◎機能するリーダーシップ主題 ロシアで国際経済フォーラム


◎機能するリーダーシップ主題  ロシアで国際経済フォーラム

AsiaNet 49883

共同JBN 0875 (2012.7.2)

◎機能するリーダーシップ主題  ロシアで国際経済フォーラム

【サンクトペテルブルク2012年7月2日PRN=共同JBN】6月21日から23日まで開催された第16回サンクトペテルブルク国際経済フォーラム(St. Petersburg International Economic Forum=SPIEF)には大統領3人、首相2人、各省高官数十人、フォーチュン誌トップ1000企業の役員75人以上、400人を超えるロシアの一流企業、銀行の幹部ら総勢5000人が参加し、「機能するリーダーシップ(Leadership that Works)」に必要なことについて意見を交わして討議、ネットワークを築いた。





SPIEF 2012プログラムは「未来を獲得する(Securing the Future)」「ロシアの潜在力を実現する(Realizing Russia's Potential)」「インパクト・テクノロジーへの対応(Responding to Impact Technologies)」「注目のリーダーシップ(Leadership in Focus)」という4大コンテンツをめぐって構成されていた。




SPIEF 2012は今年、国内と海外の放送局を巻き込んで討論のテレビ放送を拡充した。ロシア・トゥデー(RT)は「岐路に立つ欧州:ポスト危機のシナリオ(European Crossroads: Post-Crisis Scenarios)」を共同制作、ユーロ圏の信頼強化に必要な主要対策に取り組んだ。CNBCと共催した討論は「21世紀の銀行経営:新時代の新モデル(Banking in the 21st Century: New Models for a New Era)」をテーマにとりあげ、ブルームバーグは「新興金融センター(New Emerging Finance Centers)」に焦点を当てた。CNNは「新興4大国が求めるもの(BRIC Demand)」に関する討論を共催、一方、財新網は中国の変革する経済モデルに関する討論「進化か崩壊か(Evolution or Disruption)」をテレビ放送した。さらに、ロイターTVは「アルファの特定(Identifying Alpha)」というセッションで、新興市場への投資戦略シフトに関する討論番組の制作を支援した。

「違いを生み出す会話(Conversations to Make a Difference)」と題する一対一の討議シリーズはSPIEF 2012ビジネスプログラムの一部として導入されたもので、ヘンリー・キッシンジャー、エフゲニー・プリマコフ、ジェラール・ロペス、ロイド・ブランクフェイン、オレグ・デスパリカの各氏らロシア内外の政治、経済、金融、技術界で一目置かれる指導者たちも加わった。

SPIEF 2012では3600億ルーブル相当の契約が結ばれ、参加者数は5300人を超えた。

2012年サンクトペテルブルク国際経済フォーラムは、従来に比べ契約面で実り多いものになった。SPIEF 2012の中で計84件の合意がまとまり、契約9件の総額は3600億ルーブル相当を超え、4件、1644億ルーブルの融資合意も成立した。

SPIEF 2012はロシアのビジネス界代表が1018人、国際ビジネス界幹部が942人参加、おおむね内外のバランスがとれていた。フォーラムの公式プログラムには大手多国籍企業の首脳157人、ロシア企業のトップ447人が参加した。290人の政府高官および77カ国の代表団がSPIEF2012に出席した。



SPIEF 2012 Brings Together Over 5,000 of the World's Top Business, Finance, Government, Technology and Media Leaders Under the Theme "Leadership That


SPIEF 2012 Brings Together Over 5,000 of the World's Top Business, Finance, Government, Technology and Media Leaders Under the Theme "Leadership That Works"


     Three presidents, two prime ministers and dozens of senior ministerial

officials, over 75 Fortune 1000 top executives, and over 400 Russia's leading

business and finance figures were among the 5,000 all gathered at the Sixteenth

St. Petersburg International Economic Forum from June 21-23 to discuss, debate

and network what it takes to have "Leadership that Works."

    To view the Multimedia News Release, please click:



    Russian Federation President Vladimir Putin delivered the opening plenary

speech, and four other heads of states attended this years Forum: Finnish

President Sauli Niinisto, Kyrgyz Republic President Almazbek Atambayev,

Macedonian Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski and Kenyan Prime Minister Raila Amolo


    In a broad ranging official program that emphasized interactions amongst

the global leaders and encompassed key economic, political and technology

issues shaping the global agenda, participants could chose from more than one

hundred hours of plenary sessions, 28 panel interactive debates, 4 sectoral

breakfasts and lunches, 10 roundtables, 7 presentations and other events

involving politicians and businessmen from different countries. The Forum

business programme included a total of 77 events (up from a total of 63 in


    The SPIEF 2012 programme was built around four key content pillars:

Securing the Future, Realizing Russia's Potential, Responding to Impact

Technologies, Leadership in Focus.

    The consensus amongst participants of the key issues facing Russia and the

world included the European financial crisis, leadership changes in key

economies, political instability in the Middle East, the volatility of energy

prices, increased demand from coming from emerging markets, technological

innovations and their impact on business and governance, new models of

commercial cooperation in the energy sector, and the growing role of emerging

economies in shaping regional and global agendas.

    Russian Federation President Vladimir Putin outlined a broad foreign and

domestic agenda in his major plenary speech, noting that he considered his main

task ahead is the implementation of large-scale transformation for the

country's political economy.

    As per tradition, the Global Energy prize was awarded, with the jury

commemorating developments in energy equipment for space. The recipients of the

prize were the academics Boris Katorgin, Valery Kostyuk and UK scientist Rodney

John Allam, with Ruble 33 million prize divided equally among the three


    SPIEF 2012 expanded its televised debate series this year, involving both

domestic and international broadcasters. Russia Today co-produced "European

Crossroads: Post-Crisis Scenarios" and addressed the key measures that are need

to be taken to strengthen confidence in the Euro Zone. Debates organized in

cooperation with CNBC channel focused on the theme "Banking in the 21st

Century: New Models for a New Era" while Bloomberg focused on "New Emerging

Finance Centers". CNN co-hosted a debate on "BRIC Demand", while Caixin Media

televised a debate on China's changing economic model, "Evolution or

Disruption". And finally Reuters TV helped produce a session on the shifts in

investment strategy to emerging market in the session "Identifying Alpha".

    A series of one-on-one discussions entitled "Conversations to Make a

Difference" were introduced as part of the SPIEF 2012 business programme which

included respected Russian and foreign leaders in politics, business, finances

and technology such as Henry Kissinger, Yevgeny Primakov, Gerard Lopez, Lloyd

Blankfein, Oleg Deripaska, and others.

    Agreements worth 360 billion rubles signed at SPIEF 2012, number of

participants exceeds 5,300 people

    The 2012 St. Petersburg International Economic Forum proved to be more

fruitful in terms of agreements and contracts than in previous years. A total

of 84 agreements were signed as part of SPIEF 2012 with 9 contracts having a

combined value of more than 360 billion rubles, as well as 4 loan agreements

for 164.4 billion rubles.

    SPIEF 2012 was relatively balanced between Russian and international

participants with 1,018 representatives from Russian businesses and 942

executives from international businesses. The participants in the official

Forum programme included more than 157 chief executives of major multinational

companies and 447 top executives from Russian companies. 290 government

dignitaries and representatives of official delegations from 77 countries

attended SPIEF in 2012.


    Source: SPIEF




