◎SQLサーバー2008R2へ移行完了  マレーシアのMACROKIOSK社


◎SQLサーバー2008R2へ移行完了  マレーシアのMACROKIOSK社

AsiaNet 49087

☆共JBN 外0547(産業、サーバー)(12・4・23)





 Logo: http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20000822/MSFTLOGO








 *より容易な管理:強化されたユーザーインターフェース、強化管理ツール、より単純化されたメンテナンス手続きの組み合わせによって、データベース管理者は生産性と効率を強化するよう支援する。例えば、インテリセンス(IntelliSense)データベース管理者のコマンドを支援するオートサジェスト/オートコンプリート機能である。そしてデータ・コレクター(Data Collector)機能は、応答が遅いテーブルを見分けて、パフォーマンスを向上するなどのコンフィギュレーション指示を出す。






Michael Ang of Microsoft APAC,


Rapid Response Team,

Waggener Edstrom Worldwide,




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Malaysian Mobile Technology Enabler Delivers Faster, More Reliable Data Access With Move to SQL Server


KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia, April 23, 2012 /PRNewswire-AsiaNet/ --

  - Data management features help MACROKIOSK improve database performance and

   query execution speeds, enabling employees and customers to get more done.

    MACROKIOSK, a mobile technology enabler for enterprises, today announced

its deployment of Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2. The Malaysia-based company made

the upgrade to improve performance of its relational database system and to

position itself for continued business growth through enabling mobile

technologies for enterprises.

    (Logo: http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20000822/MSFTLOGO )

    Since opening its doors in 2000, MACROKIOSK has established relationships

with global mobile operators and grown its etracker (Global Mobile Messaging

Network) connectivity coverage to more than 2 billion mobile subscribers

worldwide. With the move to SQL Server 2008 R2, MACROKIOSK will benefit from

more effective tools for managing large amounts of data and providing customers

with the most optimal services.

    MACROKIOSK currently serves more than 2,000 clients in more than 37

countries and in 18 industries, including aviation, automotive, medical,

hospitality, entertainment, banking and finance, telecommunications, and

transportation and logistics. Through etracker, MACROKIOSK offers premium and

bidirectional bulk messaging services that serve as the platform for end-user

experiences, such as mobile banking transaction alerts, mobile airline flight

booking and many other comprehensive mobile services.

    "MACROKIOSK is a multicountry mobile technology enabler, and we constantly

look for new opportunities for growth - whether through greater internal

efficiency or expanded services for our customers," said Joanna Hew, chief

technology officer at MACROKIOSK. "We've been very pleased to see the breadth

of features and tools in SQL Server 2008 R2, which have enabled our customers

to get more done and positioned us to be more responsive to changes in the


    Employees and Customers Reap the Benefits

    MACROKIOSK worked with Microsoft Premier Support to devise a migration plan

and identify any known issues. Consequently, MACROKIOSK was able to complete

the migration from SQL Server 2005 in just four hours. Since that time,

MACROKIOSK has seen an increase in productivity and operational efficiency:


    - Improved performance and availability. The Table Partitioning feature in

      SQL Server 2008 R2 has enabled MACROKIOSK to split each database table

      across multiple physical devices, increasing query execution speeds by up

      to 100 percent. And with a combination of Data Mirroring and a failover

      configuration, MACROKIOSK improved the availability of its databases.

    - Reduced hardware requirements. SQL Server 2008 R2 performed fast backups,

      while producing compressed backup files that were smaller. MACROKIOSK

      currently manages about 3.8 terabytes of data and has up to 200 users

      querying this data simultaneously. The size of uncompressed in-production

      data remains the same, but the company has seen a 50 percent reduction in

      the size of compressed backup database files.

    - Easier administration. The combination of an improved user interface,

      enhanced management tools and simpler maintenance procedures help

      database administrators increase productivity and efficiency. For

      example, IntelliSense is an auto-suggest/auto-complete feature that

      assists administrators when entering commands. And Data Collector

      identifies tables that are sluggish and offers configuration

      recommendations to improve their performance.

    The enhanced database management features in SQL Server 2008 R2 have also

improved the user experience for MACROKIOSK customers, many of whom must

download data from the company's servers to create a report. Features such as

Table Partitioning have led to a noticeable reduction in how long it takes for

customers to generate these reports.

    More information about MACROKIOSK's use of SQL Server 2008 R2 is available

in the case study [

http://www.microsoft.com/en-my/business/casestudies/linkpage4262.aspx ] and the

Microsoft Customer News Center [

http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/news/presskits/customerspotlight ].

    Founded in 1975, Microsoft (Nasdaq "MSFT") is the worldwide leader in

software, services and solutions that help people and businesses realize their

full potential.

     SOURCE: Microsoft Corp.

    CONTACT: Michael Ang of Microsoft APAC, micang@microsoft.com, or Rapid

Response Team, Waggener Edstrom Worldwide, +1-503-443-7070,


    NOTE TO EDITORS: For more information, news and perspectives from

Microsoft, please visit the Microsoft News Center at

http://www.microsoft.com/news. Web links, telephone numbers and titles were

correct at time of publication, but may have changed. For additional

assistance, journalists and analysts may contact Microsoft's Rapid Response

Team or other appropriate contacts listed at





