◎7月の資金回収額が初めて5000万ユーロに  Link Financial Group

Link Financial Group

◎7月の資金回収額が初めて5000万ユーロに  Link Financial Group

AsiaNet 50350

共同JBN 1056 (2012.8.16)

◎7月の資金回収額が初めて5000万ユーロに  Link Financial Group

【ロンドン2012年8月16日PRN=共同JBN】Link Financial Groupは16日、2012年7月の欧州での資金回収額が5000万ユーロに達したと発表した。この重要な成果は、欧州全域における同社のローン債権回収と債務買い取りの能力が発展し続けていることを強く反映している。

(Logo: http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20120802/553857


スタンダード・アンド・プアーズ(S&P)は最近、同社のサービサー(債権回収専門会社)としての評価を「能力が高い、アウトルックは安定的」と見直し、Link Financial Groupを英国で最も評価の高い消費者ローン債権回収専門会社に位置付けた。


▽LINK Financial Groupについて

LINK Financial Groupは正常債権や不良債権を買い取り、資金を回収する大手企業である。欧州での顧客は120万人を超え、受取債権の総額は60億ユーロを上回る。本社は英国で、スペイン、イタリア、ドイツ、アイルランドに営業所がある。

同社の法人株主にはLloyds Banking GroupやCheyne Capital Managementが含まれる。


Gerald Elliott

Communications Director, LINK Financial Group

T: +44(0)20-7150-0228

E: gelliott@linkfinancial.co.uk

Link Financial Group

89 Albert Embankment

London SE1 7TP, UK


ソース:Link Financial Group

Link Financial Group Cash Collections Reach EUR50 Million in a Month for the First Time in July 2012


LONDON, Aug.16, 2012 /PRN=KYODO JBN/ --


    The Link Financial Group is pleased to announce that cash collections

across its European footprint reached EUR50 million in July 2012. This

important milestone reflects strongly on the continued development of the

group's pan-European loan servicing and debt purchasing capabilities.

    (Logo: http://photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20120802/553857 )

    New contract wins in the asset finance and leasing area have also helped

the group's volumes along with the growing imperative within banks, credit card

issuers and consumer finance lenders to deleverage their balance sheets and

strengthen their capital base through the sale of their non-performing loan

(NPL) portfolios.

    Standard & Poor's (S&P) recently reviewed the company's servicer ranking

raising it to 'STRONG - Outlook Stable' making Link Financial their highest

rated consumer loan special servicer in the UK.

    Notes to the editors:

    LINK Financial Group

    Link Financial is a leading purchaser and servicer of both performing and

non-performing loans, managing more than 1.2 million customers and EUR6 billion

of receivables across its European platform. The company is headquartered in

the UK, with further operational centres in Spain, Italy, Germany and Ireland.

    Link's institutional shareholders include Lloyds Banking Group and Cheyne

Capital Management.


    For further information, please contact:

    Gerald Elliott

    Communications Director, LINK Financial Group

    T: +44(0)20-7150-0228

    E: gelliott@linkfinancial.co.uk

    Link Financial Group

    89 Albert Embankment

    London SE1 7TP, UK


    SOURCE: Link Financial Group




