Heze Peony International Communication Forum to Be Held on April 9, Sharing the Story of Peony with the World

The News Office of the People's Government of Heze



HEZE, China, March 31, 2023 /Xinhua=KYODO JBN/--


The Heze Peony International Communication Forum will be held at Huimengtai of

Heze on April 9, hosted by the Publicity Department of the CPC Shandong

Provincial Committee and the China Foreign Language Publishing Administration.


Peony is beautiful, dignified and graceful as the most typical business card of

the 'Chinese Capital of Peony' -- Heze, a famous tourism brand of Hospitable

Shandong and a cultural symbol rich in Chinese characteristics to be promoted

worldwide. Themed 'Creating a Chinese Cultural Identity and Sharing the Story

of Heze Peony with the World', the forum aims to promote the international

communication of Heze peony and build a peony culture platform for

strengthening mutual exchange, multi-industry integration and the city's



According to The News Office of the People's Government of Heze, the forum is

mainly composed of '1+6+N', where '1' refers to a themed forum. Important

guests will be invited to exchange new thoughts, ideas and judgments from

different angles and dimensions on the world's pattern and make the voice of

China heard. '6' refers to the six segments of the forum, namely the exhibition

of achievements, the opening ceremony, keynote speeches, round-table seminars,

the signing ceremony of 'Cultural Communication and Innovation Cooperation Base

- Peony Culture International Communication Center', the launching of the

initiative of peony garden construction overseas. 'N' refers to a series of

activities such as observation trips before the forum, themed seminars, media

reports, foreign internet celebrity and influencer trips, 'Peony Tea Party' for

international friends. Various activities will be closely combined with the

peony and special industries of Heze. The guests and reporters will be invited

to have an immersive experience of the peony garden, survey the peony industry

and visit the special exhibition halls.


The international forum will promote the shaping of an international peony

brand and the international communication of peony culture. The CPC Committee

and government of Heze have attached high importance to the event, going all

out to promote the preparations for the event. Heze will warmly welcome guests

and visitors from around the world and invite them appreciate the charm of the

'Chinese Capital of Peony'.


Source: The News Office of the People's Government of Heze


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   Link: http://asianetnews.net/view-attachment?attach-id=439444


   Caption: Heze Peony International Communication Forum






