
Mederi Therapeutics


AsiaNet 50272

共同JBN 1029 (2012.8.10)


【グリニッジ(米コネティカット州)2012年8月9日PRN=共同JBN】「腹腔内視鏡手術と経皮技術(Surgical Laparoscopy Endoscopy and Percutaneous Techniques)」8月号で発表されたメタ分析は、逆流性食道炎(GERD)を治療するためStretta (http://www.stretta-therapy.com)療法を受けた患者についての包括的な治療結果の分析を明らかにしている。











*DeMeester Score

この研究は、当初の文献探しで68点のStrettaについての公表された論文が見つかったと報告している。メタ分析に含められたのは、共通した適切な基準を満たした18の研究にしぼられた。StrettaのメーカーであるMederi Therapeuticsのウィル・ラタン最高経営責任者(CEO)は「Strettaについて行われた研究はかなりの量に上る。このメタ分析はかなりな量のデータについての包括的な評価を提示し、Strettaの安全性、症状救済の効果、有害な食道の酸への露出の大幅減少を確認している。さらに、長期フォローアップを行って最近発表された研究は、これらの卓越した結果は持続可能だとも結論づけている」と述べている。

追加的な情報は腹腔内視鏡手術と経皮技術(Surgical Laparoscopy Endoscopy and Percutaneous Techniques, August 2012; 22(4) 283-288)、http://journals.lww.com/surgical-laparoscopy/Abstract/2012/08000/Radiofrequency_Energy_Delivery_to_the_Lower.2.aspxhttp://www.mederitherapeutics.comで入手可能。


Stretta 療法はGERDの最低侵襲津療法で、内科療法に十分反応しない患者にとって効果的な選択肢である。Strettaは下部食道括約筋と胃の噴門に高周波エネルギーを送るものである。Strettaは多くの臨床研究で安全で効果があり、持続可能な治療オプションであることが示されている。Stretta療法を採用することは、処方された場合にはより侵襲的な処置を伴う治療に進むことを排除するものではない。


Mederi Therapeuticsは人間の消化システムに起こる病気の状態を治療するために高周波エネルギーを利用する革新的な医療機器を製造、販売している。Mederiの療法はすべて外来患者向けで最低侵襲性であり、急速な回復を促進する。Mederi Therapeuticsの所在地は米コネティカット州グリニッジ。 


Sheila Doyle



ソース:Mederi Therapeutics

New Meta-Analysis Shows Stretta(R) Significantly Improves Reflux Symptoms and Reduces Esophageal Acid Exposure


GREENWICH, Conn., Aug 9, 2012 /PRN=KYODO JBN/ --

    - Comprehensive Review Analyzes Outcomes of 18 Published Studies and 1,441


    A meta-analysis published in the August issue of Surgical Laparoscopy

Endoscopy and Percutaneous Techniques provides comprehensive outcomes analysis

of patients who received Stretta [http://www.stretta-therapy.com ] therapy for

treatment of gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). Stretta is a minimally

invasive treatment for GERD sufferers who do not respond well to medical

management. Stretta uses low temperature radiofrequency energy to remodel

tissue in the lower esophageal sphincter and gastric cardia. The meta-analysis

included results from 18 separate clinical studies and examined the impact of

Stretta therapy on GERD symptoms.

    "In this review, our analysis concludes that the Stretta procedure produces

a significant reduction in acid exposure, as well as significant improvements

in GERD symptoms, patient satisfaction, and quality of life at short and

intermediate term follow-up," said Scott Melvin, MD, one of the study authors

from the Center for Minimally Invasive Surgery, Division of General and

Gastrointestinal Surgery at The Ohio State University, in Columbus, Ohio. "The

data indicate that Stretta represents a viable treatment option for properly

selected patients with symptomatic GERD."

    Results highlighted in the meta-analysis showed significant improvement in

patient symptoms following a Stretta procedure. Both subjective and objective

outcome measurements of GERD showed statistically significant improvement in

the following:


    - GERD-HRQL Score

    - QOLRAD Score

    - SF-36 Physical

    - SF-36 Mental

    - Heartburn Score

    - Satisfaction Score

    - Esophageal Acid Exposure

    - DeMeester Score

    The study reports that the initial literature search yielded 68 published

articles about Stretta. Inclusion in the meta-analysis was narrowed to 18

studies that met the common and appropriate criteria. "There has been a

significant amount of research done on Stretta," said Will Rutan, CEO of Mederi

Therapeutics, manufacturer of Stretta. "This meta-analysis presents a

comprehensive assessment of the impressive body of data and confirms the safety

of Stretta, its effectiveness in symptom relief, and a significant reduction in

harmful esophageal acid exposure. Moreover, recently published studies with

long term follow up have concluded that these outstanding results are durable

as well."

    Additional information is available in Surgical Laparoscopy Endoscopy and

Percutaneous Techniques, August 2012; 22(4) 283-288,


and at http://www.mederitherapeutics.com.


    Stretta Therapy is a minimally invasive treatment for GERD that is an

effective option for patients who do not respond well to medical management.

Stretta involves delivery of radiofrequency energy to the LES and gastric

cardia. Stretta has been shown in numerous clinical studies to be a safe,

effective and durable therapeutic option. Having Stretta therapy does not

preclude further steps with more invasive procedures if indicated.


    Mederi Therapeutics manufactures and markets innovative medical devices

that deliver radiofrequency energy to treat disease states affecting the human

digestive system. All Mederi therapies are outpatient, minimally invasive, and

promote rapid recovery. Mederi Therapeutics is located in Greenwich,



    Sheila Doyle



    SOURCE: Mederi Therapeutics




