◎2017年までに全土を海洋保護区化  モルディブのワヒード大統領が言明


◎2017年までに全土を海洋保護区化  モルディブのワヒード大統領が言明

AsiaNet 49771

共同JBN 0837 (2012.6.21)

◎2017年までに全土を海洋保護区化  モルディブのワヒード大統領が言明

【リオデジャネイロ2012年6月21日PRN=共同JBN】モルディブ共和国のワヒード大統領は21日、同国の全土を2017年までに海洋保護区(marine reserve)にすると発表した。



モルディブのいくつかの島は、生物圏保護区(Biosphere Reserve)になっている。2011年7月には75の島からなるバア環礁がユネスコ生物圏保護区に登録され、モルディブ政府はこの状態を維持する努力をしている。これは、モルディブの他の区域全体に展開する際の一つのモデルケースになる可能性がある。




Masood Imad

Media Secretary

President's Office

Male, Maldives

Mobile: +960-777-4018

Email : Masood.imad@po.gov.mv


ソース:Government of the Republic of Maldives

Maldives to Become World's Largest Marine Reserve


RIO DE JANEIRO, June 21, 2012 /PRN=KYODO JBN/ --

     President Waheed has today announced that the whole of the Maldives will

become a marine reserve by 2017.

     The commitment would see the Maldives become the first country in the

world to become a marine reserve.

     Marine reserve status for all 1,192 islands is likely to attract

international investment in pilot schemes to explore new approaches to

conservation and sustainability.

     A number of islands in the Maldives are Biosphere Reserves. In July 2011

Baa Atoll which consists of 75 islands, was declared a UNESCO Biosphere Reserve

and the Government is working to ensure it maintains this status.  It is a

model that can be replicated throughout the rest of the Maldives.

     President Waheed, who made the commitment while addressing the Rio +20 UN

Conference on Sustainable Development, said, "I take this opportunity to

announce my Government's commitment to make the entire Maldives, by 2017, the

first country in the world to become, as a nation as a whole, a marine reserve."

     The President went on to say, "This commitment reflects our respect for

our unique natural environment. We have taken these measures to protect our

coral reefs, lagoons, coral islands and coral sand beaches. The Maldives will

take any action necessary to ensure our future."    

     CONTACT: Masood Imad

              Media Secretary

              President's Office

              Male, Maldives

              Mobile: +960-777-4018

              Email : Masood.imad@po.gov.mv


      SOURCE: Government of the Republic of Maldives




