◎世界最長36時間の山歩き映像を茶の間で  スイスのレーティッシュ鉄道 


◎世界最長36時間の山歩き映像を茶の間で  スイスのレーティッシュ鉄道 

AsiaNet 49381

☆共JBN 外0672(産業、鉄道)(12・5・22)


◎世界最長36時間の山歩き映像を茶の間で  スイスのレーティッシュ鉄道 




ユネスコ世界遺産に指定されたレーティッシュ鉄道(RhB)アルブラ線=ベルニナ線の沿線ルートはまさに息をのむほどの素晴らしさである。ハイキング愛好者はhttp://www.webwandern.ch で36時間ビデオを通じてリアルタイム、しかも高精細度(HD)画面でアルブラ線=ベルニナ線沿線ルートの旅を楽しむことができる。この歩行コース沿いのいずれの場所、そして全ての人気スポットも多種多様なソーシャルメディアのチャンネルでシェアすることが可能なのだ。



プラットフォーム: http://www.webwandern.ch




Peider Hartli, Media Spokesperson




Go Hiking Over the Swiss Alps in HD


CHUR, Switzerland, May. 22 /PRN=KYODO JBN/ --

    The longest hiking film in the world

    Now everyone can experience the most spectacular hike in Switzerland from

their living rooms in HD quality. Hiking fans around the world can "wander"

through the ten legs of the Albula/Bernina trail in real time in a 36-hour film

at http://www.webwandern.ch. Hundreds of hotspots along the Rhaetian Railway

(RhB) UNESCO World Heritage Site route present interesting facts about the

sights and locations.

    The 131km hike along the Albula/Bernina route primarily follows this UNESCO

World Heritage Site. Hiking fans can experience high-Alpine, alpine and

subtropical zones in a nature paradise in any way they please. 100 hotspots

present everything you need to know about the sights and locations. The 65

metre-high Landwasser Viaduct is spectacular, as are the numerous mountain

lakes such as the Crap Alv or the Lej Nair.

    The Albula/Bernina hiking trails

    The hikes along the Albula/Bernina route of the RhB UNESCO World Heritage

Site are breathtaking. Hiking fans can "wander" through the 36-hour film of the

Albula/Bernina route in real time and in HD quality at

http://www.webwandern.ch. You can share any point along the walk and all the

hotspots via numerous social media channels. "The clear aim of this platform is

to get hikers - and would-be hikers - excited about going out into the

Albula/Bernina for real," says Martin Sturzenegger, RhB's Head of Sales and

Marketing. The platform has been created by the Rhaetian Railway and

Graubuenden Tourism, and is part of the communication campaign under the

graubuenden regional brand.

    Further links

    The platform: http://www.webwandern.ch

    Short film on YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v4SuzWMcoN4&hd=1

    Offers at: http://www.rhb.ch and http://www.graubuenden.ch

     Peider Hartli, Media Spokesperson

     E-Mail: p.haertli@rhb.ch

     Phone: +41-81-288-63-66

    SOURCE: Rhaetische Bahn




