◎英米伝統校以外の大学が躍進 QS世界大学ランキング調査

QS Quacquarelli Symonds

◎英米伝統校以外の大学が躍進 QS世界大学ランキング調査

AsiaNet 49863

共同JBN 0868 (2012.6.29)

◎英米伝統校以外の大学が躍進 QS世界大学ランキング調査

【ロンドン2012年6月29日PRN=共同JBN】この種のランキング調査としては世界最大の「2012年専攻学科別QS世界大学ランキング(2012 QS World University Rankings by Subject)」によれば、世界の既存のトップ校に対抗する新しい勢力が現れているという。


(Logo: http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20120528/533559




英高等教育情報機関クアクアレリ・シモンズ(Quacquarelli Symonds)で調査部門を率いるベン・サーター氏は「世界では研究部門を開発し、海外の才能を引きつける競争が起きており、既存の秩序を揺るがしている。米国、英国のトップ校はかつて世界トップレベルの研究者、学生を独占していたが、金融危機によってその力が失われている」と語った。


Quacquarelli Symondsのジョン・オリアリー氏は「アジア、オーストラレーシア諸国ならびに一部の西欧諸国は革新を促進すべく、研究費を増やしてきている。特にブラジル、 ロシア、インド、中国のBRIC各国は高等教育を経済成長のかなめと捉えている」と述べている。




ソース:QS Quacquarelli Symonds

Largest-Ever World University Rankings by Subject Show Increased Global Competition




                         Live now: http://www.topuniversities.com

    Several new challengers to the established global hierarchy are revealed in

2012 QS World University Rankings by Subject, the largest set of rankings of

its kind ever compiled.

    (Logo: http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20120528/533559 )

    MIT and Harvard both top the table in 11 of the record 29 disciplines

covered, ahead of Oxford (3), Stanford (3) and Cambridge (1). Yet it is the

performance of universities outside of the traditional US-UK elite that

provides the rankings' main talking point.

    Universities from 17 different countries make the top 20 in at least one

discipline, spanning five continents: the US, UK, Australia, Canada,

Switzerland, Italy, France, Germany, Netherlands, Ireland, Sweden, China,

Singapore, Hong Kong, Korea, Japan and Brazil.

    Asia accounts for around a quarter of leading institutions in engineering,

mathematics, chemistry, and material sciences. University of Tokyo ranks 2nd in

civil engineering, while National University of Singapore, Peking University,

Hong Kong University and Kyoto University all make the top ten in at least one


    "Global competition to develop research capacity and attract international

talent is shaking up the established order", says QS head of research Ben

Sowter. "The financial crisis has eroded the ability of leading universities in

the US and UK to monopolize world-class researchers and students".

    Continental Europe's leading institution is ETH Zurich, ranked 4th in

chemical engineering. Germany's increased research funding through the

Excellence Initiative is reflected in strong performances in science and

technology, with Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitat Muenchen ranked 12th for


    "Countries in Asia, Australasia and parts of western Europe have increased

their research budgets in a bid to foster innovation," says John O'Leary. "The

BRIC nations in particular have made higher education central to their plans

for economic growth."

    Two Indian institutions appear for the first time in the top 30 for

engineering, while China flexes its muscle with top-30 rankings in 17

disciplines. Brazil's emergence is reflected by top-50 rankings in six subjects

for the University of Sao Paolo.

    Australian universities make the top ten in 11 subjects, while Toronto

University is Canada's top institution, with five top-ten rankings. 12 UK

institutions make the top 20 in at least one of the 29 subjects, though only

three of these universities register their best performance in a science or

technology discipline.

    QS World University Rankings by Subject is based on new data on research

citations alongside global surveys of nearly 50,000 academics and graduate


    SOURCE: QS Quacquarelli Symonds




