◎Bank Sarasinの過半数株式取得を完了 Safra Group

Safra Group

◎Bank Sarasinの過半数株式取得を完了 Safra Group

AsiaNet 50211

共同JBN 1009(2012.8.1)

◎Bank Sarasinの過半数株式取得を完了 Safra Group

【バーゼル(スイス)2012年8月1日PRN=共同JBN】Safra Groupは1日、先に発表していたラボバンク(Rabobank)の保有するBank Sarasin(サラシン銀行)株式取得をこのほど成功の内に完了したと発表した。この結果Safraの現在の持ち株比率は資本金の50.15%、議決権株式の71.01%となる。

ジョセフ・Y・サフラ氏は「われわれはこの取引が完了し、Bank Sarasin株式の過半数を保有するに至ったことが誇らしい。強力かつ豊富な知識を持つ経営チームに率いられたBank Sarasinは金融機関として高い評価を得ており、当然ながら顧客ベースは同行に忠実で、Bank Sarasinの組織全体がもつ専門的技術・知識を示し、Bank Sarasinブランドの成功に体現されている。われわれがBank Sarasinを信頼し、株式を取得したのはこうした要素すべてが不可欠の要因だ。われわれはまた、昨年11月に株式譲渡交渉を公表して以来ラボバンクが示してきた建設的サポートにも感謝の意を表したい」と述べた。



Kekst and Company

Robert Siegfried, (+1) 212-521-4832 / (+1) 917-842-1126 |

e-mail: robert-siegfried@kekst.com

Jeremy Fielding, (+1) 212-521-4858 / (+1) 646-644-4825 |

e-mail: jeremy-fielding@kekst.com

Mark Semer, (+1) 212-521-4802 / (+1) 917-439-3507 |

e-mail: mark-semer@kekst.com

▽Safra Groupについて

Safra Groupは長い成功の歴史を持ち、世界のプライベートバンク業界で名声を得ている。Safra系銀行にはBanco Safra、Banque J.Safra (Suisse)、Banque J. Safra(Monaco)、Banque Safra Luxembourg, Bank J.Safra (Gibraltar)、Safra National Bank of New York、Safra International Bank and Trustが含まれ、すべて強力な財務基盤を持つ。2011年12月現在のSafra Groupの株式資本合計は約120億ドル、運用資産総額は1010億ドル。世界125カ所に拠点があり、従業員は6300人強。

ソース:Safra Group

Safra Group completes the acquisition of Rabobank's stake in Sarasin


BASEL, Switzerland, Aug. 1, 2012 /PRN=KYODO JBN/ --

    Safra today announced the successful closing of its previously announced

acquisition of Rabobank's stake in Bank Sarasin & Co. Ltd. As a result of the

closing, Safra now holds 50.15% of the share capital and 71.01% of the voting

rights of Bank Sarasin.

    Joseph Y. Safra stated: "We are proud to have completed this transaction

and be the majority owners of Bank Sarasin. Sarasin is a highly regarded

banking organization, led by a strong and knowledgeable management team. It has

a deservedly loyal client base, underscoring the expertise of the entire

Sarasin organization and embodied in the success of the Sarasin brand. All of

these elements are essential to our interest in, and confidence about, Sarasin.

We also thank Rabobank for their constructive support since we announced our

transaction last November."

    The closing follows the transaction obtaining all appropriate competition

and regulatory approvals in the applicable jurisdictions.

    For further information:

    Kekst and Company

    Robert Siegfried, (+1) 212-521-4832 / (+1) 917-842-1126 |

    e-mail: robert-siegfried@kekst.com

    Jeremy Fielding, (+1) 212-521-4858 / (+1) 646-644-4825 |

    e-mail: jeremy-fielding@kekst.com

    Mark Semer, (+1) 212-521-4802 / (+1) 917-439-3507 |

    e-mail: mark-semer@kekst.com

    Safra Group

    The Safra Group is a highly regarded name in global private banking with a

successful long standing history. Safra banks include Banco Safra, Banque J.

Safra (Suisse), Banque J. Safra (Monaco), Banque Safra Luxembourg, Bank J.

Safra (Gibraltar), Safra National Bank of New York and Safra International Bank

and Trust, all built on strong financial foundations. As of December 2011, the

Safra Group had aggregate stockholder equity of approximately USD 12 billion

and total assets under management of USD 101 billion. The Safra banks are in

125 locations worldwide, and have over 6,300 employees.

    SOURCE: Safra Group




