"Astana Club" Held In Paris During President Of Kazakhstan Visit To France

Astana Club



NUR-SULTAN, Kazakhstan, Dec. 1, 2022 /PRNewswire=KYODO JBN/ --


On November 29, President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Kassym-Jomart Tokayev

paid a historic visit to France and held a meeting with his French counterpart

Emmanuel Macron. The Presidents discussed the prospects for the further

development of strategic partnership and cooperation between two countries.


On the same day, the meeting of the Astana Club, organized in support of the

President's visit, was held in Paris. The meeting was dedicated to the topic

"Greater Eurasia: building dialogue in the age of uncertainty".


The Astana Club platform once again brought together prominent international

figures, including the world-famous economist Nouriel Roubini, former Head of

Bank of Israel and Chairman of the Group of Thirty Jacob Frenkel, Chairman of

the Financial Stability Board (FSB) Klaas Knoth, Nobel Peace Prize Laureate on

climate change Raekwon Chung and many others.


During the key session, Prof. Roubini noted the importance of Central Asia to

continue the policy of balancing between Great powers. "It is necessary to

diversify your allies. There is no point in relying solely on Russia, China, EU

or the US."


Considering the current geopolitics, ex-deputy assistant to the US President

for national security Lisa Curtis noted: "Until this year few questioned

Russia's influence in Central Asia. However, the tectonic shifts certainly rise

questions about if Central Asian states will allow themselves to remain reliant

on Russia alone."


Ms. Curtis believes that a window of opportunity is opening for the world to

build stronger relations with the region.  


Peter Frankopan, a well-known historian from Oxford University noted that the

process of de-globalization will require a new adaptation.


Frankopan emphasized: "Central Asian states are in a tricky neighborhood. The

need to maneuver between Moscow and Beijing is forcing the countries to use

special approaches when implementing foreign policies".


The session was moderated by Yerzhan Saltybaev, Director of Institute of World

Economics and Politics from Kazakhstan, who stated that "We are witnessing the

emergence Eurasia as a single economic space, and Central Asia and Kazakhstan

has a great potential to become an assemblage point of the continent".


The experts emphasized that the key factor for stability in Eurasia is the

speedy resolution of the conflict in Ukraine. All participants of the

conference specially noted the high importance and timeliness of the visit of

the President of Kazakhstan to France at this political moment.


Photo - https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1960004/Astana_Club_Paris.jpg

Logo - https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1960017/Astana_Club_Logo.jpg


SOURCE: Astana Club




