◎欧州都市部に再生エネルギー  Impact EconomyがreMAC支援

Impact Economy SA

◎欧州都市部に再生エネルギー  Impact EconomyがreMAC支援

AsiaNet 49818

共同JBN 0854 (2012.6.25)

◎欧州都市部に再生エネルギー  Impact EconomyがreMAC支援

【リオデジャネイロ2012年6月25日PRN=共同JBN】グリーンエコノミー実現のため「大都市圏再生エネルギー(Regenerative Energies for Metropolitan Areas and Cities=reMAC)」がエネルギー、排ガス削減戦略の賢明な判断の役に立つ-。国連持続可能な開発会議(リオ+20)が世界金融危機後における持続可能開発の国際協力に待望のモメンタムを与える。問題は、政策担当者がいかに費用効果のよい迅速かつ収束性ある方法で目標を行動に移せるかにかかっている。

Impact Economyはその専門知識を戦略、投資、持続可能な勧告に利用、より持続可能で効率的な経済という目標に前進するため「欧州地域ネットワーク(Network of European Metropolitan Regions and Areas =METREX)」と提携したと発表した。


公式パートナーで欧州連合(EU)域外唯一のプロモーター兼販売業者として、Impact Economyは人口2万人以上の大都市行政府によるreMACの導入、実現を支援する。地元データ、潜在的な混合エネルギー源、政策選定に基づいて、reMACは地域の二酸化炭素削減コスト比のシナリオモデルをつくる。これにより地域の利害関係者は、効率よく排ガス削減を達成し再生可能エネルギー投資の収益を得るための賢い決定を下すことができる。

「クリントン・グローバル・イニシアチブ(Clinton Global Initiative)」、「R20気候行動地域(Regions of Climate Action)」の一員としてImpact Economyは、持続可能な資本主義への移行を促進するために影響力を最大限発揮する方法を果敢に追求している。


Dr. Maximilian Martin, Founder and Managing Director of Impact Economy





ソース:Impact Economy SA

Making the Spirit of Rio Actionable: New Tool for Strategic Carbon Planning in Metropolitan Regions


RIO DE JANEIRO, June 25, 2012 / PRN=KYODO JBN/ --


    - To Make the Green Economy Happen, reMAC Enables Metropolitan Regions and

Cities to Take Informed Decisions on Energy & Carbon Reduction Strategies

    Rio+20 provides much-needed momentum to international cooperation on

sustainable development post global financial crisis. The question is how

decision makers can translate goals into action in a cost-effective, fast and

convergent manner.

    Impact Economy is proud to announce its partnership with the Network of

European Metropolitan Regions and Areas (METREX), leveraging the firm's

expertise in strategy, investment and sustainability advisory to advance the

goal of a more sustainable and effective economy.

    Producing roughly 70% of worldwide greenhouse gas, cities and metropolitan

regions are in a unique position to address climate change. Given many

governments' ambition to achieve 80% emissions reductions by 2050, a decision

and strategy tool such as Regenerative Energies for Metropolitan Areas and

Cities (reMAC) is invaluable, covering the full spectrum of answers relating to

financial viability, technical feasibility and carbon reduction.

    As official partner and sole promoter and distributor outside the European

Union, Impact Economy will support the rollout and implementation of reMAC to

metropolitan administrations in cities ranging from 20,000 inhabitants upwards.

Based on local data and potential mixes of energy sources and policy choices,

reMAC models regional CO2 reduction and cost scenarios. This enables regional

stakeholders to take smart decisions to efficiently achieve carbon reduction

and profit from investments in renewables.

    As member of the Clinton Global Initiative and strategy partner of R20

Regions of Climate Action, Impact Economy is actively seeking ways to maximize

impact in fulfilling its mission to facilitate the transition towards

sustainable capitalism.

    Further information:

    Dr. Maximilian Martin, Founder and Managing Director of Impact Economy

maximilian.martin@impacteconomy.com or website:

http://www.impacteconomy.com/remac , +41-78-698-98-56

    SOURCE: Impact Economy SA




