◎課金記録によれば通信事業者の33%がモバイルクラウドサービスを提供中 Allotモバイルトレンド

Allot Communications Ltd.

◎課金記録によれば通信事業者の33%がモバイルクラウドサービスを提供中 Allotモバイルトレンド

AsiaNet 49670 

共同JBN 0806 (2012.6.20)

◎課金記録によれば通信事業者の33%がモバイルクラウドサービスを提供中 Allotモバイルトレンド

【ホッドハシャロン(イスラエル)2012年6月19日PRN=共同JBN】世界の固定とモバイルのブロードバンド・サービス・プロバイダーにサービス最適化と収入創出のソリューションを提供している業界大手のAllot Communications Ltd.(http://www.allot.com、ナスダック:ALLT、http://www.irconnect.com/allt/pages/stock-quote.html)は19日、2012年第2四半期のAllot MobileTrends Charging Report(http://www.allot.com/MobileTrendsChargingReportQ2_2012.html?campid=701D0000000lNnv)を発表し、世界の通信事業者の33%がモバイルクラウドサービスを提供するためにSpotifyなどクラウド方式のコンテンツプロバイダーと提携し、収益分配制度を導入していると明らかにした。今期2回目となる、半期に一度のAllot MobileTrends Charging Reportは、2012年第2四半期に世界の100社以上のモバイル通信事業者から公表されたデータを基にまとめられた。

Allot MobileTrends Charging Reportの主な内容は以下の通り。






 前回のAllot MobileTrends Charging Report(2011年第3四半期)を公表して以来、モバイルネットワークで高度な付加サービスプランを導入する動きが広がっている。アプリケーション主体のプランや複数デバイスプラン、時間変更プラン、ペアレンタルコントロール・プランも増えた。以前は請求できなかった利用方式で被った損失を、埋め合わせることも始まっている。通信事業者の32%は現在、プリペイド方式のWiFi通信アクセスを提供している。ただ通信事業者にとっての課題は、オフロードトラフィックをいかに現行のポリシー制御や料金体系に組み込むことだ。


米調査会社Senza Fili Consultingの創業者兼社長であるモニカ・パオリニ博士は「LTEは3Gを超えて付加価値ベース料金制度の革新の展望を広げている。今後はLTE契約者に提供する料金プランの選択肢が増えると予想する。コンテンツや利用方法、サービスに関しての選択肢を盛り込んだブロードバンド料金プランを求める契約者が増えているからだ。そうした点が契約者には大事で、選択を最大限に活かす柔軟性をもたらす」と述べた。


2012年第2四半期のAllot MobileTrends Charging Reportの全文(グラフ付き)は、以下のウェブサイトで閲覧できる。


▽Allot Communications について

Allot Communications (NASDAQ:ALLT)は世界の固定・モバイルのブロードバンドネットワークと大企業向けに、過剰なトラフィックを最適化し、収益を創出するインテリジェントソリューションを提供する大手企業である。同社の拡張性の高い通信業者仕様のソリューションは、Dynamic Actionable Recognition Technology(DART、http://www.allot.com/Dynamic_Actionable_Recognition_Technology.html)を活用し、トラフィック分析や方針実行、ビデオ最適化をもたらす。ユーザー体験の向上、事業コストの抑制、ネットワークの収入の最大化など、ネットワーク事業者にとって欠かせないバリューベースのサービスと料金制度を、Allotは可能にする。さらに詳しい情報はウェブサイト(http://www.allot.com)まで。


    Allot Communications Contacts:

    Jonathon Gordon

    Director of Marketing

    Allot Communications

    Tel: +972-9-7628423


    PR Contact

    Justine Schneider

    Calysto Communications

    Tel: +1-404-266-2060 x507


ソース:Allot Communications Ltd.

Allot MobileTrends Charging Shows 33% of Operators Delivering Mobile Cloud Services


HOD HASHARON, Israel, June 19, /PRN=KYODO JBN/ --


                     Content Partnerships and Revenue Sharing on the Rise

    Allot Communications Ltd [http://www.allot.com ]. (NASDAQ: ALLT

[http://www.irconnect.com/allt/pages/stock-quote.html ]), a leading supplier of

service optimization and revenue generation solutions for fixed and mobile

broadband service providers worldwide, announced today that its Q2, 2012 Allot

MobileTrends Charging Report [


] shows that 33% of operators are leveraging revenue sharing models and

partnerships with cloud-based content providers such as Spotify to deliver

mobile cloud services. The second bi-annual Allot MobileTrends Charging Report

is based on publicly available data, collected during Q2, 2012 from over 100

mobile operators worldwide.

    Allot MobileTrends Charging Report Q2, 2012 - Key Findings:


    - 46% of operators offer Value-based plans, with services such as parental

      control or music streaming

    - LTE operators have embraced Value-based pricing in a similar manner as

      the 3G Operators

    - Operators cloud is on the rise with 33% offering cloud-based services

      through partners such as Rhapsody, Spotify and Deezer

    - 32% of operators charge for WiFi access (offload). The challenge for

      operators is to incorporate offloaded traffic into their policy control


    - The number or operators charging for tethering almost doubled over the

      past nine months from 15% to 29%, marking a rise in operator efforts to

      closely monitor and monetize the interminable surge in data consumption

    Since the previous Allot MobileTrends Charging Report (Q3, 2011), the

introduction of intelligent Value-based service plans across mobile networks

has become more wide spread. Application-based plans, multi-device plans,

time-shifting and parental control plans are becoming more common. Operators

are also starting to recoup their losses on previously unbillable usage

patterns. 32% of operators now offer paid WiFi access. The challenge for

operators is to incorporate offloaded traffic into their existing policy

control and charging architecture.

     Comparing 3G and LTE pricing, the percentage of operators offering

Value-based plans is identical. Despite the increased capacity available on LTE

networks, it appears that operators are careful not to run into the congestion

and declining ARPU issues now faced in 3G environments. Instead, they are

building Value-based policy enforcement into their LTE networks from the get go.

    "LTE is expanding the scope for value-based pricing innovation over 3G,"

said Monica Paolini, PhD, Founder and President of Senza Fili Consulting, "We

will see even more pricing choice offered to LTE subscribers over time, as

subscribers increasingly expect their broadband plan to reflect their

preferences with regards to content, usage and services that are valuable to

them, and give them the flexibility to make the choices that work best for


    "Working with some of the world's largest operators, we found the need for

pricing innovation to be a cross-regional requirement," said Andrei Elefant,

Allot's Vice President of Marketing. "We are currently helping our customers to

evolve their data charging, focusing on providing consumers with more choice

and operators with unique service differentiation."

    The full Q2, 2012 Allot MobileTrends Charging Report (complete with

graphics) can be found on:



    About Allot Communications

    Allot Communications Ltd. (NASDAQ: ALLT) is a leading provider of

intelligent solutions to optimize and monetize over-the-top traffic in fixed

and mobile broadband networks and in large enterprises worldwide. Allot's

scalable, carrier-grade solutions leverage dynamic actionable recognition


[http://www.allot.com/Dynamic_Actionable_Recognition_Technology.html ] (DART)

to provide traffic analytics, policy enforcement and video optimization. Allot

enables value-based services and charging models that are vital for network

operators to deliver a consistently great user experience, contain costs and

maximize revenues from network usage. For more information, please visit

http://www.allot.com .

    Safe Harbor Statement

    Information provided in this press release may contain statements relating

to current expectations, estimates, forecasts and projections about future

events that are "forward-looking statements" as defined in the Private

Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. These forward-looking statements

generally relate to the company's plans, objectives and expectations for future

operations. These forward-looking statements are based upon management's

current estimates and projections of future results or trends. Actual future

results may differ materially from those projected as a result of certain risks

and uncertainties. These factors include, but are not limited to: changes in

general economic and business conditions and, specifically, a decline in demand

for the company's products; the company's inability to develop and introduce

new technologies, products and applications; loss of market; and other factors

discussed under the heading "Risk Factors" in the company's annual report on

Form 20-F filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission. These

forward-looking statements are made only as of the date hereof, and the company

undertakes no obligation to update or revise the forward-looking statements,

whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise.


    Allot Communications Contacts:

    Jonathon Gordon

    Director of Marketing

    Allot Communications

    Tel: +972-9-7628423


    PR Contact

    Justine Schneider

    Calysto Communications

    Tel: +1-404-266-2060 x507


    Source: Allot Communications Ltd.




