◎ グッドマンはバーチャー ディベロップメント&インベストメンツと15億米ドル規模の投資


◎ グッドマンはバーチャー ディベロップメント&インベストメンツと15億米ドル規模の投資

AsiaNet 49778



グッドマンはバーチャー ディベロップメント&インベストメンツと15億米ドル規模の投資


シドニー、2012年6月21日/PRニュースワイヤー-アジア/ --

グッドマングループ(以下「グッドマン」もしくは「グループ」)は、本日、北米の主要物流市場における高品質な物流および産業不動産の投資開発を目的として、カリフォルニアに本拠地を置くバーチャー ディベロップメント&インベストメンツ(以下「バーチャー」)との提携に合意した旨を発表いたしました。さらにグッドマンは、約8億米ドル(8億豪ドル)の資本パートナーシップにかかるデューディリジェンスの最終段階に至っています。







・インランドエンパイア(ロサンゼルス近郊)で2件、オークランド(サンフランシスコ湾岸エリア)、リーハイバレー(フィラデルフィア)でそれぞれ1件を含む計4件の開発用地を確保済み。 総賃貸面積は90万平方メートル超(980万平方フィート)、竣工時の想定価値は合計7億米ドル超(約7億豪ドル) の見込み。













バーチャーの社長兼CEOであるブランドン・バーチャー氏は、以下のようにコメントしています。「本パートナーシップは、バーチャーの73年間の歴史における新たな幕開けともいうべき一歩です。今後は世界有数の物流不動産企業の一員として、さらなる飛躍の機会に取り組めることを大変嬉しく思います。 当社が培ってきたアメリカ市場の知識やネットワーク、および国内における豊富な投資開発の経験を活かし、ビジネスの拡大に貢献していく所存です。」






本パートナーシップは、カルフォルニア州に所在する3か所の最優良物流用地を既に確保しています。具体的には、カルフォルニア州最大の産業エリアであるインランドエンパイヤに2件、サンフランシスコ湾岸で空港及び港に至近のオークランドで1件の土地をそれぞれ確保済みです。4件目はフィラデルフィアのリーハイヴァレーに所在する用地で、現在交渉が進行中です。これら4件の開発プロジェクトは、総賃貸面積 90万平方メートル(980 万平方フィート)、竣工時の想定価値は 7億米ドル超 (約 7億豪ドル超)規模となる見込みです。



グッドマンの北米市場参入に関する詳しい情報については、当社ウェブサイトのInvestor Centreに掲載されている、投資家様向け最新プレゼンテーション資料のセクション2をご参照ください。


グッドマングループの詳細については www.goodman.comをご参照ください。

バーチャー ディベロップメント&インベストメンツについて

バーチャーは、1939年の設立以来、揺るぎない設計力と優れたプロジェクト実現力でその名を知られてきました。米国全土において6,000万平方フィート超のオフィス、産業不動産、商業施設等の開発実績を誇り、開発および建築に関するノウハウと実績で高い評価を得ています。現在、バーチャー ディベロップメント&インベストメンツは、5代目の経営者として開発事業を承継しているブランドン・バーチャー氏が単独で所有しています。




グレッグ  グッドマン



出所 グッドマングループ

Goodman Enters North American Market with Birtcher Development and Establishes US$1.5 billion Investment Partnership


SYDNEY, June 21, 2012 /PRN-Asia=KYODO JBN/ --

Goodman Group (Goodman or Group) today announces that it has entered into an

agreement with California-based, Birtcher Development & Investments (Birtcher),

focused on the development of, and investment in, prime quality logistics and

industrial facilities in key locations across North America. Additionally,

Goodman is in final stages of due diligence with regard to a capital

partnership targeting approximately US$800 million (A$800 million) of equity


Key features of Goodman's North American market entry are:

    -- Strategic and timely entry into the world's largest, most

       liquid and transparent real estate market.

    -- Capital partnership focusing on the key North American

       logistics and industrial property markets. Initial equity

       commitment targeting approximately US$800 million (A$800


    -- Deployment of a highly experienced team, combining Birtcher's

       local market expertise with Goodman's global funds management

       capability, to establish the Group's North American operations.

       Birtcher will have a management carried interest, post a Goodman

       preferred return.

    -- Development led investment strategy focused initially on the

       development of prime logistics and industrial facilities in key

       logistics hubs, with the ability to invest in stabilised

       properties over time.

    -- Secured four development sites, two in the Inland Empire (Los

       Angeles area), Oakland (San Francisco Bay Area) and Lehigh

       Valley (Philadelphia), with in excess of 900,000 sqm (9.8

       million sq ft) of gross lettable area and a combined total

       completion value of more than US$700 million (A$700 million).

Strategic rationale

The US is the world's largest, most liquid and transparent real estate market.

The current market remains highly fragmented with obvious capital constraints,

making this an attractive time to enter key logistics and industrial locations

and access top tier development sites to deliver new investment product for

global and local customers in partnership with our global capital partners.

Goodman's Group Chief Executive Officer, Greg Goodman said, "Today's

announcement reinforces Goodman's position as a leading global logistics

property group. With A$19 billion (US$19 billion) of assets under management

throughout Asia Pacific and Europe, our entry into North America is a logical

step in the expansion of our operating platform to service our global customers

and equity partners in the world's largest logistics and industrial market.

Over time we also see North America growing to be one of Goodman's largest

markets in terms of assets under management."

Capital partnership approach

Goodman is establishing a new North American logistics and industrial

partnership, to provide funding to invest in the properties developed and

sourced by the Group's North American platform. Initial equity commitments will

be approximately US$800 million (A$800 million).

"The investment strategy for the partnership will be to target investment in

logistics and industrial property in key North American markets, focusing

initially on development led opportunities, with value add and stabilised asset

acquisitions to be considered over time in line with market conditions," said

Mr Goodman.

Goodman is in final stages of due diligence with a major capital partner.

Commercial terms have been agreed and documentation is anticipated to be

completed shortly.

Goodman will fund its interest in the partnership from retained earnings and

proceeds from the recycling of assets.  

Management company

The management company combines Goodman's global expertise as a leading

specialist fund manager of industrial property and business space, extensive

global customer and capital partner relationships, with the strength of

Birtcher's local knowledge, long established track record and reputation in

North America.

Goodman's Group Chief Executive Officer, Greg Goodman said, "A key success

factor to entering a new market is ensuring you have the requisite local

knowledge and expertise. In this regard, we are delighted to have sourced the

local expertise of such a highly regarded property group as Birtcher to drive

the expansion of our international operating platform into key logistics

markets in North America. This local expertise will be supported by a group of

Goodman's international employees who will be joining the management group to

help provide operational expertise and compliance."

Birtcher is a Los Angeles area based, privately-owned industrial and logistics

real estate developer which has built a solid reputation as one of the most

innovative and successful developers on the West Coast of the United States.

Birtcher has developed more than 5.6 million sqm (60 million square feet) of

warehouse, distribution, manufacturing and office projects throughout the

Western and Southern United States for leading customer names including Kroger,

Nike, Xerox and General Electric.

Birtcher President and CEO, Brandon Birtcher commented, "This represents a new

chapter in Birtcher's 73-year history and we are excited by the tremendous

opportunity that comes through working as part of one of the world's leading

industrial property groups. We look forward to utilising the wealth of our

local market knowledge and relationships, together with our considerable

development and investment experience to drive the growth of the company."

The management team will be incentivised through its carried interest in the

management company, post a Goodman preferred return.

Investment strategy

A targeted geographic investment strategy will be implemented to secure

opportunities on a 'through the cycle' basis, by focusing on developing and

investing in A-grade logistics and industrial facilities. A development-led

approach will initially be pursued to maximise returns given the under supply

of quality space in specific target logistics markets.

In this regard, opportunities will be sought in the key West Coast logistics

hubs of Los Angeles (Inland Empire), San Francisco and Seattle, with New York,

New Jersey and Philadelphia to be targeted on the East Coast. Other key

logistics hubs based around inland ports, intermodals and tier one ports will

also be considered.

Secured development sites

Initial development opportunities have been identified in California through

three prime land sites. Two sites have been secured in the Inland Empire,

California's largest industrial market, with a third site acquired in the San

Francisco Bay Area of Oakland, in close proximity to the city's air and sea

ports. A fourth site is under offer in the Philadelphia Lehigh Valley

industrial market. The four sites are capable of delivering a total combined

gross lettable area in excess of 900,000 sqm (9.8 million sq ft) and a total

completion value of more than US$700 million (A$700 million).

Mr Goodman said, "Having secured these significant land sites, we are well

positioned to take advantage of the very positive market dynamics in the Inland

Empire, Oakland and Philadelphia. These regions are experiencing an undersupply

of high quality logistics space, providing us with a compelling opportunity to

meet the strong customer demand that exists for A-grade 'big box' facilities."

"We are separately assessing further development opportunities in our other

target North American locations and we expect to be in a position to announce

these shortly," Mr Birtcher added.

For more information on Goodman's entry into the North American market, refer

to Section 2 in the Investor Update presentation (


) available from the Investor Centre section of Goodman's website.

About Goodman

For more information visit http://www.goodman.com or http://us.goodman.com

About Birtcher Development & Investments

Since 1939, the Birtcher name has been synonymous with enduring design and

performance in project execution.  Birtcher has developed more than 60 million

square feet of industrial, office and retail projects throughout the United

States, achieving national expertise and strong reputations in development and

construction. Today, Birtcher Development & Investments is solely owned by

Brandon Birtcher who carries on the family's five-generation development


Birtcher's core focus is on providing warehouse and build-to-suit solutions for

logistics service providers, manufactures and retailers throughout North

America.  This is achieved by maintaining land inventory through control of the

best sites in America's most attractive logistics markets.

For further information, please contact Goodman:

Greg Goodman

Group Chief Executive Officer


SOURCE  Goodman Group




