◎iPad版のCOSMOSを発表  オーストラリアのCOSMOS Media

Cosmos Media Pty Ltd

◎iPad版のCOSMOSを発表  オーストラリアのCOSMOS Media

AsiaNet 49783

共同JBN 0844 (2012.6.22)

◎iPad版のCOSMOSを発表  オーストラリアのCOSMOS Media








メルボルンのモナッシュ大学学長で雑誌COSMOSの出版元COSMOS Mediaの会長兼共同創立者であるアラン・フィンケル博士は「COSMOSがiPadプラットフォームで行ったことは革新的であると同時に破壊的でもある」と指摘し、次のように述べた。



22日発表されたCOSMOS Magazineアプリは、シドニーをベースにするデベロッパーで100を超えるiOSアプリ、アンドロイド・アプリの開発で成功しているMogenerationが制作した強力なOomphデジタル出版プラットフォーム上で動作する。Mogenerationは、機能面で新境地を開くのを目指してCOSMOSチームと緊密に協力した。

COSMOS Mediaのカイリー・アハーン最高経営責任者(CEO)は「iPadは予測不可能な形で出版業界を変革しており、これは当社にとっては良い方向に向かっている。App Storeはグローバルであり、従ってこれまでもグローバル志向だったCOSMOSのiPadエディションはすぐさま、国際市場を開拓できる。COSMOSは世界大手の科学雑誌と対等に競争できる。なぜならば、プリント版が抱えざるをえなかったオーストラリアからの配達遅滞、配送コスト、配布の制約がなくなり、安価でかつ出版と同時に入手できるからである」と語った。


COSMOS Magazineアプリは無料。読者はまたApp Storeから完全版をダウンロードできる。月別の各号は1号4.99米ドルで購入でき、年間購読料は24.99米ドル。











▽COSMOS Magazineのバックグラウンド

COSMOSはオーストラリアでナンバーワンの科学メディア・ブランドで、最大の発行部数を持つ科学雑誌であり、最も評価が高い科学ニュースサイトであり、教育リソースは65%の高等学校で使用されている。出版元のCOSMOS Magazineは3人の人物により創立された。メルボルンの神経科学者で起業家のアラン・フィンケル博士、雑誌出版担当のカイリー・アハーン、科学ジャーナリストのウィルソン・ダシルバの3氏である。同社はまたウェブサイト、書籍、ポスター、DVDなど一連の特別編集製品を制作している。COSMOSの生みの親はダシルバ氏で、同氏は世界科学ジャーナリスト連盟の元議長であり、オーストラリアのABCテレビの科学リポーターでもあった。COSMOSは編集諮問委員会の支援を受けており、そのメンバーにはアポロ11号のバズ・オルドリン氏が含まれている。


Call Arnold Perez at COSMOS on

+61 2 9310 8510 or

email publicity@cosmosmagazine.com

Also available is

Wilson da Silva on


Mobile +61-407-907-017 or


ソース:Cosmos Media Pty Ltd

Future of Media is Bright - If You Reinvent to Expand


SYDNEY, Australia, June 22 /Medianet International=KYODO JBN/--

         Magazine company doubles staff, expands across platforms,

                         pursues global markets

    The tsunami of disruptive technological change sweeping the publishing

industry is an opportunity, not a crisis, and magazines must reinvent

themselves if they are to not only survive, but thrive.

So argue the publishers of COSMOS, the celebrated science magazine, who today

launched an innovative iPad edition - the first of a series of planned

multi-platform products. The iPad edition is the result of nine months of

development and testing, and represents a complete reconceptualization of the

print magazine.

    "It's not good enough to just produce a print replica on the iPad," said

Wilson da Silva, editor-in-chief of COSMOS. "You need to completely re-imagine

what a magazine is editorially, which is what we've done, but also maintain a

clear narrative structure throughout. The functionality of the iPad is

fundamentally changing the game, and only those who capitalise on this will


    "The media has been overly concerned with advertisers for too long. Now

that ad revenue is declining, many publishers are cutting back on editorial

resources - and that's a mistake. What the industry needs to do is refocus on

the fundamentals: their readers. At COSMOS, our revenue has always come mostly

from readers rather than advertisers. Hence, we're excited about a world where

creating engaging narrative content that readers want, and are willing to pay

for, is the name of the game, because that's been what we've excelled at for


    On the iPad, this means not just providing excellent content at lower cost,

but also the seamless integration of video and animation, live updates,

multiple layers of reader interaction and a cross-platform approach to engaging


    "If anything can save quality journalism, it will be the readers who are

willing to pay for excellence in writing, photography and design. And those

readers, who engage with magazines more than any other medium, will attract the

advertisers - which is the way it should be," said da Silva.

    COSMOS, which celebrates its 7th birthday with the June 2012 issue,

specializes in long-form features and lush design. The winner of 45 journalism

and publishing awards - including Magazine of the Year awards twice in its

native Australia - it has developed a strong following around the world. Based

in Sydney, its content is nevertheless global in scope, attracting authors such

as Richard Dawkins, Margaret Wertheim, Steven Pinker, Paul Davies and Simon


    Founded by scientists and media professionals who believe in the

transformative power of clear and engaging writing, it is now set to take on

the world with the launch of its iPad edition.

    "What COSMOS has done on the iPad platform is both innovative and itself

disruptive," said Dr Alan Finkel, the Chancellor of Monash University in

Melbourne and the chairman and co-founder of  Cosmos Media, the magazine's


    "We've not only re-imagined COSMOS for the iPad, but will be boosting

frequency, creating bonus iPad issues, giving print subscribers free access to

the iPad editions, as well as free access to the complete digital archive. I

don't think any other publisher has so completely overhauled its business model.

    "COSMOS has done so because we've set our sights on the future. We're

preparing not just for the eventual demise of print, but looking to take a

dominant position in the emerging tablet market. We aim to be the world's

number 1 science magazine in five years," said Finkel.

    The COSMOS Magazine app, launched today, runs on the powerful Oomph digital

publishing platform created by Mogeneration, a successful Sydney-based

developer of over 100 iOS and Android apps who worked closely with the COSMOS

team to push the boundaries of functionality.


    "The iPad is changing the media industry in unpredictable ways - in our

case, for the better," said Kylie Ahern, CEO of Cosmos Media. "The App Store is

global, so the iPad edition of COSMOS - which has always been global in outlook

- can suddenly tap an international market. COSMOS can compete with the world's

leading science magazines on an equal footing: at a compelling price and

available as soon as it is published, without the delays and cost of shipping

and distribution from Australia, which the print issue has had to face.

    "That's why we've doubled our editorial staff in the past six months, and

have completely overhauled our business strategy. For us, print is now just

another platform. And we have a raft of new iPad, digital and online products

set to launch in the next 18 months," added Ahern.

    The COSMOS Magazine app is free, and readers can also download a complete

issue free from the App Store. Individual copies of each monthly edition can be

purchased for US$4.99 each, and annual subscriptions for US$24.99.

    See a video demonstration of the COSMOS app here -



    Frequency: 12 issues per year

    Annual subscription, iPad-only: US$24.99

    Single iPad-only issue: US$4.99

    Annual subscription, Print + iPad + Browser + Archives: US$60

    iPad app launch date: Thursday, 21 June 2012


    Download the app free here:



    COSMOS is Australia's #1 science media brand: the biggest-circulation

science magazine, highest rating science news site and its education resources

are used in 65% of high schools. Its publisher, Cosmos Media, was founded by

three people: Melbourne neuroscientist and entrepreneur Dr Alan Finkel,

magazine publishing executive Kylie Ahern and science journalist Wilson da

Silva. The company also produces a range of custom editorial products such as

websites, books, posters and DVDs. COSMOS is the brainchild of da Silva, a past

president of the World Federation of Science Journalists and a former science

reporter at Australia's ABC TV. It is backed by an Editorial Advisory Board

that includes Apollo 11 astronaut Buzz Aldrin.


Call Arnold Perez at COSMOS on

+61 2 9310 8510 or

email publicity@cosmosmagazine.com

Also available is

Wilson da Silva on


Mobile +61-407-907-017 or


SOURCE: Cosmos Media Pty Ltd




