◎スクワイヤ・サンダースのキム氏をKBAが正式登録 外国法コンサルタント
◎スクワイヤ・サンダースのキム氏をKBAが正式登録 外国法コンサルタント
AsiaNet 50152
共同JBN 0988(2012.7.27)
◎スクワイヤ・サンダースのキム氏をKBAが正式登録 外国法コンサルタント
【ソウル2012年7月25日PRN=共同JBN】大手国際法律事務所スクワイヤ・サンダース(スクワイヤ・サンダース)は、同社のパートナーで、韓国法律業務の統括パートナーであるキム・ジョン・ヨン(金浚鎔)氏を大韓弁護士協会(Korean Bar Association=KBA)が外国法事務弁護士(foreign legal consultant)として正式登録したと発表した。
キム・ジョン・ヨン氏は韓国で生まれ育ち、東京で生活した後に米国で最終教育を受けた。1982年にGraham & Jamesに就職し、法律家としてのキャリアをスタートした。Graham & Jamesはアジア太平洋地域では主要な法律事務所の一つで、その後スクワイヤ・サンダースと統合している。キム氏は2000年にパートナーとしてSidley Austinのロサンゼルス事務所に移り、 スクワイヤ・サンダースに移ったのは2009年で、東京とロサンゼルスの事務所に勤務した。
▽スクワイヤ・サンダース(Squire Sanders )について
ソース:Squire Sanders
Squire Sanders Korea Practice Leader Joon Yong Kim registered as foreign legal consultant by Korean Bar Association
SEOUL, July 25, 2012 /PRN-Asia=KYODO JBN/ --
Squire Sanders has announced that partner and Korea practice leader, Joon
Yong Kim, has been officially registered as a foreign legal consultant by the
Korean Bar Association.
Mr. Kim's registration follows approval from the Republic of Korea's
Ministry of Justice received on 9 July. As a foreign legal consultant, Mr. Kim
is now permitted to practice in Korea and, on behalf of Squire Sanders, he has
applied for a license to open an office in Seoul.
Joon Yong Kim was born and raised in Korea, and also spent time in Tokyo
before completing his education in the United States. He began his legal
career in 1982 with Graham & James, which had one of the leading legal
practices in the Asia Pacific region and which later merged with Squire
Sanders. In 2000, Mr. Kim moved to Sidley Austin's Los Angeles office as a
partner. He joined Squire Sanders in 2009, and has been working from the Tokyo
and Los Angeles offices.
Mr. Kim has vast experience of both transactional and contentious work.
Over the course of his career, he has advised on numerous cross-border M&A and
other corporate transactions, including, most recently, a US$4 billion steel
mill joint venture in Brazil for a Korean steel maker. On the contentious side,
Mr. Kim has considerable experience of both international arbitration and
litigation in the U.S., most notably representing Korea-based global
electronics manufacturers in intellectual property disputes.
"This is a major step towards establishing an office in Seoul for Squire
Sanders," commented Mr. Kim. "Having advised Korean companies and
multinationals with business interests in Korea for over 30 years, it has been
my long-held ambition to launch an office in Korea.
"I am excited at the prospect of being able to work with existing and new
clients from a local office. We will be able to offer Korean businesses the
benefit of our global experience, delivered by a Seoul-based team that is
accessible and has genuine local knowledge."
With the launch in Seoul, Squire Sanders will have 38 offices in 19
countries, with more than 1,300 lawyers worldwide.
About Squire Sanders
Founded in 1890, Squire Sanders has one of the strongest integrated global
platforms. With our longstanding "one-firm firm" philosophy, Squire Sanders
provides seamless legal counsel worldwide. It has strong practices in markets
where Korean businesses want to expand, particularly in China and the Asia
Pacific region, South America, the US, Europe and the Middle East. Our presence
in Asia dates back to the 1950s, making Squire Sanders one of the first global
legal practices operating in the region.
SOURCE: Squire Sanders