Unveiling the Spectacular 2023 Ethnic Fashion "Village Show" in Wuzhishan City, Hainan

Publicity Department of Wuzhishan Municipal Party Committee



HAIKOU, China, Sept. 18, 2023 /Xinhua-AsiaNet/--


On 16th September, a grand ethnic fashion show was unveiled in Wuzhishan City,

a prominent settlement of the Li and Miao ethnic groups in Hainan. This event

seamlessly blended tradition and modernity, showcasing the vibrant fusion of

ethnicity and fashion. People from far and wide, along with local villagers,

came together to celebrate the ethnic culture and intangible heritage.


In addition to professional models, a special "Village Show" performance team

consisting of 20 villagers also graced the event. Their presence on stage aimed

to highlight the lively ethnic culture of the local community and the pristine

allure of the tropical rainforest in Wuzhishan City. Donning traditional Li

costumes, as well as outfits inspired by the rainforest's flora, and even

cycling attire, they brilliantly showcased the region's abundant heritage in a

truly captivating way, according to the Publicity Department of Wuzhishan

Municipal Party Committee.


Furthermore, the event showcased a market dedicated to intangible cultural

heritage. Additionally, a special theme activity highlighting authentic local

cuisine was also part of the festivities.


The Wuzhishan Ethnic Fashion "Village Show" series of cultural activities

kicked off on 16th September and is plan to end on 31st October. This event

serves a threefold purpose: to present an enchanting fashion show that

beautifully embodies the distinctive ethnic traits for the audience, to promote

the revival of rural areas, and to stimulate economic development in the



Source: Publicity Department of Wuzhishan Municipal Party Committee


Image Attachments Links:


   Link: https://iop.asianetnews.net/view-attachment?attach-id=442271


   Caption: The Spectacular 2023 Ethnic Fashion "Village Show" in Wuzhishan City, Hainan





