OMRON Healthcare to Launch Manufacturing Factory in India
KYOTO, Japan, June 2, 2023 /Kyodo JBN/ --
OMRON Healthcare Co., Ltd.
- Aiming to Realize Its "Going for ZERO" Vision, Zero Heart Attacks and Strokes, OMRON Healthcare Seeks to Accelerate Penetration of Blood Pressure Monitoring in India -
OMRON Healthcare Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as the Company) of Kyoto, Japan, has announced a plan to establish a manufacturing factory at ORIGINS by Mahindra, Chennai (*1), in the Indian state of Tamil Nadu. The factory will begin manufacturing blood pressure monitors in March 2025. Prior to this, the Company signed a memorandum on the establishment of the factory in the presence of Mr. M.K. Stalin, Chief Minister of the Tamil Nadu State Government.
In India, an average GDP annual growth rate is expected to be around 6% until 2030 and the population is expected to reach 1.66 billion in 2050 (*2). Owing to the accelerating economic growth and acute population growth, India has now seen a rise in the number of lifestyle disease patients. Among these types of diseases, hypertension is one of the most common causes of cerebro-cardiovascular diseases such as stroke and heart failure. Regular blood pressure monitoring at home is considered to be essential in hypertensive management. However, the penetration rate of blood pressure monitors in India remains low at around 2% (*3).
The establishment of the manufacturing factory and the steady distribution structure are the Company's efforts to deliver blood pressure monitors to as many people as possible in India. The Company believes these initiatives along with a series of disease education campaigns will provide health-related solutions to the people in India. The Company strives to strengthen the reach and availability of home blood pressure monitors across the country and has committed to fulfilling the vision of "Going for ZERO" (achieving zero cerebro-cardiovascular events).
(*1) An industrial cluster and a joint venture between Mahindra World City in Chennai and Sumitomo Corporation of Japan
(*2) UN report
(*3) In-house research
"Due to the rapid economic and population growth in India, the number of patients suffering from lifestyle diseases such as hypertension is expected to increase," said Ayumu Okada, President and CEO of OMRON Healthcare Co., Ltd. "The establishment of the manufacturing factory will help us to strengthen the supply chain of blood pressure monitors while exploring the solutions for the disease management and early disease detection before it worsens. For realizing the vision of 'Going for ZERO,' the Company is committed to contributing to the health-related issues of the country."
Mr. M.K. Stalin, Chief Minister of Government of Tamil Nadu (4th left); Ayumu Okada, President and CEO of OMRON Healthcare Co., Ltd. (5th left):
Profile of the factory
Date of establishment: July 14, 2022
Operation start date: March 2025 (TBD)
Area size: approx. 24,000 m2
Items to be manufactured: Blood pressure monitors
Rendering of the factory:

- 名称 オムロンヘルスケア株式会社
- 所在地 京都府
- 業種 精密機器
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