


AsiaNet 49690 

共同JBN 0811 (2012.6.14)


【リマソル(キプロス)2012年6月14日PRN=共同JBN】 ジュネーブに本拠を置くSynthesis Bankの元取締役チームがこのほど、外国為替取引の新しいオンライン取引プラットフォームであるJFX.com(本拠地:キプロス)を発表した。欧州の投資会社としてのライセンスを持つ同社は今後、数カ所にオフィスを構える予定。

”Trader Spirit Inside(内なるトレーダー精神)”。JFX.comはJiffix Markets Ltdのトレーディング・ブランドである。



JFX.comは、プロの投資家向けにでもあり、外国為替の専門家が設定し管理している。どのような金融中間業者でも、JFX.com から流動性とホワイトレーベルのプラットフォームを受け取ることができる。

Jiffix Markets Ltdはキプロス証券取引委員会(CySEC)の直接規制下にある専門金融中間業社で、CySECの認可番号は156/11。また欧州連合(EU)の金融商品指令(MiFid)に準拠しているほか、他のEU諸国にも登録している。

チーム全員がSynthesis Bankで訓練を受けており、マルコ・ムルジダ最高経営責任者(CEO)は「コンピューターの専門家の手で開発された他に多くある取引プラットフォームとは異なって、JFX.comはユーザーが本当に求めていることに最善の対応をするため、外国為替の専門家たちが設計したツールだ。JFX.com は取引コストが特に低いことに加え、(バンク・オブ・アメリカ、シティバンク、ドイツ銀行、モルガン・スタンレーなど)この分野での主要9銀行が提示する相場水準を間断なく統合することで外為市場における真の相場水準を示すという、他に類のないプライシングの質の高さを誇っている。他の競争相手は、参考値は一つだけ使用しているにすぎない」と述べ、これがJFX.comの資産の一つだと力説した。




Pierre Yves Revaz

pyr@jfx.com /

Stephanie Michael

smi@jfx.com [smi@jiffix.com ]

Direct Line: +357-25-38-55-01


JFX.com - Launch of a New FOREX Online Platform for Private and Professional Investors


LIMASSOL, Cyprus, June 14/PRN=KYODO JBN/ --


    A team of former directors of Synthesis Bank in Geneva has announced the

launch of a new online trading platform, JFX.com, based in Cyprus. Benefiting

from a European investment firm license, the company will expand with the

forthcoming creation of several offices.

    "Trader Spirit Inside". JFX.com is the trading brand of Jiffix Markets Ltd.

    It has been developed by Traders, with great expertise in Foreign Exchange,

for traders and investors, looking for a highly effective, fast and secure

solution for all their transactions on the foreign exchange market. This

company offers some clear advantages, including a choice of several trading

platforms, a depth of prices thanks to nine tier one banks, it provides expert

market knowledge, competitive prices, quality advice and 24 hours specialist

support, as well as the option of immediately benefitting from market

opportunities by opening and creating an account in a few clicks.

    JFX.com is intended for each client segment, such as private investors, to

whom it offers a clear benefit in terms of ease of use. Consequently,

individuals can open and fund an account with a credit card in less than 5

minutes, with low minimum deposits.

    JFX.com is as well for professional traders as it is set up and managed by

Foreign Exchange professionals. Any financial intermediary will be able to

receive liquidity and white label platforms from JFX.com

    Jiffix Markets Ltd is a professional financial intermediary, directly

regulated by the CySEC, Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission (license #:

156/11) and is further: MiFid compliant and registered in other EU Countries

    The entire team was trained at Synthesis Bank. Marco Murgida, CEO,

underlines one of the assets of JFX.com by stating that, "Unlike the vast

majority of trading platforms, which are developed by computing experts,

JFX.com is a tool designed by FOREX professionals, in order to best respond to

the genuine requirements of users. And, in addition to particularly low

transaction costs, JFX.com above all offers an exceptional quality of pricing

with genuine market rates, by the continuous integration of the prices of nine

key players in the sector (including Bank of America, Citibank, Deutsche Bank,

Morgan Stanley), whilst many competitors use a single reference only.

    "We also offer a true novelty with http://www.Worldforextweet.com. This

application will allow for real-time monitoring, sharing and dialogue

concerning latest tweets about Forex and currency pairs."


Media contacts: Pierre Yves Revaz

                pyr@jfx.com / Stephanie Michael

                smi@jfx.com [smi@jiffix.com ]

                Direct Line: +357-25-38-55-01

       SOURCE: JFX.com




