◎上海オフィスにScott氏が加わる  法律事務所のWinston & Strawn

Winston & Strawn LLP

◎上海オフィスにScott氏が加わる  法律事務所のWinston & Strawn

AsiaNet 49833

共同JBN 0857 (2012.6.26)

◎上海オフィスにScott氏が加わる  法律事務所のWinston & Strawn

【上海2012年6月26日PRN=共同JBN】Winston & Strawn LLPは26日、ブリントン・M・スコット(Brinton M. Scott)氏がこのほどパートナーとして同社上海オフィスに加わり、企業、知的財産、雇用法の関連分野を担当する。これには合併・買収、合弁企業、外国直接投資の業務も含まれる。スコット氏は直近まで、Clyde & Coのパートナーだった。Clydeからは、ジェリー(ザン)・リュウ(Jerry (Zhan) Liu)、サブリナ・ヤン(Sabrina Yang)の両氏もスコット氏のコーポレートアソシエートとして加わる。

 (Logo: http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20070820/AQM151LOGO



同社のアジア・フォフィスのマネジング・パートナーであるデービッド・ホール-ジョーンズ氏は「スコット氏のような優れたプロフェッショナルが率いる経験豊かな移行チームを迎えることができて喜ばしい。スコット、リュウ、ヤンの各氏はWinston & Strawnの傑出した企業活動およびその熟成したアジア業務経験を完全に補完する素晴らしい手腕をもたらしてくれる」と語った。

スコット氏は「アジア全域の最上級の法律サービスを世界の企業顧客向けに提供するというWinston & Strawnの前向きの経営計画の参画できることを大変喜んでいる」と語った。

Winston & Strawnは中国およびアジアで目覚ましく拡大を続けており、スコット氏が率いる企業チームを雇用することは、今後は香港、北京、上海にあるオフィスの拡充を目指す最新の動きである。Winston & Strawnは2008年末の香港オフィス開設に続き、北京および上海のオフィス開設が2009年末に中国司法省の承認を受けた。

スコット氏は、ウィラメッテ大学法律カッレッジで法学士号を取得、ウィラメッテ大学ではWillamette Bulletin of International Law & Policyの外部の論文編集者を務めた。スコット氏はまた、East China University of Politics and Lawで中国法の修了証書を受けた。同氏はカリフォルニア、ワシントン両州で弁護士として認可されている。


ヤン氏は、武漢大学法学部で企業法の修士号、ミネソタ大学法学部のBusiness Law Concentrationで法学修士号を取得した。同氏はまたジョンズホプキンス大学-南京大学中国・米国研究センター(Johns Hopkins University - Nanjing University Center for Chinese and American Studies)で、米国法に特化した大学院レベルの研究に携わった。ヤン氏は中国、ニューヨークで弁護士として認可されている。

Winston & Strawn LLPは国際的な民間法律事務所であり、北米、アジア、欧州に15カ所のオフィスを構えている。法律事務所に関する詳細は www.winston.comを参照。

ソース:Winston & Strawn LLP


Darryl Van Duch

Communications Manager




Winston & Strawn Adds Corporate, Intellectual Property and Employment Team Led by Brinton M. Scott to its Shanghai Office


SHANGHAI, June 26, 2012 /PRN=KYODO JBN/ --

     Winston & Strawn LLP announced today that Brinton M. Scott has recently

joined its Shanghai office as a partner and will focus on corporate,

intellectual property, and employment law matters, including those involving

mergers and acquisitions, joint ventures and foreign direct investments.  Scott

was most recently a partner for Clyde & Co.  He will be joined by two corporate

associates, Jerry (Zhan) Liu and Sabrina Yang, also from Clyde.

     (Logo: http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20070820/AQM151LOGO)

     Scott has worked in China for nearly 16 years and is fluent in Mandarin.  

He has extensive experience in advising Fortune 500 and large private

multinational corporations on diverse high stakes projects involving

acquisitions, buy-outs, large-scale Greenfields, and foreign direct investment

in an array of industries including insurance, retail (electronic, food, and

fashion), aerospace, chemical, pharmaceutical, pulp & paper, real estate, and


     Liu and Yang are also experienced in advising a wide range of U.S. and

European companies in various industries on general corporate and foreign

direct investments, especially when acquiring and/or setting up new businesses

or subsidiaries in China.

     "We are delighted to have this experienced transactional team led by such

a prominent practitioner as Brinton join us," said David Hall-Jones, managing

partner of the firm's Asian offices.  "Brinton, Jerry and Sabrina bring

outstanding capabilities that perfectly complement Winston's preeminent

corporate practices and its maturing Asian footprint."

     "I'm very pleased to become a part of Winston's forward-looking business

plan to provide the highest quality legal services throughout Asia to its

global corporate clientele," said Scott.

     The hiring of the Scott-led corporate team is Winston's latest step in a

remarkable period of expansion in mainland China and Asia and, now, the

maturation of its offices in Hong Kong, Beijing and Shanghai.  The opening of

offices in Beijing and Shanghai were approved in late 2009 by the People's

Republic of China's Ministry of Justice and follows the opening of Winston's

Hong Kong office at the end of 2008.

     Scott received his J.D. from the Willamette University College of Law,

where he was the outside articles editor for the Willamette Bulletin of

International Law & Policy.  Scott also received a Certificate of Chinese Law

from East China University of Politics and Law.  He is admitted to the bars of

California and Washington.

     Liu received his J.D. and L.L.M. from the University of Missouri-Kansas

City School of Law, and his Master of Law in Economics Law from Nanjing

University School of Law.  He is also admitted to the PRC and New York bars.

     Yang received her MA at Corporate Law from Wuhan University, School of

Law, and L.L.M. with Business Law Concentration from the University of

Minnesota Law School.  She also performed graduate-level work focusing on

American Law at Johns Hopkins University - Nanjing University Center for

Chinese and American Studies.  Yang is admitted to the PRC and New York bars.

     Winston & Strawn LLP is an international commercial law firm with 15

offices in North America, Asia and Europe.  More information about the firm is

available at www.winston.com.

     SOURCE: Winston & Strawn LLP

    CONTACT: Darryl Van Duch

             Communications Manager







