◎本年3月は過去最高の販売台数   BMWグループが発表


◎本年3月は過去最高の販売台数   BMWグループが発表

AsiaNet 48933

☆共JBN 外0476(産業、自動車)(12・4・11)





(Photo: http://www.newscom.com/cgi-bin/prnh/20120411/525131

BMW AGセールス&マーケティング担当上級副社長であるイアン・ロバートソン氏は「BMWグループは3月に単月と第1四半期における販売台数で、過去最多を記録した。この素晴らしい結果は、BMWグループの魅力的で市場投入したばかりのモデル・ライナップと世界市場におけるバランスの取れた成長戦略の成果である。6月にBMWで初めての4ドア・クーペ・モデルとなるBMW 6 シリーズ・グラン・クーペのような新型車やフラッグシップモデルであるBMW 7シリーズのモデルチェンジなどを加えることで、今後もこの勢いを持続していく」と語った。



3月期のBMWブランドの販売台数は15万3004台で前年同月(13万4895台)を13・4%上回り、単月として過去最高を記録した。今年1月から3月末までの3カ月間の販売台数は、35万6548台(前年同期32万1180台)で前年同期比11・0%の増加だった。3月はすべてのモデルの売れ行きが順調で、中でも新型BMW 3シリーズ・セダンは2万9004台と前年同月の2万4331台を19・2%上回る好調なスタートを切った。BMW 1シリーズ5ドアハッチバックは、1万8598台と前年の1万3210台から40・8%という大幅な伸びを示し、同時にBMW X3は1万4847台で、前年の9316台から59・4%もの伸びを示した。3月の販売台数増加はまた、BMWブランドの上位モデルが大きく貢献した。BMW X5とX6モデルは引き続き好調で、それぞれ9496台(前年同月の7932台から19・7%増)、4261台(同3971台から7・3%増)となった。

BMW 6シリーズの販売は2247台で、前年同月の405台からほぼ6倍増となり454・8%増加した。現行のBMW 7シリーズは3月に新たなマイルストーンに到達し、2008年末の市場投入以来、累計売台数は20万台に達した。3月の販売台数はBMW 7シリーズとして同じ期間に販売された同シリーズの前身車種より20%増を記録した。このフラッグシップモデルは、3月に6648台販売され前年同月の5804台に比べ14・5%増加した。


世界における3月のMINIの販売台数は3万2421台で、前年同月の3万690台を5・6%上回り、2012年第1四半期の販売台数は前年同期の6万860台から6万8210台に増加した。これは前年同期比12・1%の上昇で、MINIブランドの第1四半期の販売台数としては過去最多である。特に、新型クロスオーバー(Crossover)であるミニ・カントリーマン(MINI Countryman)に対する需要が大きく、第1四半期の好調に貢献した。第1四半期のMINI Crossoverの販売台数は、2万2001台と前年同期の1万6079台を36・8%も上回った。




モーターサイクルのBMW Motorrad(モトラッド)についても過去最高の第1四半期販売実績を達成した。第1四半期の販売台数は2万4373台で前年同期の2万3109台から5・5%増だった。2012年3月の販売台数は1万2295台で、前年同月の1万1675台から5・3%増となった。ハスクバーナ(Hasqvarna)はディーラー・ネットワークへの販売台数が1182台と前年の676台から74・9%増となった。今年1月から3月末までの販売台数は、前年同期の1940台から36・2%増の2642台だった。




                      2012年3月 前年同月比 第1四半期 前年同期比

                          台数            台数

BMWグループ自動車             185,728       +12.0%     425,528      +11.2%

BMW                                    153,004       +13.4%     356,548        +11.0%

MINI                                      32,421     +5.6%      68,210       +12.1%

ロールスロイス                                                             770            +6.5%

BMW モーターサイクル              12,295          +5.3%        24,373        +5.5%

ハスクバーナ・モーターサイクル  1,182        +74.9%         2,642       +36.2%










Corporate Communications

Linda.Croissant@bmw.de, Business Communications

Telephone: +49-89-382-35617

Alexander Bilgeri, Head of Business, Finance and Sustainability


Telephone: +49-89-382-24544, Fax: +49-89-382-24418


Media website: http://www.press.bmwgroup.com

Email: presse@bmwgroup.com


BMW Group Sales Reach All-Time High in March



- Deliveries increase by 12% to 185,728 vehicles in March

- Best ever first quarter with 425,528 units sold

- Record sales in first quarter for all three brands

The BMW Group sold more vehicles in March than in any other month in its

history. The company sold a total of 185.728 BMW, MINI and Rolls-Royce vehicles

in the past month, not only significantly exceeding the figure for March of

last year (165,846 units / +12%) but also the previous sales high of 165,855

vehicles recorded in June 2011. The company also achieved a new high for the

first three months: Retail volumes for the year to the end of March increased

by more than 40,000 vehicles to 425,528 units (prev. yr. 382,763 units), which

represents a growth of 11.2% compared with the first quarter of 2011.

     (Photo: http://www.newscom.com/cgi-bin/prnh/20120411/525131 )

Ian Robertson, Member of the Board of Management, Sales and Marketing BMW: "The

BMW Group achieved an all-time high in sales last month and the best first

quarter in its history. These outstanding results are due to our attractive,

young model range and our strategy of healthy, balanced growth across the

globe. We aim to continue the momentum with additional new models this year,

such as the luxurious BMW 6 Series Gran Coupe and a model revision of the

flagship BMW 7 Series".

The company plans to grow faster than the market as a whole in 2012 and expects

to achieve new sales volume records for its BMW, MINI and Rolls-Royce brands.

BMW: Sales reach record high in March

With sales of 153,004 vehicles (prev. yr.: 134,895 / +13.4%), more BMW brand

vehicles were sold in a single month than ever before. Sales for the year to

the end of March reached a record 356,548 vehicles (prev. yr. 321,180), an

increase of 11.0% over the first three months of last year. All models

performed well in March, including an excellent start for the new BMW 3 Series

Sedan with 29,004 vehicles delivered (prev. yr. 24,331 / +19.2%). Strong gains

were achieved by the BMW 1 Series 5-door Hatch with sales climbing +40.8% to

18,598 vehicles (prev. yr. 13,210) as well as for the BMW X3, with a +59.4%

growth in sales and 14,847 vehicles delivered (prev. yr. 9,316). Growth in

March was also driven by the brand's larger vehicles. Sales of the BMW X5 and

X6 models continued to be strong with 9,496 (prev. yr. 7,932 / +19.7%) and

4,261 (prev. yr. 3,971 / +7.3%) vehicles sold respectively.

Sales of the BMW 6 Series increased nearly six fold compared to the same month

last year with a total of 2,247 vehicles delivered to customers (prev. yr. 405

/ +454.8%). The current BMW 7 Series reached a new milestone in March with a

total of over 200,000 vehicles sold since its introduction at the end of 2008.

This makes it the best performing BMW 7 Series ever, reaching around +20%

higher sales than its predecessors in the same period of time. With 6,648

vehicles delivered in March, the flagship model achieved a 14.5% increase in

sales (prev. yr. 5,804).

MINI brand: The success story continues

A total of 32,421 MINI brand vehicles were delivered worldwide to customers in

March (prev. yr. 30,690 / +5.6%) and 68,210 (prev. yr. 60,860) vehicles were

sold in the first quarter of 2012. This represents a sales increase of 12.1%

compared with the first three months of last year and a new record in first

quarter sales for the brand. Continued strong demand for the MINI Countryman

contributed to the brand's positive performance in the first three months. With

22,001 vehicles delivered, sales climbed +36.8% over the same period last year

(prev. yr. 16.079).

Rolls-Royce: Record sales in first quarter

Rolls-Royce continued its success with a record first quarter in sales. For the

year to the end of March, the number of Rolls-Royce motor cars delivered

climbed 6.5% to 770 (prev. yr. 723) vehicles.

Motorcycles: Best first quarter ever

BMW Motorcycles exceeded the previous year's figures in the first three months

of the year, thus achieving the best first quarter result in its history. Sales

rose +5.5% to 24,373 vehicles (prev. yr. 23,109). A total of 12,295 BMW

motorcycles were delivered in March 2012 - an increase of 5.3% (prev. yr.

11,675). Husqvarna delivered 1,182 (prev. yr. 676 / +74.9%) motorcycles last

month to its dealer network. Year to date, deliveries grew +36.2% to 2,642

motorcycles compared with the first three months of 2011 (prev. yr. 1,940).

Record first quarters in the U.S. and China; strong March in Germany

The BMW Group increased retail volumes in its three largest single markets of

Germany, the U.S. and China, among others. In Germany the company reported a

+11.6% increase (30,981 / prev. yr. 27,755) for BMW Group vehicle registrations

in March. A total of 66,222 vehicles have been registered year-to-date in

Germany, an increase of +2.0% over the first quarter in 2011 (prev. yr.

64,923). Record first quarters in both the U.S. and China contributed to the

BMW Group's outstanding first quarter sales results. In the U.S., sales climbed

+13% in March to 29,806 vehicles (prev. yr. 26,382). Year to date, 75,729

vehicles have been delivered in the U.S., an increase of +16.6% over the

previous year (64,957). BMW Group sales in China remained high in the month

under review - 30,593 (prev. yr. 21,687 /+41.1%) vehicles were delivered. From

January to the end of March a total of 80,014 vehicles were delivered, an

increase of 36.8% compared with the same period last year (prev. yr. 58,506).

BMW Group sales in/up to March 2012 at a glance



                                                Compared to                                to

                                           In March    previous  Up to/incl.   previous

                                              2012        year     March 2012     year

    BMW Group Automobiles     185,728      +12.0%     425,528     +11.2%

    BMW                                  153,004      +13.4%    356,548      +11.0%

    MINI                                     32,421       +5.6%      68,210      +12.1%

    Rolls-Royce Motor Cars                                           770       +6.5%

    BMW Motorcycles                12,295         +5.3%      24,373       +5.5%

    Husqvarna Motorcycles          1,182      +74.9%         2,642     +36.2%


The BMW Group

The BMW Group is one of the most successful manufacturers of automobiles and

motorcycles in the world with its BMW, MINI, Husqvarna Motorcycles and

Rolls-Royce brands. As a global company, the BMW Group operates 25 production

and assembly facilities in 14 countries and has a global sales network in more

than 140 countries.

In 2011, the BMW Group sold about1.67 million cars and more than 113,000

motorcycles worldwide. The profit before tax for the financial year 2011 was

euro 7.38 billion on revenues amounting to euro 68.82 billion. At 31 December

2011, the BMW Group had a workforce of approximately 100,000 employees.

The success of the BMW Group has always been built on long-term thinking and

responsible action. The company has therefore established ecological and social

sustainability throughout the value chain, comprehensive product responsibility

and a clear commitment to conserving resources as an integral part of its

strategy. As a result of its efforts, the BMW Group has been ranked industry

leader in the Dow Jones Sustainability Indexes for the last seven years.


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If you have any queries, please contact:

Corporate Communications

Linda.Croissant@bmw.de, Business Communications

Telephone: +49-89-382-35617

Alexander Bilgeri, Head of Business, Finance and Sustainability Communications

Telephone: +49-89-382-24544, Fax: +49-89-382-24418


Media website: http://www.press.bmwgroup.com

Email: presse@bmwgroup.com

Source: BMW Group




