Xinhua Silk Road: Inland county in central China sees burgeoning economic, trade cooperation with Africa

Xinhua Silk Road



BEIJING, July 4, 2023 /PRNewswire-AsiaNet/ --


Changsha County, an inland locality in central China's Hunan Province also

called Xingsha, saw local economic and trade cooperation with Africa burgeoning

during the Third China-Africa Economic and Trade Expo (CAETE).


On July 1 when the county hosted the First Xingsha·Africa Economic and Trade

Exchange Meeting during the expo, contracts for 14 related programs involving

investment of 1.5 billion U.S. dollars were signed, marking new China-Africa

cooperation in sectors such as manufacturing, energy, urban infrastructure,

agricultural industrialization and the tertiary industry.


As a county whose foreign trade approached 130 billion yuan and trade with

Africa partners exceeded 7.0 billion yuan in 2022, Xingsha has been unlocking

the potential of opening up-driven development in recent years.


To expand the share of local engineering machinery, electronic information,

agriculture and other industries in China-Africa economic and trade

cooperation, Changsha County has made unremitting efforts to encourage grouped

going global of advantageous industries.


Engineering machinery giant Sany Group is a vivid example of how local

manufacturers explored the African market. Since 2002 when its first batch of

land levelers were exported to Morocco, the company has been operating on the

continent for 20 years and reaped nearly 17 billion yuan of sales revenue in

Africa, ranking the first among all its Chinese peers.


Thanks to the 40-plus years of friendship with African nations, Changsha County

inked during the meeting a memorandum of understanding for sister regions with

Rwamagana in the Eastern Province of Rwanda to further the China-Africa

friendship. The two sides pledged to communicate and cooperate in economic and

trade, sci-tech, culture, sports, agriculture, and tourism sectors.


Meanwhile, Changsha County chamber of commerce for boosting China-Africa

economic and trade was inaugurated on July 1 to serve as a bridge to connect

the county with its African counterparts to spur related investment and opening



Fu Xuming, secretary with CPC Changsha County committee, said the county is

striving to provide the most convenient business environment, heart-warming

services and excellent working conditions for enterprises and friends from

Africa to invest, live and work comfortably in Changsha County.


By joining hands with Africa, it will also contribute more to China-Africa

cooperation under the Belt and Road Initiative and in building a community of

shared future, Fu noted.


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SOURCE: Xinhua Silk Road


Image Attachments Links:




   Caption: Changsha County, an inland locality in central China's Hunan Province also

called Xingsha, sees local economic and trade cooperation with Africa

burgeoning during the Third China-Africa Economic and Trade Expo (CAETE).




   Caption: Changsha County, an inland locality in central China's Hunan Province also

called Xingsha, sees local economic and trade cooperation with Africa

burgeoning during the Third China-Africa Economic and Trade Expo (CAETE).







