The 6th WLA Forum Ends with Strong Call for Global Scientific Cooperation

World Laureates Forum (WLA Forum)



SHANGHAI, Nov. 9, 2023 /Xinhua-AsiaNet/--


The 6th World Laureates Forum, themed "Science Leads Transformation", came to a

close with a powerful call to the scientists around the world to unite and take

the lead in science reformation for a more resilient future.


The three-day event saw the convergence of over 300 intellectuals from 25

countries and regions, including esteemed recipients of the Nobel Prize, the

Turing Award, the Wolf Prize, and many other prestigious scientific accolades.


Held against the backdrop of a world marked by increasingly complex global

challenges, encompassing international relations, and environmental

disruptions, the forum bridged among the scientists in different research

fields and aimed to address the profound impacts on science and innovation

through open dialogues and the exchange of ideas, spurring inspirations and

proposing realistic solutions.


At the flagship WLA Life Science Forum, the WLA Intelligent Science Forum, and

the WLA Zero Carbon Forum, the world laureates and scholars discussed about the

transformation in the fields for applicable solutions to address pressing

global issues.


The WLA Young Scientists HUB marked another new platform set up especially for

the over 100 young scientists to share their novel findings where the most

exciting discussions were carried out.


Some really touching and inspiring moments happened during the

attention-drawing WLA SHE Forum, which were encouraging for more females to

bravely pursuing the scientific ambitions.


60 world laureates made free speeches at the WLA Mobius Forum, analyzing and

demonstrating outlooks for transforming science education for a better future.

Like the mobius strip, science education should reach out to everyone

throughout the whole life, according to Edvard Moser, 2014 Nobel Laureate in

Physiology or Medicine and Founding Director of the Kavli Institute for Systems

Neuroscience, Co-Director of the Centre for Neural Computation at Norwegian

University of Science and Technology.


Notably, the total media exposure of the 6th WLA Forum spikes to over 1

billion, with worldwide online-views reaching about four million and over 10

thousand participants turned up.


Erwin NEHER, 1991 Nobel Laureate in Physiology or Medicine and Director and

Scientific Member at the Max Planck Institute for Multidisciplinary Sciences

said: "I'm convinced that we can offer solutions to many of the problems that

we are facing today."


Peidong Yang, 2015 MacArthur Fellow and S.K. and Angela Chan Distinguished

Chair in Energy and Professor of Chemistry at UC Berkeley emphasized the

importance of scientific cooperation to address the global issues.


The 6th WLA Forum is hosted by World Laureates Association and Chinese

Association of Science and Technology, co-hosted by Parkland Foundation.


The 7th WLA Forum will take place in 2024 and the nomination for the 2024 WLA

Prize will kick off soon.


Source: World Laureates Forum (WLA Forum)


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   Caption: The 6th World Laureates Forum





