OMRON Healthcare India Enters Home Heart Monitoring & Management Segment
in Collaboration with Tricog to Enable Remote Patient Management
KYOTO, Japan, Apr. 18, 2023 /Kyodo JBN/ --
OMRON Healthcare India, a sales base of the leading player in home healthcare monitoring segment OMRON HEALTHCARE Co. Ltd. in India, has announced its foray into the remote home heart monitoring & management segment via collaboration with Tricog Health Pte. Ltd. (hereinafter "Tricog"). Tricog is a leading heart health AI company focused on early diagnosis and management of heart disease in the Indian market.
The endeavor aims to further improve the country’s cardiovascular disease management ecosystem with the launch of TriCare, a remote patient management platform combining the synergies of OMRON’s connected monitoring devices and Tricog’s AI-based health data analytical capabilities.
Photo: Katsuyuki Yamamoto, Manager, New Business & Marketing, OMRON Healthcare India, with Dr. Charit Bhograj, Founder and CEO, Tricog
Value proposition
The collaboration aims to deliver technology that enables monitoring of heart conditions at home, and AI that enables timely interventions to focus on urgent & unmet needs that lead to excess mortality and morbidity. This includes scenarios of delayed detection of symptoms and diseases (for secondary healthcare level segment patients) that might cause cardiovascular events like heart failure amongst hypertensive patients.
Unmet cardiovascular needs
India has the second-highest deaths from cardiovascular disease (CVD) globally (*1) (*2). An estimated one in four adults in India has high blood pressure (hypertension) (*3), with only 22.5% of them with blood pressure under control (*4), increasing their risk of heart attacks or myocardial infarction (MI), strokes or cerebrovascular accidents (CVA), atrial fibrillation (AF), and heart failure (HF).
45% of people in India's 40-69 age group are at risk for cardiovascular disease, contributing to 27% of all deaths.
The burden of heart failure in India is rapidly increasing, with an estimated prevalence of 1.3 to 4.6 million patients (*5). 1.8 million patients are hospitalized every year, with a 1-year mortality of nearly 40%. With less than 1% of these patients receiving optimal medical management, the need to manage these patients remotely has immense potential (*6).
Regular measurement of symptoms, vital parameters and an ECG at home can prevent cardiovascular events, however it is challenging owing to varied factors like shortage of ECG measurement devices at hospitals & clinics, irregular availability of cardiologists to interpret the clinical data, and the need for more accurate & easy-to-use home monitoring devices. Recording ECG at home is almost non-existent in the country; hypertensive patients are caught unaware when the situation worsens or an event happens.
Creating new paradigms in healthcare delivery
- The TriCare Team educates patients and caregivers on heart failure management and the use of the mobile application (OMRON Connect) connected to OMRON BP Monitors, weight and ECG devices.
- At home, the TriCare Team assists patients virtually in recording their symptoms and vital sign measurement in addition to an ECG daily.
- Using Tricog's proprietary AI technology, the team monitors and analyzes the data, enabling remote diagnosis of life-threatening conditions and initiating actions to prevent complications before they occur while coordinating care with the hospital.
"Further to collaborating with varied AI-based healthcare applications in the blood pressure & personal healthcare monitoring domain, this is another significant step taken by OMRON to expand its presence in the home heart monitoring & management segment. With right partners like Tricog on board, we are optimistic of making a huge difference to the Indian cardiovascular healthcare space as we believe that measuring ECG at home and keeping the cardiologists informed real-time can surely reduce the incidence of cerebrovascular disease events compared to traditional hospital-based ECG measurement. It will also generate immense medical/economic-based social value for the nation in the long run via reduction in per capita lifetime healthcare costs by reducing the incidence of events," says Katsuyuki Yamamoto, Manager, New Business & Marketing, OMRON Healthcare India.
"50% of the 19 million deaths due to cardiovascular disease are preventable with early diagnosis and optimal management. With the launch of TriCare, our remote patient management platform, in collaboration with OMRON, for the very first time, we can put a virtual cardiologist in the home of every heart patient. OMRON brings decades of excellence in building world-class medical-grade devices that millions around the world trust. With our world-class AI that powers patient monitoring, the TriCare platform has the potential to impact millions of lives not just in India but around the world," says Dr. Charit Bhograj, Founder and CEO, Tricog.
(*1) Roth G, Mensah G, Johnson C, et al. Global Burden of Cardiovascular Diseases and Risk Factors, 1990-2019. J Am Coll Cardiol. 2020 Dec, 76 (25) 2982-3021.
(*2) World health statistics 2016: monitoring health for the SDGs, sustainable development goals. World Health Organization; 2016 Jun 8.
(*3) Geldsetzer P, Manne-Goehler J, Theilmann M, et al. Diabetes and hypertension in India: a nationally representative study of 1.3 million adults. JAMA Intern Med. 2018;178(3):363-372
(*4) Koya SF, Pilakkadavath Z, Chandran P, Wilson T, Kuriakose S, Akbar SK, Ali A. Hypertension control rate in India: Systematic review and meta-analysis of population-level non-interventional studies, 2001-2022. The Lancet Regional Health-Southeast Asia. 2023 Feb 1;9:100113.
(*5) Huffman, M. D., & Prabhakaran, D. (2010). Heart failure: epidemiology and prevention in India. The National medical journal of India, 23(5), 283.
(*6) Dokainish, H., Teo, K., Zhu, J., Roy, A., AlHabib, K. F., ElSayed, A.,…& Mondo, C. (2017). Global mortality variations in patients with heart failure: results from the International Congestive Heart Failure (INTER-CHF) prospective cohort study. The Lancet Global Health, 5(7), e665-e672.
About OMRON HEALTHCARE and its India business:
- Global:
- India business:
About Tricog:
Tricog's official website:

- 名称 オムロンヘルスケア株式会社
- 所在地 京都府
- 業種 精密機器
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