Petrochemical companies gather to share AI upgrade experience as the petrochemical industry moves towards internationalization

Profet AI



TAIPEI, Dec. 19, 2022 /PRNewswire=KYODO JBN/ --


As a petrochemical hub, Kaohsiung has played the role of the backbone of other

industries over the years. Amid multiple global uncertainties facing the

petrochemical industry in recent times, including net-zero emissions and global

economic slowdown, digital transformation has become an issue that brooks no

delay. At Crossover Talks IV: upgrAIde, the Kaohsiung session of the Crossover

Talks forum series organized by Profet AI several days ago, many heavyweight

experts in the petrochemical field from the industry and academia, including

Asia Giant Engineering Co., Ltd., Eternal Materials Co., Ltd., Funeng Co.,Ltd.

(a subsidiary of Formosa Plastics Corp.), and National Cheng Kung University,

revealed that when petrochemical companies adopt AI, strong management support,

interdisciplinary and cross-organizational integration, as well as efficient AI

tools and partners will be the key to successful transformation in the

petrochemical industry.


Profet AI, which has gained a firm foothold in the development of the AI

application market for the manufacturing industry, launched the Crossover Talks

forum series this year, with the aim of creating a cross-industry,

cross-generation, and interdisciplinary digital transformation communication

platform. Jerry Huang, CEO of Profet AI, stated that Kaohsiung is home to a

petrochemical industry with global competitiveness and many clusters of

conventional industries. At the Kaohsiung session of Crossover Talks, Kun-Ta

Chuan, Professor of the Department of Computer Science and Information

Engineering at National Cheng Kung University, JY LIN, Head of the Department

of Global Production of Specialty Chemicals, William Chu, Assistant Vice

President of Funeng Co.,Ltd., and Paul Hsu, CEO of Asia Giant Engineering Co.,

Ltd., which was also the co-organizer of this event, were invited to share

their practical cases and experience in hopes of helping petrochemical

companies accelerate their transformation process and enhance their global



Digital transformation becomes the key to coping with challenges amid the

international situation and labor shortage


William Chu pointed out that the current international ESG trend is also a

trade barrier from the perspective of trade. For enterprises going global,

green energy has long been a strict requirement that they need to meet. The

petrochemical industry must carry out energy transition as soon as possible so

that they are not excluded from the international market after reaching the

goal of carbon neutrality by 2050. On the other hand, JY LIN said that his

company adopted smart manufacturing in 2018 and began using AI for big data

analysis in 2020 to create predictive models. As a result, they significantly

reduced the number of calibration and began improving and optimizing

manufacturing processes. Moreover, amid the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and

travel challenges over the past few years, AI settings for production data such

as temperature and pressure that can be transmitted online in real time also

serve as a critical factor in the continuous production of overseas products.


Paul Hsu shared that in addition to challenges in the international

environment, labor shortage in the industry is also a problem that companies

urgently need to overcome. When faced with difficulties in recruiting talents

and retirement among senior employees, Asia Giant Engineering Co., Ltd. began

to think about how to turn experience into data through AI adoption and pass

experience and skills down to other employees using AI. As explained by Paul

Hsu, all companies aim to achieve maximum results in the shortest possible

time. Only by identifying the right tools and the right partners can

traditional industries speed up AI adoption and successfully embark on the road

to transformation.


Three elements on the road to transformation for companies: Management support,

interdisciplinary and cross-organizational dialogue, and efficient AI tools


Professor Chuang shared his observations on digital transformation among

various companies. He emphasized that to engage in digital transformation

successfully, a company first requires support from an insightful management

team, followed by effective dialogue and collaboration between departments,

fields, and even companies. As AI projects at different companies may involve

different departments and fields, different teams are required to carry out

dialogue on topic exploration and processes to build mutual trust, thereby

identifying the most suitable approach for an enterprise.


JY LIN added that in addition to management approval of AI investments,

choosing the right tools is also the key to AI adoption among companies. While

collaborating with Profet AI, Eternal Materials and Asia Giant Engineering

managed to address issues arising from AI settings in just a few weeks, and the

model established using Profet AI's AI tool was more accurate those that

created with their own algorithms. This tool has not only considerably reduced

the time and resources used to train internal AI personnel, but also helped

them create an AI environment quickly and enabled them to provide data to their

management teams for reference efficiently.


William Chu offered some suggestions about energy transition for enterprises.

He explained that as ESG covers a wide range of issues, the petrochemical

industry, which has long been one of the largest electricity consumers, can

start with energy management when considering ESG compliance. Funeng mainly

provides companies with energy management services in hopes of assisting the

petrochemical industry in successfully transitioning to green energy. William

Chu added that companies should first examine their own data to learn about

their current status and starting point before adopting AI technology to think

about how to optimize their internal production processes.


About Profet AI


Profet AI is an industrial AI software company, provides an end-to-end no-code

AutoML platform that empowers industry domain/IT experts to rapidly build

high-quality prediction models and deploy industrial AI applications to solve

their everyday production and digitization challenges.


Profet AI is widely adopted by world's leading customers across industries,

including the world's leading EMS, Semi-OSAT, PCB, IC design House, display

panel and materials solution providers. We leverage industry leading companies'

successful cases to benefit our customers to implement AI within one week.


Source: Profet AI


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   Caption: (From left to right) Jonathan Yu, Sales Director of Profet AI; William Chu,

Assistant Vice President of Funeng Co., Ltd. (Formosa Plastics Corp.); Kun-Ta

Chuang, Professor at National Cheng Kung University; Jerry Huang, CEO of Profet

AI; JY LIN, Head of the Global Specialty Chemicals Production Department of

Eternal Materials Co., Ltd.; and Paul Hsu, CEO of Asia Giant Engineering Co.,

Ltd., participated in Crossover Talks IV: upgrAIde held in Kaohsiung.




