"Precious Flavors of Liaoning" Overseas Promotion Campaign Held to Great Success in South Korea

News & Information Center of Xinhua News Agency



SHENYANG, China, Sept. 15, 2023 /Xinhua-AsiaNet/--


Between September 11 and 13, the "Precious Flavors of Liaoning" overseas

promotion campaign, which was jointly held by the Information Office of the

People's Government of Liaoning Province and the News & Information Center of

Xinhua News Agency, concluded in great success in South Korea. Shao Yuying,

Deputy Director of the Publicity Department of the CPC Liaoning Provincial

Committee, Director of the Information Office of the People's Government of

Liaoning Province, Party Group Secretary and President of the Liaoning

Federation of Literary and Art Circles, KIM YOUNGWOO, former Minister of the

Embassy of the Republic of Korea in China, Sun Wei, President of the China

Chamber of Commerce in Korea, Wang Xiude, President of the Korea Chinese

Chamber of Commerce & Industry  and other prominent Chinese and South Korean

guests attended the event.


In 2021, the Northeast Asia folk gastronomic culture exchange week campaign,

hosted under the "Precious Flavors of Liaoning" brand, was hosted in the five

cities of Shenyang, Dandong, Panjin, Zhuanghe and Dalian of Liaoning Province.

In 2022, the "Precious Flavors of Liaoning" program landed in Japan and whipped

up a flurry of excitement for Liaoning culinary culture in Tokyo. This year,

the "Precious Flavors of Liaoning" campaign took place in South Korea, where

gastronomy was featured as focal point in various thematic activities such as

"Taste Foods and Make Friends in Dong Seoul University", "Liaoning Culinary

Skills Exchange" and "Dialogue between Liaoning Barbecue and Korean Barbecue".

Guests from different parts of Chinese and South Korean societies engaged in

discussions and interchanges about food, tourism and culture with the event

serving as a bridge of friendship for both sides, while also further elevating

the overseas cultural image and international influence of Liaoning Province.


In the Unique Liaoning Ingredients Exhibition Zone, various high-quality

products and specialties from around the province was showcased, including more

than 40 celebrated items like Yuyuan pickled vegetable, Nongfeng rice, Hongqiao

cordyceps militaris, Liaoyang Lingxiushan black chokeberry beverage, etc. The

event facilitated the exposure of Liaoning foods and drinks abroad and

functioned as a platform conducive to the development of the Liaoning F&B



Source: News & Information Center of Xinhua News Agency


Image Attachments Links:


   Link: https://iop.asianetnews.net/view-attachment?attach-id=442227


   Caption: Precious Flavors of Liaoning





