


AsiaNet 49795

共同JBN 0846 (2012.6.22)


【リオデジャネイロ22日PRN=共同JBN】革新的なグリーン成長と開発に対するカタールのビジョンが、持続的発展に関する「地球サミット2012(リオ+20)」国連会議のカタール国家パビリオンで注目を浴びている。カタールの開発計画事務局(GSDP)のサレ・アルナビット事務総長(博士)は開催日の基調を打ち出し、「Qatar's National Vision 2030(カタール国家ビジョン2030)」の重要性を強調し、「われわれは20年後にリオデジャネイロに戻り、21世紀の挑戦を討議する。持続的開発はカタール国家ビジョン2030にとって極めて重要であり、カタールがどのようにしてこの野心的ビジョンを達成するかを見てもらうためここにいる」と語った。

(Photo: http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20120621/SP28742




カタール・ペトロリアム(Qatar Petroleum)の保健・安全・環境規制・執行理事会ディレクターのサイフ・アルナイミ氏は「カタール国家は主要産業の持続的活動の意味で既に急速に前進している」との考え方を共有している。カタールの炭化水素施設は、システム内でガスを燃やし、再加工した後の排出ガスを回収することによって、温室効果ガス排出量をかなりの程度削減する方向に順調に進んでいる。この分野と研究所で新しい技術を開発するこれら大きな投資は、業界の高価値サービスと製品で期待できる結果を生んで、カタールの経済多様化戦略とともに環境に利益をもたらしている。

産業部門の主導による進歩に加えて、カタールの研究開発計画はテクノロジーと科学の進歩を生みだし、この時代の最も重要な問題について同国は優秀な頭脳と最先端施設を擁する優れた研究拠点(center of excellence)として確立しつつある。カタール科学技術パーク(QSTP)のモハンマド・アルハルディ氏は「カタール科学技術パークは代替燃料からロボット外科手術まで広く研究に携わっている。これらの研究活動は世界の生活基準を高めるだけでなく、国家経済を多様化する」と語った。






 FSB Comunicacao / www.fsb.com.br

 +55 21 3206 5050

 Mariana Pinheiro (mariana.pinheiro@fsb.com.br)

 Henrique Dias (riomais20.qatar@fsb.com.br)

 Ana Duek (ana.duek@fsb.com.br)




Qatar Launches Discussions on Sustainability at Rio + 20


RIO DE JANEIRO, June 22, 2012 /PRN=KYODO JBN/ --

Qatar's vision for innovative green growth and development took center stage at

the Qatar National Pavilion at Rio + 20 UN Conference on Sustainable

Development. His Excellency Dr. Saleh Al-Nabit, Secretary General of the

General Secretariat for Development Planning (GSDP) set the tone for the days

discussions and stressed the importance of Qatar's National Vision 2030: "We

return to Rio de Janeiro twenty years later to discuss the challenges of the

21st century. Sustainable development is crucial to Qatar's National Vision

2030, and we are here to showcase how Qatar will fulfill this ambition."

(Photo: http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20120621/SP28742 )

By combining smart infrastructure, progressive social programs, ambitious

education systems and world-class research and development, Qatar's Vision 2030

serves as an example for emerging nations committed to economic diversity,

sustainable growth and opportunities for its people. Through the leadership of

His Highness the Emir Sheikh Hamad bin Khalifa Al Thani, Qatar has committed to

investing its resources in sustainable growth and development, building a

foundation for long-term prosperity for this independent Gulf state.

"Qatar's National Vision 2030 outlines the strategies for balancing economic

growth with social and environmental progress," said Datuk Dr. Richard Leete,

the GSDP Social Development Department Director said. "It is important that the

public and private sectors move ahead in step, pursuing their goals together."

An exceptionally rapid rise in population -- averaging 15 percent per year

between 2004 and 2008 --has generated challenges that cut across all segments

of society and infrastructure, Leete explained. Addressing these issues in

nations like Qatar requires a comprehensive environmental management system

that mitigates the impacts of rapid population growth and the high levels of

urbanization in Doha.

"The nation has already made leaps forward in terms of sustainable operations

of its key industries," shared Director of Qatar Petroleum's Health, Safety and

Environment Regulations and Enforcement Directorate Saif Saeed Al-Naimi. By

recovering emissions that were once flared and re-processing those gases in the

system, hydrocarbon facilities in Qatar are well on their way to measurable

reductions in greenhouse gas emissions. These significant investments in

developing new technologies in the field and laboratory are promising returns

in high-value services and products for the industry -- a win for Qatar's

economic diversification strategy, as well as the environment.

In addition to the progress led by the industrial sector, Qatar's research and

development programs are producing technologies and advancements in science

that are establishing the Nation as a center of excellence on the most critical

problems of our time. "The Qatar Science and Technology Park is engaged in

research that ranges from alternative fuels to robotic surgery," said Mohammad

Al-Khaldy of QSTP. Not only are these initiatives improving standards of living

throughout the world, but they are also diversifying the Nation's economy.

"We are proud to share these examples of Qatar's leadership on sustainable

development in Rio," said His Excellency Dr. Saleh Al-Nabit, "This is a

collaborative effort to implement a vision that helps our nation continue to

take advantage of the opportunities it has for progress while also insuring

that the society and environment we live in remains the kind of place we are

all proud to call home."

About GSDP

The Qatar General Secretariat for Development Planning (GSDP) sights are set on

the long term, pursuing initiatives that make a difference in the lives of

Qatar's citizens and people, and that are sustainable over many years. In

everything it does, GSDP recognizes the important interdependencies and

trade-offs among development goals and constraints and accordingly aims to

integrate all national development efforts so that they are mutually

reinforcing and sustainable.

GSDP's relevance to Qatar's national development hinges on its ability to

consult, involve, convene and influence a whole range of stakeholders and to

initiate and guide dialogue on important issues. GSDP is therefore committed to

communicating with and engaging stakeholders in order them keep them abreast of

development progress and strengthen its partnerships with them, while building

understanding of the purpose of the national development strategy and how it

will bring tangible benefits for the people of Qatar.

PR Contacts:

FSB Comunicacao / www.fsb.com.br

+55 21 3206 5050

Mariana Pinheiro (mariana.pinheiro@fsb.com.br)

Henrique Dias (riomais20.qatar@fsb.com.br)

Ana Duek (ana.duek@fsb.com.br)







