Sub-forum Themed "Guangzhou Nansha Joins Hands with the World" Successfully Held

Nansha District People's Government of Guangzhou City



GUANGZHOU, China, Dec. 6, 2023 /Xinhua=KYODO JBN/--


On December 4, the sub-forum themed "Guangzhou Nansha Joins Hands with the

World" was successfully held during the 5th World Media Summit. This grand

event was attended by domestic leaders in relevant fields, international media

representatives, renowned experts, scholars, and entrepreneurs, all of whom

have paid close attention to Nansha's development, according to Nansha District

People's Government. Focusing on the theme of the summit, guests from both at

home and abroad delivered speeches on topics, such as Characteristics,

Conservation, and Utilization of China's Marine Ecology, Green Environment and

Climate Change, Science & Technology and Industrial Innovation, Green and

Beautiful Nansha and the Construction of an Ecological Bay Area, and

International Commercial Arbitration.


Wei Min, Member of the Standing Committee of the CPC Nansha District Committee

and Executive Deputy Head of Nansha District, said in his speech that Nansha

has benefited from multiple national support strategies as the only state-level

new area in Guangdong Province, the largest area in China (Guangdong) Pilot

Free Trade Zone, and the demonstration zone of all-round cooperation among

Guangdong, Hong Kong, and Macao.


As stressed by Xie Peng, Vice Editor-in-Chief of the Outlook Weekly of Xinhua

News Agency, the media community should play an active role in promoting

international friendship and boosting global development. Nansha should take

advantage of the summit to showcase its stance and determination to join hands

with the world. Embarking on a new journey, Nansha, at the heart of the

Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area (GBA), is answering with confidence

to worldwide media's questions of the times. With a vibrant momentum, Nansha is

attracting more attention from global media and emerging as a new window

through which China will show the world its remarkable achievements for

modernization and high-quality development.


In recent years, Nansha has been stepping up efforts towards investment

promotion. Since the beginning of this year, Nansha has signed 17 new

10-billion-level projects with a total investment of over 450 billion yuan and

also introduced more than 270 projects from the Fortune Global 500 companies.

At the heart of the GBA, Nansha is brimming with boundless vitality and allure.

With the ambition of creating a "window to the world", Nansha is building a

fertile ground for multinational enterprises to develop.


"Our company has decided to settle in Nansha not only for its strategic

position as the geometric center of the GBA, but also for the forward-thinking

plans of the Nansha District Government in aspects such as future development,

social construction, and talent attraction. I cannot wait to see Nansha become

a metropolitan area that attracts global capital and talent," said Xin Weixian,

Deputy General Manager of Guangzhou Lee & Man Technology Co., Ltd.


According to Ahmed Sallam, Advisor and Former Undersecretary of Egypt's State

Information Service, Nansha is creating a climate investment and financing

pilot zone with its unique experience and its commitment to building an

international climate finance center. The experience has brought prosperity to

climate investment and related financial fields, as Nansha is vigorously

promoting innovation in climate investment and financing rules and mechanisms.

At present, the world has come to realize the urgency of climate change. Last

year, Egypt introduced relevant policies, initiated several energy reserve

projects, and launched some green energy projects. Nansha has the potential to

set an example for China and even the world. He also expected to see further

cooperation between Egypt and Nansha in the future. "This is my second visit to

China and my first visit to Nansha. In these days, I visited some enterprises,

which was a real eye-opener for me. I was also deeply impressed by the

beautiful environment in Nansha," he said.


Source: Nansha District People's Government of Guangzhou City




