Jingxi's Longbang Port Expansion Project Approved for Operation Commencement

The Publicity Department of Jingxi



JINGXI, China, Sept. 18, 2023 /Xinhua-AsiaNet/--


On September 6, the expansion project of Longbang Port, which is located in

Jingxi of Baise city, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, was given approval by a

check and acceptance task force comprising members from authorities including

the General Administration of Customs of the People's Republic of China. The

Longbang Port will be open to not only personnel, cargoes and vehicles of China

and Vietnam, but expand to cover those of other third-party countries, thereby

substantially raising the land port's functionality and capacity.  


The expansion project of the Longbang Port primarily included renovation and

expansion of passenger inspection, upgrade and renovation of the Naxi freight

transportation channel, etc. The passenger inspection channel received a brand

new, five-story, national grade II passenger inspection building, while the

Naxi freight transportation channel renovation involved a total of 230,000

square meters in construction area, including commercial zone for citizens near

the border, general trade zone, bonded zone, cross-border e-commerce zone,

etc., according to the Publicity Department of Jingxi.


The Longbang Port is one of Guangxi's three major border ports, one of the most

convenient land routes connecting the Indo-China Peninsula to the central and

western parts of China, and an international logistics hub of the new western

land-sea corridor. In recent years, import and export cargoes coming in and out

of Longbang Port have steadily increased each year. In the first half of 2023,

the Port facilitated the movement of nearly 6,000 vehicle/times, recorded

around 14.14 billion yuan in foreign trade, notched 1.13 billion yuan in mutual

imports of merchandise, and realized 740 million yuan in on-site processing of

imported product.


Source: The Publicity Department of Jingxi


Image Attachments Links:


   Link: https://iop.asianetnews.net/view-attachment?attach-id=442254


   Caption: Vietnam's passion fruit arrived at Longbang Port Border Trade Zone







