system ."


Global patient community support


Representing the voice of the global patient community, the Action Plan was

created with the support of Invisible Nation, a program co-created by Global

Heart Hub and Novartis to expose the realities of ASCVD. The Action Plan has

been endorsed by patient organizations from across the Americas, Europe and

Australia including WomenHeart and The Mended Hearts, United States; Heart

Valve Voice Canada, Heartlife Canada, and Canadian Heart Patient Alliance;

Instituto Lado a Lado pela Vida, Brazil; Pacientes de Corazón, Mexico; FH

Europe; Croí, Ireland; Associazione Italiana Scompensati Cardiaci, Italy; and

Hearts4Heart, Australia.


source: Global Heart Hub  




