◎採算性焦点にインドで初会議 6月のサプライチェーン協会
◎採算性焦点にインドで初会議 6月のサプライチェーン協会
AsiaNet 48979
☆共JBN 外0498(産業、サプライチェーン)(12・4・16)
◎採算性焦点にインドで初会議 6月のサプライチェーン協会
【ロンバード(米イリノイ州)16日PRN=共同JBN】サプライチェーン・マネジメント専門家協会(Council of Supply Chain Management Professionals =CSCMP)は6月1、2の両日、インドで初めて会議を開催する。ムンバイのITCマラータホテルを会場とする会議は「サプライチェーン採算性への独創的アプローチ:インドからの地球的視野(Creative Approaches to Supply Chain Profitability: A Global Perspective from India)」と題され、世界各地から参集するサプライチェーン幹部に教育セッションと人脈拡大の機会を提供する。
会議ではカストロールBPインド(Castrol BP India)、Chainalytics、ダウ・ケミカル(Dow Chemical)、ドクターレディーズラボラトリーズ(Dr. Reddy's Laboratories)、インテル(Intel)、プロクター・アンド・ギャンブル(Procter & Gamble)、ワトソンファーマシューティカルズ(Watson Pharmaceuticals)などの役員のプレゼンテーションもある。
Neil Basu at nbasu@cscmp.org
Madeleine Miller-Holodnicki, ABC, Manager of Marketing and Communications +1-630-645-3487
for Council of Supply Chain Management Professionals
Creative Approaches to Supply Chain Profitability to be Focus of June CSCMP India Conference
LOMBARD, Ill., Apr. 16, 2012 /PRN=KYODO JBN/ --
The Council of Supply Chain Management Professionals (CSCMP) will hold its
first India conference, June 1-2, 2012, in Mumbai, India at the ITC Maratha
hotel. The event, titled Creative Approaches to Supply Chain Profitability: A
Global Perspective from India, will offer educational sessions and networking
opportunities to supply chain executives from around the world.
For more information about the India conference, visit the newly launched
CSCMP Asia-Pacific web site at http://cscmpasiapacific.org.
Attendees of CSCMP's India 2012 conference will hear new ideas and
innovative ways to improve supply chain processes, as well as examples from
supply chain management professionals from leading Indian and other global
corporations of how they implemented creative solutions that benefited the
bottom line.
Supply chain thought leaders will provide strategic direction and present
key operational guidelines to ensure that participants have the information
they need to enable their organizations to remain competitive. Session topics
include performance measurement, talent acquisition and management,
collaboration, risk management, and customer-centric strategies.
"Achieving supply chain profitability has become a top priority for
companies, especially in today's challenging global economy," said Rick
Blasgen, president and chief executive officer of CSCMP. "We've designed this
conference with that objective so attendees will receive real world solutions
they can take back to their companies and implement successfully. Supply chain
leaders in the Asia-Pacific region understand that profitable supply chains are
critical to their organizations' overall success, which is why this conference
is a not-to-miss event."
Conference sessions will include presentations from executives at leading
companies such as Castrol BP India, Chainalytics, Dow Chemical, Dr. Reddy's
Laboratories, Intel, Procter & Gamble, Watson Pharmaceuticals, Inc., among
Companies interested in becoming a CSCMP India 2012 sponsor should contact
Neil Basu at nbasu@cscmp.org. For more information or to register, visit
http://cscmp.org/events/india/index.asp or
Founded in 1963, the Council of Supply Chain Management Professionals
(CSCMP) is the leading worldwide professional association dedicated to
education, research, and the advancement of the supply chain management
profession. With more than 9,000 members globally, representing business,
government, and academia from 63 countries, CSCMP members are the leading
practitioners and authorities in the fields of logistics and supply chain
SOURCE: Council of Supply Chain Management Professionals
CONTACT: Madeleine Miller-Holodnicki, ABC, Manager of Marketing and
Communications, +1-630-645-3487, mholodnicki@cscmp.org, for Council of Supply
Chain Management Professionals