Global Liubao Tea Tasting Competition Held in Wuzhou

Wuzhou Tea Industry Development Service Center



WUZHOU, China, Nov. 21, 2023 /Xinhua-AsiaNet/--


In recent days, the Global Liubao Tea Tasting Competition took place in Wuzhou,

South China's Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region. A total of 541 samples

participated in the contest, and a large number of tea companies and tea

enthusiasts from China competed, while international participants from

countries like Malaysia, Vietnam and Singapore also fielded their precious

Liubao tea. The samples were divided into 14 groups, and after judging and

rating by a team of domestic and international tea experts and Liubao tea

collectors, a corps of 55 seven-star "kings of tea" were chosen.


According to the Wuzhou Tea Industry Development Service Center, Liubao tea

originates from Liubao Town in Wuzhou of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region. The

annual average temperature and rainfall in Liubao Town are respectively 21.2

degrees Celsius and 1,500 mm. Precipitous cliffs enshrouded in clouds are

scattered around the area, many of them ranging between 1,000m and 1,500m in

elevation, while ample sunshine and water combine into environment and climate

conditions ideal for the growth of tea shrubs. During the reign of the Jiaqing

Emperor of the Qing Dynasty, Liubao tea was acclaimed for its "areca nut scent"

characterized by "redness, richness, purity and aged aroma", it emerged as one

of China's top teas and its consumption swept across the land. Towards the end

of the Qing Dynasty, droves of Chinese labors traveled across the South China

sea to find work abroad, and the thirst-quenching, stomach-nourishing and other

healthy properties of Liubao tea, as well as its long shelf life, made it a

favorite among overseas Chinese, hence its eventual rise in popularity among

tea-drinkers in countries such as Malaysia and Singapore.


Research results from a health and nutritional study conducted by a team led by

the Academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering and Professor at Hunan

Agricultural University Liu Zhonghua explain the functionality and scientific

mechanisms behind numerous benefits associated with Liubao tea including fat

and weight reduction, blood sugar reduction, uric acid suppression, liver

health, intestines and stomach coordination, anti-aging and anti-inflammatory

functions, protection against radiation, immunity improvement, etc.


Guo Junbang, President of the Liubao Tea Association of Malaysia, was one of

the judges on the Modern Processing Technique Panel of the final of this year's

tea competition. Guo Junbang remarked: "This Tea Competition plays a huge role

conducive to the advancement of the Liubao tea industry, and I hope that the

Competition will continue to be hosted. Liubao tea culture has integrated into

the daily life of Malaysians, and Liubao tea is often our drink of choice when

we eat or enjoy afternoon tea. After attending this Competition, I genuinely

hope to share with everyone the Liubao tea cultural similarities and

differences, and the tea's various consumption experiences, in other parts of

the world, and I also hope that Chinese tea enterprises can produce more good

teas so that more people can learn about and fall in love with Liubao tea."


Liao Zifang, President of Hong Kong Teaism Alliance and a judge on the Modern

Processing Technique Panel of the final of this year's tea competition, opined

that tea competition is a crucial part of tea science, as tea competitions can

push enterprises to ceaselessly improve production technique and raise product

quality, adding the wish that Wuzhou can maximize the unique advantages of

Liubao tea such as its special aroma and unique health benefits, continue to

develop markets and strengthen the Liubao cultural brand.


Canadian Ms. Liu, after learning about the Global Liubao Tea Tasting

Competition, decided to take her whole family here to expand everyone's

horizon. She said: "Our family has been living and studying in China for a year

now, but we've never been to a tea competition before. The atmosphere was

incredible, and we've been able to learn about the diversity in tea culture."


Source: Wuzhou Tea Industry Development Service Center


Image Attachments Links:




   Caption: Global Liubao Tea Tasting Competition was held in Wuzhou.




