Initiative of more than 40 discussants at 2023 ISIF: Multilateralism to tackle global challenges

The 2023 Imperial Springs International Forum



GUANGZHOU, China, Dec. 6, 2023 /Xinhua=KYODO JBN/--


From December 3 to 5, 2023, the Chinese People's Association for Friendship

with Foreign Countries, the Australia China Friendship and Exchange

Association, the People's Government of Guangdong Province and the World

Leadership Alliance - Club de Madrid jointly organized the 2023 Imperial

Springs International Forum (ISIF) at the Imperial Springs International

Conference Center, Guangzhou, China. Under the theme of Multilateralism: More

Exchanges, Greater Inclusiveness and Cooperation, the Forum addressed pressing

challenges for global Cooperation.


More than 130 guests from political, academic, and business circles in over 40

countries, including over 30 former heads of state, heads of government, and

leaders of international organizations, over 60 internationally-renowned

experts and scholars and representatives of diplomatic missions, attended the



During the 2023 Imperial Springs International Forum, participants had in-depth

discussions on a number of topics, including the building of a community with a

shared future for mankind, prospects for the global economy, traditional and

non-traditional challenges and solutions, the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable

Development and the need for climate action, people-to-people exchanges, and

the future of multilateralism and global governance reform.


The 2023 Imperial Springs International Forum clearly noted that all should

overcome fragmentation through exchanges, resolve antagonism through

inclusiveness, and achieve a common future through cooperation. All should work

together to tackle global risks and challenges, and create a brighter future

for the world.


The Forum has called for multilateralism to address global challenges. All need

to firmly uphold the authority and central role of the United Nations, embrace

the UN Charter as the basis for international relations, and adhere to the

concept of global governance based on dialogue, consultations, joint

development and shared interests. International and regional organizations as

well as multilateral cooperation mechanisms should align efforts to strengthen

multilateralism and be builders of world peace and contributors to global



The world has entered a period of comprehensive digital transformation.

Technological innovation remains a global strategic priority and a leading

force for development based on innovation-driven productivity. The Forum called

on countries to invigorate the potential of cooperation in traditional fields,

expand the vitality of cooperation in new fields such as artificial

intelligence and digitalization, promote the deep integration of the real and

digital economies, and give full play to the key role of science and technology

in solving global crises.


The attending guests unanimously agreed that the foundation of friendly

cooperation among all countries in the world lies in the people. All should

continue to give full play to the unique and important role of people-to-people

diplomacy in communicating with the world, deepening understanding, enhancing

mutual trust, forging consensus, and promoting cooperation.


Source: The 2023 Imperial Springs International Forum





