


AsiaNet 50289

共同JBN 1035(2012.8.13)


【上海、シンガポール2012年8月13日】武田グローバル研究開発センター(アジア)(Takeda Global Research and Development Asia, Pte. Ltd、TGRD Asia)と武田上海開発センター(TSDC)は8月8日、TSDCの正式オープンを発表した。TSDCは武田薬品工業株式会社(タケダ、本社・大阪)の全額出資子会社で、上海にある武田(中国)投資有限公司(Takeda (China) Holdings Co. Ltd.、TCH)内に本社を置く。タケダは今年になってすでにアジア、中国への戦略的コミットメントを強化するTSDCの設立を発表しており、今回の発表はそれに続くものである。




日本を除くアジアでの医薬品開発はシンガポールのTGRD Asiaアジアが指揮し、腫瘍薬はタケダの全額出資子会社である米マサチューセッツ州ケンブリッジのTakeda Oncology Companyであるミレニアム(Millennium)が指揮する。








シンガポールに本社を置く武田グローバル研究開発センター(アジア)(TGRD Asia)は日本最大の医薬品会社である武田薬品の全額出資子会社である。TGRDアジアはグローバルな開発組織に完全に統合され、腫瘍薬以外の臨床開発の地域ハブとして役立っている。TGRDアジアは代謝性疾患、心臓血管疾患、呼吸器、免疫、中枢神経系疾患などの治療分野で開発中の化合物を含むパイプラインを通じて患者に革新的な製品をもたらすことを目指している。タケダについての詳しい情報はwww.takeda.comへ。




Takeda Officially Opens Development Center in China


SHANGHAI and SINGAPORE, Aug. 13, 2012 /PRN-Asia=KYODO JBN/ --

Reinforces Takeda's Strategic Commitment to Asia and to China

Takeda Global Research and Development Asia, Pte. Ltd. ("TGRD (Asia)") and

Takeda Shanghai Development Center ("TSDC") announced on August 8th the

official opening of TSDC.  TSDC is based within the Shanghai-based Takeda

(China) Holdings Co., Ltd. ("TCH"), which is a wholly owned subsidiary of

Takeda Pharmaceutical Company Limited (Osaka, Japan).  This follows the

announcement earlier this year by Takeda on the establishment of TSDC which

reinforces Takeda's strategic commitment to Asia and to China in particular.

The opening announcement was made in conjunction with a clinical development

symposium organised by TSDC and China Center for Pharmaceutical International

Exchange (CCPIE).  This symposium brought together Asian regulatory officials,

medical key opinion leaders (KOLs), China and world leading pharmaceutical R&D

leaders and other clinical development peers to discuss R&D development

strategies to address China unmet medical needs.  

Dr Benny Li, Head of TSDC, said, "The establishment of TSDC provides a powerful

addition to Takeda's global development infrastructure.  The opening of TSDC

will extend and enhance the company's clinical development activities within

Asia with a focus on China for General Medicine and across Asia (outside Japan)

for Oncology. Through the addition of TSDC's capabilities, Takeda will continue

to conduct high quality clinical trials which will lead to securing regulatory

approvals in Asia."  China is the third largest pharmaceutical market in the

world(1) and it is also said to be an especially strong oncology market(2).

With the addition of the TSDC, Takeda has enhanced its business in China

through TCH's wholly owned subsidiaries, Takeda Pharmaceutical (China) Company

Limited in Taizhou ("Takeda China") which is responsible for marketing and

sales, and Tianjin Takeda Pharmaceuticals Co., Ltd, in Tianjin ("Tianjin

Takeda") which is responsible for manufacturing. Together with Takeda China and

Tianjin Takeda, TSDC will help to drive Takeda's ambitious growth agenda in

China and in the broader Asian region.

Within Asia, excluding Japan, drug development is overseen by TGRD Asia in

Singapore and in oncology by Millennium: The Takeda Oncology Company in

Cambridge, Massachusetts, wholly owned subsidiaries of Takeda.





About Takeda Shanghai Development Center

Based in Shanghai, China, Takeda Shanghai Development Center (TSDC) resides

within the Shanghai-based Takeda (China) Holdings Co., Ltd., which is a wholly

owned subsidiary of Takeda Pharmaceutical Company Limited, the largest

pharmaceutical company in Japan.  TSDC conducts Takeda's clinical development

activities within the Asian region, with a focus on China for non-oncology

working as an integrated regional team with Takeda Global Research and

Development Center Asia, and across Asia for oncology with Millennium: The

Takeda Oncology Company. To learn more about these Takeda companies, visit


About Takeda Global Research and Development Center Asia, Pte. Ltd.

Headquartered in Singapore, Takeda Global Research and Development Center Asia,

Pte. Ltd. (TGRD Asia) is a wholly owned subsidiary of Takeda Pharmaceutical

Company Limited, the largest pharmaceutical company in Japan.  Fully integrated

into the global development organisation, TGRD Asia serves as a regional hub

for non-oncology clinical development. TGRD Asia seeks to bring innovative

products to patients through a pipeline that includes compounds in development

for metabolic and cardiovascular diseases, respiratory and immunology, central

nervous system diseases and other therapeutic areas. For more information on

Takeda, visit www.takeda.com.

About Takeda Pharmaceutical Company Limited

Located in Osaka, Japan, Takeda is a research-based global company with its

main focus on pharmaceuticals. As the largest pharmaceutical company in Japan

and one of the global leaders of the industry, Takeda is committed to strive

towards better health for patients worldwide through leading innovation in

medicine. Additional information about Takeda is available through its

corporate website, www.takeda.com.

SOURCE  Takeda




