◎EUが遺伝子組み換え大豆承認  ABRASEMが市場拡大期待


◎EUが遺伝子組み換え大豆承認  ABRASEMが市場拡大期待

AsiaNet 49962

共同JBN 0899(2012.7.9)

◎EUが遺伝子組み換え大豆承認  ABRASEMが市場拡大期待





ブラジルの農業従事者は、新規の市場で新たな大豆が承認されることを期待している。新たな大豆はIntacta RR2 Proとの取引名で通用しており、ブラジル国家バイオセイフティー技術委員会(Brazilian National Technical Commission for Biosafety、CTNBio)が2010年に栽培および商業化を承認した。この大豆は、遺伝子を組み合わせてブラジル向けに開発した最初の品種であるが、ABRASEMによると、南米共同市場加盟国を中心とする他の諸国にも広がっている。新技術はまた、ブラジル大豆の最大の輸入国である中国の商業化の承認待ちの状態である。2011年には、1750万トンの大豆が中国市場に輸出されたとみられる。



ブラジル種子生産者協会(Brazilian Association of Seeds and Seedlings 、ABRASEM)はブラジルの種苗業界各分野を代表する組織である。生産の初期段階から地元の農業従事者に対し、ブラジル国内の異なる地理条件に適合するさまざまな新しい作物についての研究開発によるサポートを通じて技術支援を提供している。1972年に創設されたABRASEMは、13の種苗団体、126の実験所、322の処理組織、1200の保管所、それに調査機関(調達担当)で構成されている。提携生産者620人、農業従事者4万2000人、技術者4400人、販売担当者1万6600人を抱えており、直接的ないし間接的に140万人の雇用を創出している。


Barcelona Solucoes Corporativas

+55-11-3019-3092/ 3091/ 3095

ソース:Associacao Brasileira de Sementes e Mudas (ABRASEM)

Approval of Commercialization of New Transgenic Soy by the European Union Guarantees Market for Brazilian Growers


SAO PAULO, July 7, 2012 /PRN=KYODO JBN/ --

          Measure represents a big step for Brazilian soy exportations,

                                 say seed producers

     Approval by the European Commission on June 28th of the commercialization

of the new technology of transgenic soy that combines in a single seed

tolerance for herbicides and resistance to insects, represents an opening of

the market and acceptance of the benefits and safety of genetically modified

seeds for the world, according to the Brazilian Association of Seeds and

Seedlings (ABRASEM).

     ABRASEM is celebrating the opening of new doors to varieties of high

technology seeds that offer growers benefits as well as peace of mind, and now,

the guarantee that they can also export to the European Union the soy produced

in Brazil from the new seeds. Europe is the second main destination of

Brazilian soy exports, after only China.

     According to ABRASEM, the Brazilian regulatory framework is one of the

most highly evolved in the world with respect to genetically modified

organisms, though it regrets that the pace has not been the same in the

principal markets where national production is sent. "Nowadays, companies are

investing more and more in new technologies for the Brazilian market. It is

necessary for the markets that are importing our agricultural production to

keep pace with this movement," notes farmer and ABRASEM President, Narciso

Barison Neto. With regard to the seed, he also emphasizes that it will bring

environmental benefits, since it will considerably reduce the use of herbicides

and insecticides by growers.

     Brazilian growers await approval of new soy in new markets

The new soy, which goes by the commercial name of Intacta RR2 Pro, was approved

for growing and commercialization in Brazil by the Brazilian National Technical

Commission for Biosafety (CTNBio) in 2010. It is the first variety developed

from combined genes and especially for Brazil, although according to ABRASEM,

its use is going to expand to other countries, chiefly the member countries of

Mercosul. The new technology is also awaiting approval for commercialization in

China, which is the largest importer of Brazilian soy. In 2011, 17.5 million

tons of soy were exported to the Chinese market.

     Barison explains that the same approval that took place in Europe is

expected for other countries such as China. "In addition to guaranteeing a

market for growers who have opted for the new technology, the approvals of

commercialization help to increase Brazilian exports of commodities and,

consequently, to increase revenue for growers, while also contributing to our

positive trade balance, making the Brazilian grower more efficient and

competitive," he says. He also emphasizes the importance of regulatory

synchronization concerning biotechnology among the principal exporting and

importing countries of grains so there will be good commercial fluidity between


     About ABRASEM

     The Brazilian Association of Seeds and Seedlings (ABRASEM) represents the

various segments of the seed and seedling sector in Brazil, from the initial

phase of the agricultural production cycle, offering technical assistance to

rural growers, through support with research and development of new varieties

of plants so they can best adapt to the varied geographic conditions of the

country. Founded in 1972, ABRASEM brings together 13 associations of producers

of seeds and seedlings, 126 laboratories, 332 processing units, 1,200 storage

units, as well as the research segment (breeders). The association includes 620

associated producers, 42 thousand farmers, 4,400 technicians and 16,600

vendors, in addition to creating 1.4 million direct and indirect jobs.

     Additional information for the press:

     Barcelona Solucoes Corporativas

     +55-11-3019-3092/ 3091/ 3095

     SOURCE:  Associacao Brasileira de Sementes e Mudas (ABRASEM)




