


AsiaNet 49623

共同JBN 0763 (2012.6.11)



▽大規模なアプリ提供:MobileIron Application Delivery Network(ADN)


ソリューション:ADNは企業内で提供する大容量アプリに対する業界初のソリューションである。MobileIron ADNによって、モバイルITは企業ネットワークに影響も与えずに、いかなる容量のアプリでも機器の数を問わず安心して配信することができる。ADNは実際のアプリ・ダウンロードをセキュアなグローバルバックボーンに転嫁する。それは企業アプリの配信に対する業界初で有力なプライベートアプリ保存領域であるMobileIron Apps@Workと緊密に統合されている。MobileIron ADNはApps@Workと組み合わされて、モバイルITにモバイル・アプリの全社的展開に現実的なスケールを提供する。

▽データロスの防止:MobileIron Docs@Work


ソリューション:MobileIron Docs@Workは、ActiveSync電子メールアタッチメントおよび SharePointコンテンツ双方に対するエンドツーエンドのセキュリティーを提供する業界初のソリューションである。


 *ネーティブなiOS電子メール体験中の機器について、唯一Docs@Work だけが(暗号化した文書を)解読して閲覧できる能力を備えている。



▽Androidでアプリを確保:Android向けMobileIron App Connect


ソリューション:Android向けApp Connectは、モバイル企業アプリに対するセキュアな環境を生み出し、データロスを防ぎ、ネーティブなユーザー体験を維持し、サポートされるAndroid機器とOSバージョン上で動作する。Android向けApp Connectは以下の3要素からなっている。




Android向けApp Connectによって、それぞれの企業アプリはセキュアなコンテナーとなり、MobileIronのコンソールを通じて管理される。App Connectはデータを暗号化し、シングル・サインオンを提供して、セキュリティーとプライバシーを実行するためプロフェッショナルと個人のデータを分割するとともに、採用を促すためネーティブなユーザー体験を保持する。信頼できるアプリは互いにデータを共有するが、機器上の個人的アプリとは共有せず、モバイルITはエンドユーザーがその対応を変えることなくAndroid 上で企業データを前例のないほど管理することができる。

MobileIronのボブ・ティンカー最高経営責任者(CEO)は「当社顧客はそのビジネス処理を積極的にモバイル化している。モバイルITは急速に変化しており、その分野のリーダーとして当社は、十分体系化したイノベーションを提供する。MobileIron ADN、Docs@Work、Android向けApp Connectによって、当社顧客はモバイルで大きな作業を遂行することができる」と語った。


MobileIronは、ガートナー社の2012年モバイル機器管理ソフトウエアでMagic Quadrantの称号を与えられて、モバイルITを通じて事業を転換する数千の組織から選択されている。MobileIronは構内あるいはクラウド・ソリューションとして利用可能で、グローバル企業向けモバイル・アプリ、コンテンツ、デバイスを確保、管理する目的を持って形成された。MobileIronは複数OSによるモバイルデバイスマネジメント(MDM)、モバイル・アプリケーション・マネジメント(MAM)、BYOD(Bring Your Own Device=自分のデバイスを持ち込む)プライバシー管理など主要イノベーションを提供する初の企業である。詳細はhttp://www.mobileiron.comを参照。

ソース: MobileIron


 Clarissa Horowitz




The New Mobile Enterprise: Hundreds of Apps, Thousands of Users, Millions of Documents


MOUNTAIN VIEW, Calif., June 8, 2012 /PRN=KYODO JBN/ --

        MobileIron Establishes the Foundation for Apps-Based Computing

    In the next 12-18 months, every major company around the world will have

hundreds of mobile apps being used by thousands of users with access millions

of documents. Mobile apps and content are becoming the primary way people do

their work. This represents a fundamental computing shift that is as

significant as the transition from mainframes to PCs. Building on its history

of innovation, MobileIron (https://info.mobileiron.com), the leader in security

and management for mobile apps, content, and devices, today announced the first

complete security and management foundation for Mobile IT to make this

transition to apps-based computing.

    Delivering Apps at Scale: MobileIron Application Delivery Network

Problem: In the BlackBerry era, a small percentage of employees carried

smartphones, and they each used one application: wireless email. In the

post-BlackBerry era, most employees will carry mobile devices, and they will

collectively use hundreds of apps to do their work. The task of provisioning

hundreds of apps to thousands of people will crush corporate networks under the

bandwidth requirements of fast and reliable downloads. This problem is

aggravated by the sheer size of the content-rich mobile apps many organizations

are now building. Five years ago, a 2MB app was rare. Now, 1GB apps are common,

especially for sales mobilization and collateral delivery.

    Solution: The MobileIron Application Delivery Network (ADN) is the

industry's first solution for scalable app provisioning in the enterprise. The

MobileIron ADN lets Mobile IT reliably deliver apps of any size to any number

of devices without impacting the corporate network. The ADN offloads the actual

download of the apps onto a secure global backbone. It is tightly integrated

with MobileIron Apps@Work, the industry's first and leading private app

storefront for distributing enterprise apps. The MobileIron ADN, in combination

with Apps@Work, gives Mobile IT real-world scale for the company-wide

deployment of mobile apps.

    Preventing Data Loss: MobileIron Docs@Work

    Problem: The majority of enterprise content is distributed through email or

SharePoint. Email attachments and documents with proprietary data represent the

single biggest Data Loss Prevention (DLP) challenge in the mobile enterprise.

Any app on a mobile device, authorized or not, has the potential to open and

transfer these confidential documents to untrusted clouds.

    Solution: MobileIron Docs@Work is the industry's first solution to offer

end-to-end security for both ActiveSync email attachments and SharePoint

content. Docs@Work provides secure transport, local storage, viewing, and data


    -- Email attachments can be encrypted by MobileIron before they reach the


    -- On the device, within the native iOS email experience, only Docs@Work

       has the ability to decrypt and view them; unauthorized third-party apps

       are blocked from accessing these attachments.

    -- With SharePoint, documents can be published directly to Docs@Work for

       securestorage and viewing on the device.

    -- Docs@Work is unique because it secures both ActiveSync email and

       SharePoint, and integrates tightly with MobileIron policy and AD groups.

    Securing Apps on Android: MobileIron App Connect for Android

    Problem: Enterprise app development today is heavily centered on iOS, while

Android adoption has been slowed by fragmentation. For Android to be a reliable

part of an enterprise apps strategy, Mobile IT must be able to easily secure

apps data across supported Android devices and OS versions.

    Solution: App Connect for Android creates a secure environment for mobile

enterprise apps that prevents data loss, preserves the native user experience,

and works across supported Android devices and OS versions. App Connect for

Android has three components:

    -- Advanced app wrapping technology to encapsulate the app with minimal

       developer intervention

    -- Integration with MobileIron security policies and groups

    -- Segmentation of personal and trusted apps data on the device

    With App Connect for Android, each business app becomes a secure container

that is managed through the MobileIron console. App Connect encrypts data,

provides a single sign-on, and segments professional from personal data to

enforce security and privacy, while retaining a native user experience to drive

adoption. Trusted apps can share data with each other, but not with personal

apps on the device, providing Mobile IT with unprecedented control over

enterprise data on Android without forcing end users to change their behavior.

    "Our customers are aggressively mobilizing their business processes," said

Bob Tinker, CEO, MobileIron. "Mobile IT moves fast and, as the category leader,

we deliver well-architected innovations. With the MobileIron App Delivery

Network, Docs@Work, and App Connect for Android, our customers can go big with


    About MobileIron

    Positioned in the Leaders Quadrant of Gartner, Inc.'s Magic Quadrant for

Mobile Device Management Software 2012, MobileIron has been chosen by thousands

of organizations that are transforming their businesses through Mobile IT.

Available as an on-premise or a cloud solution, MobileIron was purpose-built to

secure and manage mobile apps, content, and devices for global companies.

MobileIron was the first to deliver key innovations such as multi-OS mobile

device management (MDM), mobile application management (MAM), and BYOD privacy

controls. For more information, please visit http://www.mobileiron.com.

    Safe Harbor Statement

    This communication is merely intended to outline MobileIron's intentions

and does not represent a commitment, obligation, or promise to deliver products

or services to customers at any specific time in the future. Additionally

customers should not rely on this information when making a purchase decision.

     SOURCE: MobileIron

    CONTACT: Clarissa Horowitz







