◎中国領内に仏教の聖跡を再建  チベット仏教デュルック派


◎中国領内に仏教の聖跡を再建  チベット仏教デュルック派

AsiaNet 50108

共同JBN 0968 (2012.7.24)

◎中国領内に仏教の聖跡を再建  チベット仏教デュルック派

【ニューデリー2012年7月24日PRN=共同JBN】ギャルワン・デュルック教主(His Holiness Gyalwang Drukpa、HHGD)を最高指導者と仰ぐチベット仏教デュルック派(Drukpa)はこのほど、中国玉樹チベット族自治州ナンチェンに仏教聖跡を再建する巨大事業を完成させた。再建・美観事業は厳しい気候条件下で過去5年間、続いた。教主は、デュルック派宗門の導師、弟子、献金者の努力によってなされた、この大再建事業を閲見した。再建された境内はギャルワン・デュルック教主によって開門された。

(Photo: http://photos.prnewwire.com/prnh/20120723/543830

ナンチェンはチベット語の「ゴンド(Gomde)」、瞑想者の住地として知られるが、幾代にもわたる菩薩王(Dharma Kings)、代表的な学者、驚嘆するほど高徳の僧侶を輩出してきたが、その大半がデュルック派宗門に属する。


この訪問は「リブ・トゥ・ラブ(Live to Love)」運動の精神、すなわち、「世界平和・調和・繁栄(World Peace, Harmony and Prosperity)」のメッセージを伝えつつ、より良い世界を創造するために架け橋となり、共に働くという精神を体現するものである。







Shreeya Roy, Live to Love




Sacred Historic Buddhist Site Restored in China by Drukpas


NEW DELHI, India, July 24 /PRN=KYODO JBN / --

    - World's 20th Ashoka Stupa Found and Restored to its Former Glory

    - His Holiness the Gyalwang Drukpa Installs World's Largest Buddha Statue

    Drukpa Buddhists, led by the spiritual Head, His Holiness the Gyalwang

Drukpa (HHGD) have completed the mammoth task of restoring the sacred historic

Buddhist site at Nangchen, China. The restoration and beautification process

had been on for the past 5 years under adverse climatic conditions. His

Holiness oversaw this colossal work of restoration, done completely out of the

efforts of the masters, disciples and sponsors of the Drukpa Lineage. The

restored site was inaugurated by His Holiness the Gyalwang Drukpa.

    (Photo: http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20120723/543830 )

    Also known as Gomde or the "Abode of meditators", Nangchen has produced

generations of Dharma Kings, exemplary scholars and amazingly qualified monks,

yogis and practitioners, mostly belonging to the Drukpa Buddhist Order.

    HHGD established the Buddha Amitabha Statue at this historical site during

this apolitical, purely cultural visit to Nangchen. The statue is world's

largest, and made entirely with a mixture of gold and bronze. The visit to

China will help in connecting and bringing the two worlds of India and China

closer. He was accompanied by a large delegation comprising Buddhist

dignitaries and cultural champions from India and abroad, including Dr. BK

Modi, Mr. Arjun Pandey and Michelle Yeoh.

    The visit embodies the spirit of Live to Love: building bridges and working

together to create a better world, while carrying the message of "World Peace,

Harmony and Prosperity."

    The restored site also houses the Ashoka Stupa, one of the 84,000 built by

Ashoka the Great more than 2000 years ago. The Ashoka Stupas have tremendous

historical significance - the Indian Emblem is an adaptation of the lion

capital derived from the Ashoka Stupa at Sarnath (India), and the 'chakra' in

the Indian flag too has been derived from the Ashoka Stupa. Historically, the

Stupas are symbolic of the expanse and influence of the empire of King Ashoka,

who is credited with the propagation of Buddhism across Asia.

    His Holiness also took this opportunity to visit the refugees of the

earthquake that hit the region in April 2010, providing relief and encouragement

    About Drukpa Buddhists

    The Drukpa Buddhists follow the Mahayana Buddhist tradition in philosophy,

i.e. the philosophy of "getting enlightened for the benefit of others". "Druk"

in Tibetan means "Dragon" and it also refers to the sound of thunder.

    Please visit: http://www.drukpa.org

    For further press information please contact:

    Shreeya Roy,

    Live to Love,


    Mob: +91-9350335761

    SOURCE: Drukpa




