◎上半期に運用資産が6%増加  スイスUBP決算

Union Bancaire Privee

◎上半期に運用資産が6%増加  スイスUBP決算

AsiaNet 50162

共同JBN 0991(2012.7.26)

◎上半期に運用資産が6%増加  スイスUBP決算

【ジュネーブ2012年7月26日PRN=共同JBN】スイスのプライベートバンク大手Union Bancaire Privee(UBP)は26日、2012年6月30日時点の運用資産が760億スイスフラン(800億ドル)に増えたと発表した。2011年末(720億フラン)との比較では6%の増加。運用資産の増加は、個人や機関投資家顧客からの純資金流入だけでなく、市場や為替レートの影響、2012年2月のNexar Capital Group買収の結果だった。UBPは慎重なリスク管理と保守的なバランスシート運営によって、強力な財務基盤を維持している。狭義の自己資本(ティア1)比率は23.5%で、スイスでは最も資本が充実した銀行の一つ。2012年上半期の連結純利益は7000万フラン(7390万ドル)。この結果はUBPの予想に一致し、ABNアムロ銀行(スイス)とNexar Capital Groupの買収にからむ統合コストが含まれている。こうした買収の相乗効果は2012年下半期に表れるとみられる。



UBPは今年上半期を通して、ABNアムロ銀行(スイス)のグループ内への統合に専念し、この過程は2012年6月に完了した。同時に世界的なオルタナティブ投資会社のNexar Capital Groupを買収した。UBPは欧州の危機的状況にもかかわらず、収益力を維持し、2012年上半期の連結純利益は7000万フランを計上した。これは予想通りで、2011年上半期(1億500万フラン)と比べると34%減少した。ほとんどは上記の2件の買収、統合コストが影響したためだった。2012年6月30日時点の運用資産は760億フランで、2011年末(720億フラン)と比べて6%増加した。





UBPは今年上半期を通して、新しい経済、規制環境への適応を心掛けた。資金の純流入によって富裕層資産管理分野での立場を強化した。UBPはオルタナティブ資産運用業界での営業を開拓し続け、有名なNexar Capital Groupの買収によってこの分野への意気込みをあらためて示した。不透明な経済、金融環境で最優先の投資戦略は、顧客の資金の保護と、新しい市場環境に合わせた投資ソリューションの提供である。




Linkedin - http://www.linkedin.com/company/ubp

RSS - http://www.ubp.com/cms/lang/en/template/feed.jsp


Jerome Koechlin - Head of Corporate Communications


e-mail: jko@ubp.ch


ソース: UBP- Union Bancaire Privee

First Half of 2012: Union Bancaire Privee Increases its Assets Under Management by 6%


GENEVA, July 26th, 2012 /PRN=KYODO JBN/ --

    Union Bancaire Privee, UBP SA (UBP) has announced an increase in its assets

under management, which totalled CHF 76 billion (USD 80 billion) as at 30 June

2012, representing a 6% rise compared with the end of 2011 (CHF 72 billion).

This increase is the result not only of net inflows from both private and

institutional clients but also of market and exchange-rate effects, and of

UBP's acquisition of Nexar Capital Group in February 2012.

Thanks to careful risk-management and having run the balance sheet

conservatively, UBP has maintained a strong financial base, and with a Tier 1

capital ratio of 23.5%, it is one of Switzerland's best-capitalised banks.

UBP Group's consolidated net profit stood at CHF 70 million (USD 73.9 million)

at the end of the first half of 2012. This result is in line with the Bank's

expectations and takes account of the integration costs associated with

acquiring ABN AMRO Bank (Switzerland) AG and Nexar Capital Group; the effects

of synergies from these acquisitions will be seen in the second half of 2012.

    "The first half of 2012 saw business activity slow in tough markets, with

steps being taken to keep costs on a tight rein and the Bank staying solid in

the face of the uncertain times in which the economic and financial world finds

itself", said Guy de Picciotto, UBP's CEO. "Our proactive attitude puts us in a

good position to meet challenges and to offset the pressures bearing down on

the Swiss financial centre."

    Increase in assets under management; profitability steady

During the first half of the year, the Bank concentrated on integrating ABN

AMRO Bank (Switzerland) AG into UBP Group, with the process being completed in

June 2012. At the same time, UBP acquired Nexar Capital Group, a global player

in alternative investments. Despite the crisis, the Bank maintained its

profitability, booking a consolidated net profit of CHF 70 million in the first

half of 2012. This result was in line with expectations, being down 34%

compared with the first half of 2011 (CHF 105 million), and being mostly

affected by the acquisition and integration costs of the two companies

mentioned above. Assets under management came to CHF 76 billion as at 30 June

2012, up 6% on the end of 2011 (CHF 72 billion).

    Income stood at CHF 344.5 million for the first half of 2012 (USD 364

million), compared with CHF 383.2 million for the same period in 2011. UBP's

operating expenses continue to be kept under control, with the Group's

cost/income ratio standing at 76%, despite the integration costs of the two

companies mentioned above.

    Sound financial base

    The balance sheet total was CHF 17 billion as at 30 June 2012, with the

annualised return on shareholders' equity standing at 9%. By pursuing a

conservative approach to risk-management, UBP has maintained a solid financial

base: its Tier 1 capital ratio of 23.5% ensures that UBP is one of

Switzerland's best-capitalised banks.

    Adapting and developing its activities

    During the first half of the year, UBP has continued to adapt to a new

economic and regulatory environment. Net inflows have allowed the Bank to

consolidate its position in the field of wealth management. The Bank also

continued to develop its activity in the alternative asset management industry,

confirming its commitment to this sector with the acquisition of the renowned

Nexar Capital Group. In an uncertain economic and financial environment, the

Bank's investment strategy priorities are preserving its clients' capital and

providing investment solutions tailored to the new market environment.

    Note to editors

    UBP is a leading private bank in Switzerland and is one of the country's

best-capitalised banks, with a Tier 1 ratio of 23.5%. The Bank specialises in

wealth management for both private and institutional clients. It is based in

Geneva and employs around 1,400 staff in some twenty locations worldwide. The

Bank had CHF 76 billion (USD 80 billion) in assets under management as at 30

June 2012.


    Linkedin - http://www.linkedin.com/company/ubp

    RSS - http://www.ubp.com/cms/lang/en/template/feed.jsp

    For any further information, please contact:

    Jerome Koechlin - Head of Corporate Communications


    e-mail: jko@ubp.ch


    Source: UBP- Union Bancaire Privee




