◎対中国貿易で助言リポート発表   信用保険のアトラディウス


◎対中国貿易で助言リポート発表   信用保険のアトラディウス

AsiaNet 49265

☆共JBN 外0606(産業、保険)(12・5・9)




【アムステルダム9日PRN=共同JBN】多くの西欧市場で企業心理や消費者の信頼が引き続き低下しているなか、中国は好調な求人市場、所得上昇、消費需要の急成長など、多くの輸出業者にとっては魅力的な展望を見せている。しかし、中国との貿易はリスクもまた伴っている。信用保険会社のアトラディウス(Atradius Credit Insurance N.V.)は、輸出業者が物流上、財務上の落とし穴を陥らないよう10項目の注意点を挙げたガイドブック「中国との貿易に成功するために」(http://global.atradius.com/creditmanagementknowledge/publications/trade-successfully-with-china.html )を公開した。
















Atradius Publishes Ten-Point Plan for Exporting to China



    While business sentiment and consumer confidence continue to decline in

many western markets, China - with its thriving jobs market, rising incomes and

burgeoning consumer demand - has become an attractive prospect for many foreign

exporters.  However, trading with China also involves risk, which is why, to

help exporters avoid the logistical and financial pitfalls, credit insurer

Atradius has published its ten-point guide 'Trade successfully with China'


fully-with-china.html ].

    Atradius' Chief Market Officer Andreas Tesch explains: "Growing affluence

within China is stimulating private consumption and this creates real

opportunities for foreign exporters, provided that they understand the nature

of the market and take sensible measures to protect their assets".

    For instance, Chinese import tariffs, usually levied on the importer, can

for some types of product be as much as 270%, proving an expensive disincentive

to buy.  It is therefore advisable for foreign suppliers to take account of

this in their pricing, but also ensure that their supply agreements protect

against these costs being passed on to them by the importer.

    Foreign suppliers should also be aware that, whatever country's law is

agreed with the importer to cover the contract of sale, certain aspects of

Chinese law always have to be complied with, including China's competition laws

such as those relating to misleading advertising and predatory pricing.

    Beware of import restrictions

    Not all goods can be freely imported into China. The Ministry of Commerce -

the government department in charge of foreign trade in China - regularly

revises its lists of restricted or banned goods. It is therefore advisable for

foreign suppliers to first clarify whether their goods are subject to any

licensing or quota requirements. Otherwise, there is a risk that the goods will

not be allowed into the country.   

    Observe foreign exchange administration regulations

    Importers must report payments to the Chinese State Administration of

Foreign Exchange if the value of the goods and the amount paid differ by more

than the equivalent of US$ 10,000 for a single contract. Although it is the

importer's responsibility to comply with foreign exchange laws, foreign

suppliers should take into account the risks associated with the Chinese

foreign exchange control regime, as it can hinder or prevent payment: for

example, some importers are not entitled to make advance payments or to pay the

purchase price by way of letter of credit.

    Protect your credit sales

    Even when a foreign supplier takes all practical steps to ensure a

successful outcome, there are always financial risks. "That's why we advise

companies to agree on adequate security of payment with their Chinese

customers", says Mr Tesch. "And, of course, trade credit insurance can

alleviate the worry of possible non-payment, allowing the exporter to focus

wholly on the growth opportunities that China has to offer. What's more, in a

country as vast as China it is easy to confuse two similarly sounding company

names.  A reputable credit insurer will ensure that a customer is correctly

identified and its creditworthiness accurately assessed."

    Atradius' report on trading with China is the third in a series, with

similar reports on Russia and Turkey already published and reports on India and

Brazil scheduled for later this year.  Each published report can be downloaded

free of charge at http://www.atradius.com.

    About Atradius

    The Atradius Group provides trade credit insurance, surety and collections

services worldwide. With a presence through 160 offices in 45 countries, it has

a market share of approximately 31% of the global trade credit insurance

market. Atradius has access to credit information on 100 million companies

worldwide and makes more than 20,000 trade credit limit decisions daily. Its

products help protect companies throughout the world from payment risks

associated with selling products and services on credit.


    SOURCE: Atradius N.V.




