◎バーニーズ・ドットコムを一新  高級小売りのバーニーズ・ニューヨーク


◎バーニーズ・ドットコムを一新  高級小売りのバーニーズ・ニューヨーク

AsiaNet 49364

☆共JBN 外0667(産業、ファッション)(12・5・18)


◎バーニーズ・ドットコムを一新  高級小売りのバーニーズ・ニューヨーク

【ニューヨーク18日PRN=共同JBN】高級小売店のバーニーズ・ニューヨーク(Barneys New York)は18日、同社の新しくなったウェブサイト、バーニーズ・ドットコム(Barneys.com、http://www.Barneys.com)を発表した。バーニーズ・ドットコム(http://www.Barneys.com)は、新しいデザインを採用し、高級品市場で最もパーソナル化され魅力あるeコマース(電子商取引)サイトを開設した。新しいデザインはクラス最高のデジタル体験とバーニーズの圧倒的な商品提供とが融合し、顧客は他では経験できない効率的な方法で、視覚的に洗練されたサイトを利用することができる。



▽お好み(Favorites)とマイリスト(My List)










▽一番好まれる商品(Most Loved)


▽バーニーズ専売(Exclusively Ours)

新しいバーニーズ・ドットコムは、オンラインショッピング体験のあらゆる場面を通じて、顧客にバーニーズ専売である特選商品やデザイナー商品を提供することでスタイル、文化、ライフスタイルに独自の観点を提案する。すべての特選商品には「バーニーズ専売」のアイコン「Exclusively Ours」がタグ付けされており、コレクション分類からやバーニーズ・ドットコムに備え付けの監修済みのルックブックから、独占デザインを簡単に検索フィルターで見つけるようになっている。

▽ザ・ウインドー(The Window)




▽バーニーズ・ニューヨーク(Barneys New York)について

バーニーズ・ニューヨーク(Barneys)は高級専門小売店としてニューヨーク、ビバリーヒルズ、シカゴ、シアトル、ボストン、ダラス、サンフランシスコ、ラスベガス、スコッツデールに旗艦店を構えている。1923年にマンハッタンのダウンタウンで紳士服の小売店として創業し、1970年代には紳士、婦人服両方でハイファッションの権威として国際的な存在になり、新しい、革新的なデザイナーを発掘、養成することで有名。バーニーズは既製紳士、婦人服、アクセサリー、シューズ、宝飾、化粧品、香水、家庭向けギフト製品を含め、世界のトップデザイナーの魅力的な製品を販売することで有名な存在。バーニーズは独特のユーモアのセンス、スタイルを持っており、クリエーティブな広告キャンペーン、独創性豊かなホリデー・テーマ、有名なウインドーディスプレーなどによく表されている。バーニーズは革新的なコープ(CO-OP:コンテンポラリースポーツウエア)店を展開し、若者や新進デザイナーのメッカになっているが、これは1985年に創設され、現在ではバーニーズの中で独立した店として展開されている。コープ店は米国8州で 12店余りが営業されている。バーニーズ・ニューヨークの詳しい情報はhttp://www.Barneys.comを参照。





Marisa Pucci



It's More Than Shopping...It's Shopping With A Story -- The New Barneys.com


NEW YORK, May 18, 2012 /PRN=KYODO JBN/ --

    Barneys New York, the luxury specialty retailer, announced today that its

website, Barneys.com (http://www.Barneys.com) has been redesigned to establish

the most personalized and socially-engaging e-commerce site in the luxury

market. Fusing Barneys' unparalleled product offering with a best-in-class

digital experience, the redesign allows customers to engage with the visually

sophisticated site in a unique and effective way.

    Barneys has revamped its site with new architecture and product

categorization, making navigation and shopping faster and more streamlined.

Registered users are now able to purchase products with as few as two clicks,

and the site will highlight, in a dynamic way, products that are exclusive to

Barneys throughout the shopping experience. Customers are also able to use

unique filters such as New Arrivals and Most Loved.

    Working with digital agency Huge, this set of new and unique features has

been created to make the new Barneys.com a more personal and social shopping

experience and sets it apart from other e-commerce websites.

    Favorites and My List:

    The new Favorites tool is a way for customers to keep track of fashion they

like on Barneys.com. Customers can "Favorite" individual items, entire product

categories, designers, or size and color choices and add these selections to

their "List." Barneys.com is then able to update these "Lists" by suggesting

new products that may be of interest to the customer- providing users with a

personalized shopping experience every time they return. Additionally,

customers have the ability to share their "List" across multiple social media

platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, The Fancy, and Pinterest.

    The Favorites tool allows users to browse, follow, and be inspired by

"Lists" that have been created by Fashion Influencers and featured on the

Barneys.com homepage. As part of the site's launch, several fashion influencers

have created and shared their own "Lists". Among them:

    -- Fashion Designers Mary-Kate Olsen & Ashley Olsen

    -- Actor and Author Julianne Moore and her stylist Leslie Fremar

    -- Blogger Jane Aldridge from Sea of Shoes

    -- Stylist Keegan Singh

    -- Photographer Rachael Chandler Guinness & her husband, Creative Director

       Tom Guinness

    -- Fashion Designers Katie Holmes & Jeanne Yang

    -- Chefs Melia Marden from The Smile & Michael Chernow from Meatball Shop

    Most Loved:

    When multiple users select an item as one of their Favorites, it becomes

designated as a Most Loved or "trending" item on Barneys.com.

    Exclusively Ours:

    The new Barneys.com offers a unique perspective on style, culture, and

lifestyle throughout the online shopping experience by providing its customers

with specially-curated products and designer goods that are Exclusively Ours.

All exclusive merchandise is tagged with the Exclusively Ours icon, making it

easy to filter and locate exclusive designs when sorting by collection or by

the curated look books featured within Barneys.com.

    The Window:

    Barneys' luxury content site, The Window, provides users with relevant and

exclusive information about art, lifestyle, culture, and of course fashion. The

new Barneys.com now features designer pages as a home for each brand available

to its customers. By highlighting editorial content from The Window and linking

to each designer's newest products, users receive insider fashion access to all

designers/brands available on Barneys.com.

    Barneys.com features enhanced product photography and detailed editorial

stories highlighting the unique characteristics of each item available. The

majority of products on Barneys.com are now featured as part of a styled outfit

in a curated look book, allowing users to "Complete the Look." Content from The

Window is also integrated into the new product pages to tell each product's


    To learn more about the new Barneys.com and experience this one of a kind

online shopping destination, please visit http://www.Barneys.com

    About Barneys New York

    BARNEYS NEW YORK (Barneys) is a luxury specialty retailer with flagship

stores in New York City, Beverly Hills, Chicago, Seattle, Boston, Dallas, San

Francisco, Las Vegas, and Scottsdale. The Company also operates a highly

successful online business at Barneys.com. Founded as a men's retailer in 1923

in downtown Manhattan it turned into an international arbiter of high style for

both women and men in the 1970s and became renowned for discovering and

developing new and innovative design talent. Barneys is famous for selling the

most intriguing edit from the world's top designers including women's and men's

ready-to-wear, accessories, shoes, jewelry, cosmetics, fragrances, and gifts

for the home. Barneys' signature sense of wit and style is manifested in its

creative advertising campaigns, original holiday themes, and celebrated window

displays. Barneys' innovative CO-OP, a mecca for young and emerging designers,

was launched in 1985 and has since expanded into a freestanding store concept.

Barneys operates more than a dozen CO-OP stores in eight states across the U.S.

For more information about Barneys New York please visit http://www.Barneys.com.

    About Huge

    Recognized by Advertising Age as one of the ten leading agencies across all

marketing disciplines in 2012, Huge is responsible for core digital strategy,

marketing and implementation for some of the largest companies and brands in

the world. Founded in 1999, Huge has evolved a methodology and a culture that

combines the most powerful aspects of research, user-centered design,

technology and marketing to transform brands and grow businesses. Huge's 500

employees operate out of offices in New York, Los Angeles, London and Rio de

Janeiro. Learn more about us at hugeinc.com/about (http://hugeinc.com/about).

    SOURCE: Barneys New York

    CONTACT: Marisa Pucci, +1-212-450-8696, mpucci@barneys.com




