◎2012年冬季支援プログラムを実施  アフガニスタンのバヤト基金


◎2012年冬季支援プログラムを実施  アフガニスタンのバヤト基金

AsiaNet 48946

☆共JBN 外0484(産業、慈善)(12・4・10)


◎2012年冬季支援プログラムを実施  アフガニスタンのバヤト基金

【カブール10日PRN=共同JBN】起業家で慈善家でもあるイーサノラー(イーサン)・バヤト氏が率いるバヤト基金(Bayat Foundation)は、同基金の2012年冬季援助プログラムの一環として、貧しくて危険な状況にあるアフガニスタン人を支援するために必要不可欠な物資を提供した。同基金のチームはこの冬、アフガニスタン全土に赴き、同国史上最も厳しい冬に危険な状況に置かれている数万人のアフガニスタン人に対し、毛布、靴、コート、手袋、まき、米、小麦粉を配給した。支援を受けたのは、クンドゥズ州、カブール市難民キャンプ、シェベルガン市、ジョーズジャン州、マイマナ市、ファリヤブ州、バルフ州の人々をはじめヘルマンド州からの多数の帰還家族らが含まれている。




▽バヤト基金(Bayat Foundation)について

バヤト基金は2005年から、米国を本拠にして内国歳入法典501c(3)の慈善組織として登録され、アフガニスタン人の福利厚生を推進してきた。基金はイーサン・バヤトとフェタマ・バヤト両氏が創設し、両氏の指導によってアフガニスタンの若者、女性、貧困層、高齢者の生活の質の向上に寄与する200以上のプロジェクトに寄付してきた。プロジェクトには、貧困地域の新施設や持続可能な社会基盤の建設、ならびに健康、教育、経済、文化のプログラムなどが含まれる。慈善イニシアチブに加え、イーサノラー・バヤト氏は2002年、テレフォン・システムズ・インターナショナル社(Telephone Systems International, Inc.)とアフガニスタン通信省との合弁企業となるアフガン・ワイヤレスを創設した。同社はアフガニスタンで最初のGSM無線・インターネット・サービスプロバイダーであり、後にアリアナ・ラジオ(FM93.5)を含むアリアナ・ラジオ&テレビ・ネットワーク(ATN)を設立した。詳細は電子メールinfo@bayatfoundation.orgで問い合わせを。



Alberto Lopez, a.lopez@tsiglobe.com, +971-50-551-9636

The Bayat Foundation Donates Critical Supplies to Needy Afghans During 2012 Winter Aid Program


KABUL, Afghanistan, Apr. 10, 2012 /PRN=KYODDO JBN/ --

    The Bayat Foundation, led by entrepreneur and philanthropist Ehsanollah

Bayat, donated essential supplies to help needy and at-risk Afghans as part of

its 2012 Winter Aid Program. Throughout the winter, the Foundation's team

traveled across Afghanistan distributing blankets, shoes, coats, gloves, wood,

rice, and flour to tens of thousands of Afghans who found themselves at risk

during what many observers considered the harshest winter in Afghanistan's

history. Those who received aid included Afghans in Kunduz Province, Refugee

Camps in Kabul City, Sheberghan City, Jawzjan Province, Maimana City, Faryab

Province, Balkh Province and many families returning from Helmand province.

    "This winter severely impacted many families, businesses, and villages,"

said Mr. Bayat. "Working with its donor partners, the Bayat Foundation was

honored to provide necessities such as food and clothing to those Afghans in

dire need in such harsh and difficult circumstances. We made a difference to

Afghans during these severe conditions, and we are particularly thankful to see

the hope of a better tomorrow in the eyes of those we reached through our

Winter Aid program."

    The Bayat Foundation also provided medical teams and ambulances for those

who needed treatment, but had been kept away from medical care by the winter's

severe weather conditions that closed roads and brought commerce to a


    During implementation of the 2012 Winter Aid Program, Ehsan Bayat met with

the Honorable Governor of Balkh, Ustad Atta Mohammad Noor, and pledged to

donate five million Afghanis for the construction of the biggest mosque in

Afghanistan. The mosque is planned to be located inside the Rawzae Mubarak in

Mazar Sharif City.

    About the Bayat Foundation

    Since 2005, the US-based Bayat Foundation, a 501 c(3) charitable

organization, has promoted the well-being of the Afghan people. Founded and

directed by Ehsan Bayat and Fatema Bayat, the Foundation has contributed to

more than 200 projects dedicated to improving the quality of life for the

youth, women, poor, and elderly of Afghanistan. Projects have included the

construction of new facilities and sustainable infrastructure in needy regions,

and the promotion of health, education, economic, and cultural programs. In

addition to his charitable initiatives, Ehsanollah Bayat founded Afghan

Wireless (AWCC) in 2002 - a joint venture between Telephone Systems

International, Inc. (TSI) and the Ministry of Communications - which was the

first GSM wireless and Internet Service Provider in Afghanistan, and later

established Ariana Radio and Television Network (ATN), which includes Ariana

Radio (FM 93.5). For more information, please email info@bayatfoundation.org.

    SOURCE: Bayat Foundation

    CONTACT: Alberto Lopez, a.lopez@tsiglobe.com, +971-50-551-9636




