◎インフォシス 2013会計年度・第1四半期は増収増益


◎インフォシス 2013会計年度・第1四半期は増収増益

AsiaNet 50026

共同JBN 0934 (2012.7.13)

◎インフォシス 2013会計年度・第1四半期は増収増益

【バンガロール(インド)2012年7月12日】インドのIT企業インフォシス(Infosys Ltd、NASDAQ:INFY)は12日、6月30日までの2012会計年度第1四半期(4-6月期)連結決算の売上高は前年比4.8%増となったと発表した。









S・D・シブラル最高経営責任者(CEO)兼代表取締役は「世界的な経済状況にあるさまざまな困難によって大企業によるIT支出の削減を招いたにもかかわらず、規律ある業務遂行と合わせてInfosys 3.0と明日の企業構築に注力したことが、当社に質の高い成長をもたらす助けになった」とコメントした。








 *インフォシスとBT(ブリティッシュテレコム)は、ビジネス・サービス・イノベーション部門で権威あるGlobal Telecoms Business Innovation Award 2012を共同受賞した。

 *インフォシスとリオティント(RioTinto)の提携関係は、アウトソーシングセンターであるAlsbridge社からBest New Process/ApplicationのOutsourcing Excellence Awardを受賞した。

 *インフォシスは、その種で最高の保健サービス・デリバリープラットフォームに対するPegasystems Excellence in Solution Development Awardを受賞した。

 *Spirit AeroSystems 社は、一貫して高品質のエンジニアリングサービスに対するPlatinum Awardをインフォシスに授賞した。

 *インフォシスは、シグナル処理アプリケーション向け高性能半導体のグローバルリーダーであるアナログ・デバイセズ社(Analog Devices)から、2012年IT Partner of the Yearを受賞した。

 *Asian Banker Technology Implementation Awards 2012は、DBS BankとともにインフォシスのバンキングソリューションFinacle(商標)をRegional and International Banks AwardでのBest Core Banking Implementationとした。

 *別のFinacle(商標)クライアントであるING Visya Bankは、Best Corporate Internet Banking Initiative Awardを受賞した。

 *Finacle (商標)はまた、Banking Technology Awards 2012 でBanker's Innovationの Core Banking Technology Provider of the Year部門で共同1位になった。

 *インフォシスは国連グローバル・コンパクトおよび国連環境計画からCaring for Climateイニシアチブの25パフォーマーの1社と認定された。

 *インフォシスはまた、KPMGによるGlobal Technology Innovation Surveyでインドにおけるイノベーション・リーダーとして認められた。




加工および包装品の食品会社は、供給チェーンの透明性を向上し、コストと在庫を削減、弾力的な市場要求に対応するためスピードとアジリティーを高めることによって、成長戦略を支援する仕入先直送受注処理であるSAP APO(SAP advanced planning optimizer )プロジェクトでインフォシスと契約した。当社は急速に成長している電子商取引業界で競争力をつけることを目指して、小売業のオンラインビジネスを立ち上げるロードマップを作成、実行中である。

インフォシスは欧州のエネルギー商社から指名されて、能力プラットフォーム戦略を開発、ダイナミックなビジネス環境を管理し、競争力を増進し、商品市場化時間を短縮することを目指している。インフォシスは中東の食品管理当局にOracle Product Managementスイートを実装する戦略的パートナーとして選ばれ、より迅速な対応時間、予見性、コスト管理に向かう処理を自動化している。




インフォシスは中東の旅行会社から選定され、そのIT システムをオーバーホールして、より大きな業務効率をもたらし、顧客体験を高めることになった。電気・天然ガス供給会社は、コストを削減し、新技術と勝利法を採用してヘルプデスクの手続きを改善するためインフォシスと提携した。オーストラリアの水利用公益事業は、30地点でメンテナンス、修復、オーバーホール(MRO)分野の契約外支出を見直し、調達活動に適した主要な支出分野を判別し、それによってかなりの額の経費節減を実現するためインフォシスを選定した。オーストラリアの乳製品会社は、包装、契約労働、メンテナンス関連消耗品など幅広い直接、間接的な調達にかかわる重要な調達コスト節減計画の実現にインフォシスを選定した。



米民間非営利健康保険ブルークロス/ブルーシールド・プラン(Blue Cross Blue Shield Plan)はインフォシスとの共同作業で、その企業製品処理を変革するための戦略的な複数年計画の一環として、カスタム化したヘルスプランを調整し、サービスデリバリーを円滑に行い、顧客対応を向上する給付サービス・ポータルを開発、保持する。別のブルークロス/ブルーシールド・プランは、インフォシスのiTransform(商標)Payout Simulator製品を選択して、エンドツーエンドの疾病及び関連保健問題の国際統計分類(世界保健機関の基準)、米国政府が指示した国際疾病分類第10 版(ICD-10)コンプライアンス計画に対する給付および金融上の中立性を含むICD-10テストを実行するためインフォシスを選定した。









当社は今四半期に、製品、プラットフォームにおいて10の顧客(製品が3、プラットフォームが7)が増えた。当社はまたWPPの1社であるFabricと提携してInfosys BrandEdge(商標)を発表した。Infosys BrandEdge(商標)はこの種では初の総合的なクラウド方式の製品であり、単一の統合プラットフォーム上に統合されたマーケティングおよび技術上の専門的知識を組み込むことによって、デジタル・マーケティングを簡略化する。

Infosys SocialEdge(商標)は、米国のハイテク・メーカーが次世代の職員コラボレーション・プラットフォーム構築ために活用し、異なる部門にわたる共同創作の実現とイノベーションを促進して同社職員の生産性を向上させている。消費財(CPG)企業は、流通業者、小売業者などからのデータ収集を向上させるためにInfosys TradeEdge(商標)を選択した。このプラットフォームは、サプライチェーンの生産、流通、その他分野の計画支援のために収集したデータを利用する。



当社は今四半期にFinacle(商標) Digital Commerce Solutionを発売した。このソリューションはデジタル・マネーの効用を活用して、新規収入源を開拓し、流通範囲を拡大し、金融機関、通信サービス・プロバイダー、小売業の顧客ロイヤルティーを向上させる。このソリューションは、Standard Bankが採用し、アフリカで銀行代理機関を推進し、金融サービスの効率性を高めている。





▽Enterprise Mobility

Infosys Enterprise Mobility事業は、150以上の契約、200のアプリケーション公開、60の顧客、当社顧客にサービス提供する1200人以上のMobilityのプロフェッショナルと専門家によって市場で弾みをつけている。

Enterprise Mobilityは前四半期に、職員の生産性、現地販売・実装、サプライチェーン、モバイルコマース、ガイディッド・セリングなどの分野で10以上の契約を獲得した。米国に本拠を置く航空大手は当社と提携し、移動中でも製品情報を提供できるモバイル方式販売・マーケティング・ソリューションを構築し、同社の販売職員が可能性のある顧客によりビジュアルな体験を提供することを支援している。








▽インフォシス(Infosys Ltd)について



Unaudited Condensed Consolidated Interim Financial Statements prepared in

compliance with IAS 34, Interim Financial Reporting

    Infosys Limited and subsidiaries

    Unaudited Condensed Consolidated Balance Sheets as of

    (Dollars in millions except share data)


                                                  June 30, 2012 March 31, 2012


    Current assets

    Cash and cash equivalents                            $3,242         $4,047

    Available-for-sale financial assets                     389              6

    Investment in certificates of deposit                    64             68

    Trade receivables                                     1,240          1,156

    Unbilled revenue                                        362            368

    Prepayments and other current assets                    315            300

    Total current assets                                  5,612          5,945

    Non-current assets

    Property, plant and equipment                         1,009          1,063

    Goodwill                                                183            195

    Intangible assets                                        32             34

    Available-for-sale financial assets                       1              2

    Investment in government bonds                            9              -

    Deferred income tax assets                               60             62

    Income tax assets                                       189            204

    Other non-current assets                                 21             32

    Total non-current assets                              1,504          1,592

    Total assets                                         $7,116         $7,537


    Current liabilities

    Derivative financial instruments                        $49             $9

    Trade payables                                            7              5

    Current income tax liabilities                          254            207

    Client deposits                                           2              3

    Unearned revenue                                        139            107

    Employee benefit obligations                            102             98

    Provisions                                               27             26

    Other current liabilities                               447            482

    Total current liabilities                             1,027            937

    Non-current liabilities

    Deferred income tax liabilities                          11              2

    Other non-current liabilities                            21             22

    Total liabilities                                     1,059            961


    Share capital- `5 ($0.16) par value

    600,000,000 equity shares authorized, issued

    and outstanding 571,396,851 and 571,396,401,

    net of 2,833,600 treasury shares each as of

    June 30, 2012 and March 31, 2012,

    respectively                                             64             64

    Share premium                                           703            703

    Retained earnings                                     6,543          6,509

    Other components of equity                           (1,253)          (700)

    Total equity attributable to equity holders

    of the company                                        6,057          6,576

    Non-controlling interests                                 -              -

    Total equity                                          6,057          6,576

    Total liabilities and equity                         $7,116         $7,537

    Infosys Limited and subsidiaries

    Unaudited Condensed Consolidated Statements of Comprehensive Income

   (Dollars in millions except share and per equity share data)


                                                      Three months  Three months

                                                       ended June    ended June

                                                        30, 2012      30, 2011

    Revenues                                               $1,752       $1,671

    Cost of sales                                           1,059        1,022

    Gross profit                                              693          649

    Operating expenses:

    Selling and marketing expenses                             86           89

    Administrative expenses                                   118          125

    Total operating expenses                                  204          214

    Operating profit                                          489          435

    Other income, net                                          87           99

    Profit before income taxes                                576          534

    Income tax expense                                        160          150

    Net profit                                               $416         $384

    Other comprehensive income

    Fair value changes on available - for-sale

    financial asset, net of tax effect                         (1)           -

    Exchange differences on translating foreign

    operations                                               (552)          (7)

    Total other comprehensive income                        $(553)         $(7)

    Total comprehensive income                              $(137)        $377

    Profit attributable to:

    Owners of the company                                    $416         $384

    Non-controlling interest                                    -            -

                                                             $416         $384

    Total comprehensive income attributable to:

    Owners of the company                                  $(137)         $377

    Non-controlling interest                                    -            -

                                                            $(137)        $377

    Earnings per equity share

    Basic ($)                                                0.73         0.67

    Diluted ($)                                              0.73         0.67

    Weighted average equity shares used in

    computing earnings per equity share

    Basic                                             571,396,551  571,333,499

    Diluted                                           571,398,141  571,396,376


    1. The unaudited Condensed Consolidated Balance sheets and Condensed


Statements of Comprehensive Income for the three months ended June 30, 2012 has

been taken

on record at the Board meeting held on July 12, 2012

    2. A Fact Sheet providing the operating metrics of the company can be

downloaded from






Avishek Lath, India



Sandeep Mahindroo, US




Sarah Vanita Gideon, India



Danielle D'Angelo, USA



ソース:Infosys Ltd

Infosys (NASDAQ: INFY) Announces Results for the Quarter Ended June 30, 2012


BANGALORE, India, July 12 / PRN=KYODO JBN/ --

    Q1 Revenues grew by 4.8% Year on Year


    Consolidated results under International Financial Reporting Standards

(IFRS) for the quarter ended June 30, 2012

    - Revenues were $1,752 million for the quarter ended June 30, 2012;       

YoY growth was 4.8%     

    - Net income after tax was $416 million for the quarter ended June 30,

2012; YoY growth was 8.3%     

    - Earnings per American Depositary Share (EPADS) was $0.73 for the quarter

ended June 30, 2012; YoY growth was 9.0%     

    - 51 clients were added during the quarter by Infosys and its


    - Gross addition of 9,236 employees (net addition of 1,157) for the quarter

by Infosys and its subsidiaries    

    - 151,151 employees as on June 30, 2012 for Infosys and its subsidiaries

    "Our focus on Infosys 3.0 and building tomorrow's enterprise coupled with

disciplined execution will help us deliver high-quality growth, despite

challenges seen in the global economic situation resulting in slower IT spends

by large corporations," said S. D. Shibulal, CEO and Managing Director.

    Business outlook*

    The company's outlook (consolidated) for the fiscal year ending March 31,

2013, under IFRS is as follows:

    - Revenues are expected to be at least $7.343bn; YoY growth of 5.0% (6% in

constant currency terms)     

    - Earnings per American Depositary Share (EPADS) is expected to be at least

$3.03; YoY growth of 1.0%

    * Exchange rates considered for major global currencies: AUD / USD - 1.02;

GBP / USD - 1.56; Euro / USD - 1.26 for rest of fiscal 2013

    Awards and Recognition

    Infosys was recognized by analysts, industry bodies and other influencers

in the last quarter

    - Infosys and British Telecom jointly won the prestigious Global Telecoms  

Business Innovation Award 2012 under the Business Service Innovation


    - The Infosys - RioTinto relationship won the Outsourcing Excellence Award,

for  Best New Process/Application from Outsourcing Center, an Alsbridge


    - We were awarded the Pegasystems Excellence in Solution Development Award

for a  best-in-class insurance service delivery platform.     

    - Spirit AeroSystems recognized Infosys with the Platinum Award for

consistent high-quality engineering services.     

    - We received the 2012 IT Partner of the Year Award from Analog Devices, a

global leader in high-performance semiconductors for signal processing


    - The Asian Banker Technology Implementation Awards 2012 saw Finacle(TM)

along with DBS Bank winning the Best Core Banking Implementation for Regional

and International Banks Award.     

    - Another Finacle(TM) client, ING Vysya Bank won the Best Corporate

Internet Banking Initiative Award.    

    - Finacle(TM) also won joint first place in the Core Banking Technology

Provider of the Year category at The Banker's Innovation in Banking Technology

Awards, 2012.     

    - We have been identified as one of the top 25 performers in the Caring for

Climate Initiative by UN Global Compact and UN Environment Program.     

    - We have also been recognized as an innovation leader in India in KPMG's

2012 Global Technology Innovation Survey.

    Expansion of services and significant projects

    Infosys is focused on delivering measurable business value to clients - be

it initiating transformational process changes, accelerating innovation or

optimizing operations

    Consulting and Systems Integration

    A processed and packaged goods food company has engaged us in a SAP

advanced planning optimizer (APO) project to support its growth strategy by

improving supply chain visibility, reducing cost and inventory, and increasing

speed and agility to meet dynamic market demands. We are creating and

implementing a roadmap for the online business for a retailer, designed to make

it competitive in the rapidly growing e-commerce industry.

    We were selected by a European energy trading house to develop and

implement a capability platform strategy, designed to manage a dynamic business

environment, improve competitiveness and reduce time-to-market. We have been

selected as the strategic partner to implement the Oracle Product Management

suite for a Middle Eastern food control authority to automate processes leading

to faster response time, predictability and cost control.

    A business real estate developer in the Asia Pacific (APAC) region has

engaged us to define its IT outsourcing strategy and structure its IT shared

services functions. For a mobile virtual network operator (MVNO) in UK, we are

managing its e-commerce platform and will drive all future enhancements towards

improving customer experience and increasing revenue share through the online

channel. An automotive infotainment manufacturer partnered with us to

streamline its sales, procurement and finance processes across various

subsidiaries by providing new enterprise resource planning (ERP) solutions.

    Business IT Services

    For a large financial corporation, we are implementing a single sign-on

solution for its commercial banking customers, providing simplified access to

all commercial banking applications through a unified portal, enabling improved

and superior customer experience. A luxury retailer has engaged us to work with

its supply chain business team for the global classification of its products,

free trade agreement planning, and bill of material analysis to reduce duties

on international shipments. A managed network services company partnered with

us to transform its service assurance platform to provide a flexible, scalable

and high performance solution to serve end-customers.

    We have been selected by a Middle Eastern travel house to help overhaul its

IT systems to bring in greater operational efficiencies and enhance customer

experience. An electricity and natural gas provider partnered with us to lower

costs, automate and improve its helpdesk processes by introducing new

technology and processes. An Australian water utility has engaged us to review

its off-contract spends in the areas of maintenance, repairs and overhauls

across 30 sites to develop a procurement plan that will identify key areas of

spend suitable for sourcing activities and, in turn, enable considerable

savings. A dairy company in Australia selected us to implement a significant

procurement cost savings program covering a wide range of direct and indirect

procurement categories including packaging, contract labor and maintenance

related consumables.

    Infosys Public Services

    We are partnering with healthcare and public sector organizations in the

U.S. and Canada to help them leverage the potential of technology to derive

business value

    A Blue Cross Blue Shield Plan is working with us to develop and maintain

its benefits and services portal to configure custom health plans, streamline

service delivery, and improve customer engagement as part of its strategic

multi-year program to transform enterprise product processes. Another Blue

Cross Blue Shield Plan selected our iTransform(TM) Payout Simulator product and

engaged us to perform end-to-end International Statistical Classification of

Diseases and Related Health Problems, 10th Revision (ICD-10) testing including

benefit and financial neutrality for its ICD-10 compliance program mandated by

the U.S. government.

    Municipal government authorities of a North American city engaged us to

conduct a security threat and risk assessment of the Voice-over-IP (VoIP)

solution for its unified communication initiative to ensure compliance with

various security standards. We are part of a contractor team supporting on-site

IT infrastructure management and consolidation efforts including enterprise

service oriented architecture (SOA) implementation and server optimization for

a federal U.S. agency.

    Engineering Services

    Infosys provides a wide range of engineering solutions, ranging from

product ideation to realization and sustenance. With 9,000 engineers working

with more than 200 clients in over 30 countries, we offer engineering and

technology services to support our clients' entire product lifecycle.

    A European telecom company has partnered with us to implement its next

generation security platform on niche technologies such as Internet Protocol

version 6 (IPV6). A semiconductor major chose us for the development,

integration and validation of its firmware solution built on the next

generation tablet and smartphone platforms.

    An auto and truck parts supplier has partnered with us for the concept

design of its future engines, sub-systems and accelerating new product

development. A supplier of interconnect components and cables has selected us

to define, select, plan and implement its future product lifecycle management

systems, to accelerate its product development process. A leader in helicopter

transportation services has partnered with us to standardize and enhance its

disparate technical publication systems spread across the globe and improve its


    An aero engine manufacturer has engaged us to implement a simulation data

management system. A North American insurance company has selected us to

upgrade its enterprise telephony infrastructure and enhance the stability,

scalability, infrastructure availability to customers. An automotive original

equipment manufacturer (OEM) partnered with us to automate the testing of its

gasoline engine control systems with recommendations on architectural

improvement, mathematical modeling and software tools.

    Products, Platforms and Solutions

    This quarter we added 10 clients (three products and seven platforms)

across Products and Platforms. We also unveiled Infosys BrandEdge(TM) in

partnership with Fabric, a WPP company. This first-of-its-kind comprehensive

cloud-based offering, simplifies digital marketing by bringing together

integrated marketing and technology expertise on a single unified platform.

    Infosys SocialEdge(TM) is being utilized by a U.S. high-tech manufacturing

company to build the next generation employee collaboration platform to

increase workforce productivity, enable co-creation and drive innovation across

different departments. A consumer packaged goods company has selected Infosys

TradeEdge(TM) to improve data collection from distributors, retailers etc. The

platform will use this data to help plan production, distribution and other

aspects of the supply chain.


    Finacle(TM) our universal banking solution continued to grow this quarter

with 10 wins in the last three months. Of this, five were from Europe, Middle

East and Africa (EMEA) and five were from the Asia-Pacific (APAC) region. Of

the nine client projects that went live, six were in EMEA while the other three

were in the APAC region.

    This quarter we launched the Finacle(TM) Digital Commerce Solution, which

leverages the power of digital money to unlock new revenue streams, extend

distribution reach and foster customer loyalty for financial institutions,

telecom service providers and retailers. The solution has been selected by

Standard Bank to drive agency banking and increase financial service efficiency

across Africa.


    We continue to grow our cloud business and have executed over 150

engagements and have 3,000 experts in our cloud practice

    Over the last quarter, we won over 20 programs across cloud services, Big

Data and Security. We continue to strengthen our value proposition for clients

by being a cloud Ecosystem Integrator and working with over 30 partners. We

have been selected as the sole sourced partner for cloud strategy and Big Data

infrastructure for a North American manufacturer, providing architecture

consulting, roadmap and best practices to enable an industry class cloud

deployment on a public cloud for an information services platform. As part of

the engagement, we will also devise a Big Data strategy and roadmap for the


    A gaming company in North America has partnered with us to build a new

state-of-the-art Big Data consolidated architecture for its games portfolio. A

transportation major in North America has engaged us to re-host its mainframe

applications and migrate multiple applications onto a private cloud. We were

also selected to re-host mainframe applications on a private cloud for an

apparel retailer.

    Enterprise Mobility

    The Infosys Enterprise Mobility practice continues to gain traction in the

marketplace with over 150 engagements, 200 application roll-outs, 60 clients

and over 1,200 Mobility professionals and experts serving our customers

    In the last quarter, Enterprise Mobility won over 10 engagements across

areas of workforce productivity, field sales and enablement, supply chain,

mobile commerce and guided selling. A U.S. based aerospace major partnered with

us to create a mobile-based sales and marketing solution to provide product

information on the move, thereby helping its sales force create a better visual

experience for potential customers.

    A manufacturer of industrial products selected us to create a mobile-based

product ordering solution for its resellers and distributors to manage demand

forecasting and replenish stocks in real time. For a South African bank, we are

creating a tablet-based solution on Infosys intellectual property (IP) - the

Guided Sales solution, to help its sales staff customize and sell financial

products to its customers. For a personal benefits and human resource (HR)

management company, we are enhancing employee productivity by enabling

Information System applications on the mobile, resulting in an efficient sales

force and additional revenue through superior sales efficiency.

    We have been engaged by a pharmaceutical major to define and implement an

enterprise wide mobile strategy and roadmap, accelerating the rollout of mobile

applications and thereby offer greater benefits to its field force, customers,

healthcare providers and patients. For an American logistics major, we are

working on enterprise-wide mobile applications that provide real-time

information about trains and tracks to optimize traffic across various railroad



    During the first quarter, Infosys applied for 36patent applications in

India and the U.S. With this, Infosys has an aggregate of 507unique patent

applications (pending) in India, U.S. and other jurisdictions and has been

granted 50 patents by the United States Patent and Trademark Office and 1

patent by Luxembourg patent office.


    As on June 30, 2012, cash and cash equivalents, including investments in

available-for-sale financial assets, certificates of deposits and government

bonds was $3.7bn ($3.8bn as on June 30, 2011).

    "Global currency volatility continues to be a big challenge for the

industry," said V. Balakrishnan, Member of the Board and Chief Financial

Officer. "We are making the right investments balancing the short-term needs

with long-term opportunities."

    About Infosys Ltd

    Many of the world's most successful organizations rely on the 151,000

people of Infosys to deliver measurable business value. Infosys provides

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    Safe Harbor

    Certain statements in this release concerning our future growth prospects

are forward-looking statements, which involve a number of risks and

uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from those

in such forward-looking statements. The risks and uncertainties relating to

these statements include, but are not limited to, risks and uncertainties

regarding fluctuations in earnings, fluctuations in foreign exchange rates, our

ability to manage growth, intense competition in IT services including those

factors which may affect our cost advantage, wage increases in India, our

ability to attract and retain highly skilled professionals, time and cost

overruns on fixed-price, fixed-time frame contracts, client concentration,

restrictions on immigration, industry segment concentration, our ability to

manage our international operations, reduced demand for technology in our key

focus areas, disruptions in telecommunication networks or system failures, our

ability to successfully complete and integrate potential acquisitions,

liability for damages on our service contracts, the success of the companies in

which Infosys has made strategic investments, withdrawal or expiration of

governmental fiscal incentives, political instability and regional conflicts,

legal restrictions on raising capital or acquiring companies outside India, and

unauthorized use of our intellectual property and general economic conditions

affecting our industry. Additional risks that could affect our future operating

results are more fully described in our United States Securities and Exchange

Commission filings including our Annual Report on Form 20-F for the fiscal year

ended March 31, 2012 and on Form 6-K for the quarter ended June 30, 2011

September 30, 2011 and December 31, 2011.These filings are available at

http://www.sec.gov. Infosys may, from time to time, make additional written and

oral forward-looking statements, including statements contained in the

company's filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission and our reports

to shareholders. The company does not undertake to update any forward-looking

statements that may be made from time to time by or on behalf of the company.

    Unaudited Condensed Consolidated Interim Financial Statements prepared in

compliance with IAS 34, Interim Financial Reporting

    Infosys Limited and subsidiaries

    Unaudited Condensed Consolidated Balance Sheets as of

    (Dollars in millions except share data)


                                                  June 30, 2012 March 31, 2012


    Current assets

    Cash and cash equivalents                            $3,242         $4,047

    Available-for-sale financial assets                     389              6

    Investment in certificates of deposit                    64             68

    Trade receivables                                     1,240          1,156

    Unbilled revenue                                        362            368

    Prepayments and other current assets                    315            300

    Total current assets                                  5,612          5,945

    Non-current assets

    Property, plant and equipment                         1,009          1,063

    Goodwill                                                183            195

    Intangible assets                                        32             34

    Available-for-sale financial assets                       1              2

    Investment in government bonds                            9              -

    Deferred income tax assets                               60             62

    Income tax assets                                       189            204

    Other non-current assets                                 21             32

    Total non-current assets                              1,504          1,592

    Total assets                                         $7,116         $7,537


    Current liabilities

    Derivative financial instruments                        $49             $9

    Trade payables                                            7              5

    Current income tax liabilities                          254            207

    Client deposits                                           2              3

    Unearned revenue                                        139            107

    Employee benefit obligations                            102             98

    Provisions                                               27             26

    Other current liabilities                               447            482

    Total current liabilities                             1,027            937

    Non-current liabilities

    Deferred income tax liabilities                          11              2

    Other non-current liabilities                            21             22

    Total liabilities                                     1,059            961


    Share capital- `5 ($0.16) par value

    600,000,000 equity shares authorized, issued

    and outstanding 571,396,851 and 571,396,401,

    net of 2,833,600 treasury shares each as of

    June 30, 2012 and March 31, 2012,

    respectively                                             64             64

    Share premium                                           703            703

    Retained earnings                                     6,543          6,509

    Other components of equity                           (1,253)          (700)

    Total equity attributable to equity holders

    of the company                                        6,057          6,576

    Non-controlling interests                                 -              -

    Total equity                                          6,057          6,576

    Total liabilities and equity                         $7,116         $7,537

    Infosys Limited and subsidiaries

    Unaudited Condensed Consolidated Statements of Comprehensive Income

   (Dollars in millions except share and per equity share data)


                                                      Three months  Three months

                                                       ended June    ended June

                                                        30, 2012      30, 2011

    Revenues                                               $1,752       $1,671

    Cost of sales                                           1,059        1,022

    Gross profit                                              693          649

    Operating expenses:

    Selling and marketing expenses                             86           89

    Administrative expenses                                   118          125

    Total operating expenses                                  204          214

    Operating profit                                          489          435

    Other income, net                                          87           99

    Profit before income taxes                                576          534

    Income tax expense                                        160          150

    Net profit                                               $416         $384

    Other comprehensive income

    Fair value changes on available - for-sale

    financial asset, net of tax effect                         (1)           -

    Exchange differences on translating foreign

    operations                                               (552)          (7)

    Total other comprehensive income                        $(553)         $(7)

    Total comprehensive income                              $(137)        $377

    Profit attributable to:

    Owners of the company                                    $416         $384

    Non-controlling interest                                    -            -

                                                             $416         $384

    Total comprehensive income attributable to:

    Owners of the company                                  $(137)         $377

    Non-controlling interest                                    -            -

                                                            $(137)        $377

    Earnings per equity share

    Basic ($)                                                0.73         0.67

    Diluted ($)                                              0.73         0.67

    Weighted average equity shares used in

    computing earnings per equity share

    Basic                                             571,396,551  571,333,499

    Diluted                                           571,398,141  571,396,376


    1. The unaudited Condensed Consolidated Balance sheets and Condensed


Statements of Comprehensive Income for the three months ended June 30, 2012 has

been taken

on record at the Board meeting held on July 12, 2012

    2. A Fact Sheet providing the operating metrics of the company can be

downloaded from






    Investor  Relations:

    Avishek Lath, India



   Sandeep Mahindroo, US





    Media Relations:  

    Sarah Vanita Gideon, India



    Danielle D'Angelo, USA



    SOURCE: Infosys Ltd




