2023 Qianhai Global Investment Promotion and Talent Conference Held in China

Authority of Qianhai Shenzhen-Hong Kong Modern Service Industry Cooperation



SHENZHEN, China, Nov. 10, 2023 /Xinhua-AsiaNet/--


On November 9, the 2023 Qianhai Global Investment Promotion and Talent

Conference was held, capturing the interest of global enterprises and

investors. The event attracted many Fortune Global 500 companies, Hong Kong

enterprises, and leading industrial chain enterprises to locate in Qianhai,

with a total investment amount of more than 130 billion yuan, injecting more

impetus into the high-quality development of the city's economy.


At the conference, the Qianhai Global Investment Promotion Plan 2024 and the

new Six Agglomerations were released, according to Authority of Qianhai

Shenzhen-Hong Kong Modern Service Industry Cooperation Zone. A new "6+6"

spatial pattern of industrial agglomerations has been built upon the original

Six Agglomerations to accelerate the agglomerated development of advantageous



Mr. Wang Shourui, Vice Mayor of the Shenzhen Municipal People's Government,

stated in his address that the Conference strives to provide enterprises and

talented people with a first-rate business environment, high-quality industrial

space, and a broad development stage at a new starting point, joining hands to

build a key power source for high-quality development.


Mr. Algernon Yau Ying-wah, Secretary for Commerce and Economic Development of

the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, highlighted in a video message

that the Qianhai Plan's release has provided Hong Kong enterprises with

additional room for growth.


Qianhai has increased efforts in investment promotion, which have yielded

remarkable results. Qianhai launched the Qianhai Global Service Providers

program at last year's conference. The program aims to attract and nurture the

world's top 50 and China's top 20 global service providers in eight categories

(finance, trade and logistics, information, science and technology, cultural

creativity, business, shipping, and public services). It has already gathered

146 service providers, including UBS, BP, and Tesa.


The Siemens Digital Technology Project is one of the projects launched in

Qianhai this year. Mr. Shang Huijie, Senior Vice President of Siemens Limited

China pointed out that the most valuable attribute of Qianhai is the

development opportunities it brings to enterprises in terms of institutional

innovation, innovative reform, and high-standard opening up.


Mr. Yang Fan, Co-founder and President of AI Infrastructure of SenseTime, said

that SenseTime has developed and gone global with the support and companionship

of Qianhai.


Analysts agree that the attractive preferential policies have enhanced

Qianhai's appeal. During the conference, Qianhai introduced the Several

Measures of the Qianhai Administration Bureau of Shenzhen Qianhai Shenzhen-Hong

Kong Modern Service Industry Cooperation Zone on Promoting the Agglomerated

Development of Global Service Providers in Qianhai, providing robust support in

ten areas for enterprises to establish their presence in the area.


Following this year's Conference, it is expected that Qianhai will provide

stronger impetus for investment promotion to propel the high-quality

development of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area in the future.


Source: Authority of Qianhai Shenzhen-Hong Kong Modern Service Industry

Cooperation Zone





