◎ゲーム参加で環境問題解決促進を  ゲーム・チェンジ・リオを発表


◎ゲーム参加で環境問題解決促進を  ゲーム・チェンジ・リオを発表

AsiaNet 49302

☆共JBN 外0639(産業、環境)(12・5・15)


◎ゲーム参加で環境問題解決促進を  ゲーム・チェンジ・リオを発表


「ゲーム・チェンジ・リオ(Game Change Rio)」は、地球が現在直面している複雑な問題に関与するうってつけの方法を提供する。このゲームの主唱者の一人で1995年に世界食糧賞(World Food Prize)の受賞者であるハンス・ヘレン氏は「より多くの人々が環境を取り巻く問題を理解すれば、流れを変える可能性が生まれる」と語っている。



ゲーム・チェンジ・リオでは、これまで専門家や政策決定者だけに提供されていた実世界のデータを利用できる。国連環境計画(UNEP)委嘱によるミレニアムインスティチュートのグリーン・エコノミー・モデル(Green Economy Model)に基づくこのゲームには、世界経済のすべての関連するセクターと利用可能な天然資源が含まれている。これらすべての要素は相互に関連しており、政策が与える影響が極めて複雑なことが分かる。このモデルには5000を超える指標があり、このゲームでは125の政策カードが開発されていて、ゲームは1億を超える異なった結果が出るようになっている。

ゲーム・チェンジ・リオは、ビオビジョン環境開発財団(Biovision - Foundation for ecological Development)、コードサステイナブル(CodeSustainable)、ミレニアムインスティチュートのアイデアで制作され、将来の世代がこの地球で生活を楽しめるようにするために対応が必要な問題に関心を高め、われわれが直面する問題の解決策を提案することを目的としている。




Game Change Rio: Ruin the World or Save our Planet?




    A game with a difference is being launched this week: Players can ruin the

world or save our planet by opting for choices based on real-world data that

has not been publicly available so far. The Facebook game aims to mobilise

people to demand action rather than just talk from the Rio+20 summit in June.

    Game Change Rio offers a great way to engage with the complexities facing

our planet today. "Once more of us begin to understand the issues involved, we

have a better chance of changing the game," said Hans Herren, winner of the

World Food Prize in 1995, and one of the initiators of the game.

    Some 20 years ago, the Earth Summit, the United Nations Conference held in

Rio de Janeiro, sounded the alarm on the future of our planet. Very little has

happened since and Rio+20 was called to address global inertia and make change

happen after all. But this follow-up summit is up against many vested interests

and only with strong public pressure, is there hope for a game change.

    "We developed 'Game Change Rio' to get the message to people we might not

reach through other channels," Herren said. To make it truly global, the game

is available in English, Arabic, Chinese, French, German, Portuguese, and

Spanish. A trip to the Rio summit awaits the player with the highest score and

additional prizes will go to weekly champions.

    Game Change Rio gives access to real-world data that so far has only been

available to experts and policy makers. Based on the Millennium Institute's

Green Economy Model, which was commissioned by the United Nations Environment

Programme (UNEP), the game includes all relevant sectors of the world's economy

and the natural resources available. All of these elements are linked and

effects of policies are seen in their full complexity. The model has over 5,000

indicators, and with the 125 policy cards developed, the game has over 100

million possible outcomes.

    Game Change Rio, the idea of Biovision - Foundation for ecological

Development, CodeSustainable and the Millennium Institute, aims to raise

awareness for the issues that need to be addressed if future generations are to

enjoy life on this planet and goes on to propose solutions to the problems we

are facing.

    To play the game, for further information, interview opportunities and

pictures, please go to http://www.gamechangerio.org/media.

    SOURCE: Biovision - Foundation for ecological Development,

            CodeSustainable, Millennium Institute




